《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 4


"Hello ma'am how may I help you" a reception at the hotel front desk asked

"Oh no ma'am I'm just waiting for a friend to get here" I said as I sat down in the lobby

waited thirty minutes in the hotel lobby waiting for Santana to be long gone from over here I ain't no dumb bitch I don't let just no anybody know where i lay me head at so I just had him drop me off at this random ass hotel.

My phone buzz letting me know that my uber was outside

"Hello are you Rosemary" the Uber driver had asked

"Yeah you Timothy" I asked

"Yes ma'am" he said as I got in the back seat

So ready to get home my neck hurt so freaking bad I think I do need to go to the hospital tomorrow but first I needa set some shit up. I know exactly who hit me it was Shawn pick up truck I seen it speed off right before I blacked out, so that could mean two things Shawn hit me or Kash and Shawn did either way somebody has to pay.

They wanted me to get seriously injured hell maybe even dead I don't know but I gotta get them before they try to get me again that's how it works.

"Ma'am where you like me to park" the Uber driver Timothy asked

"Over there is fine" once he parked I quickly got out

"Don't forget to tip and rate me-" I slammed the door and headed inside my condo

"Hey Blaze you miss mommy" I said to my pitbull

He started whining "I know I know mommy sorry let's get you fed" I started making his bowl and stuff he must of been real hungry cause he ate that shit up fast.

Blaze was originally West dog but when he died everybody insisted that I keep him even though I hated dogs but once I started being around Blaze he wasn't that bad he a cool dog shit the only dog I'm not scared of. Any other dog I'm running I don't care the size keep y'all animals away from me.




"Nuni" Imani dragged "did you make it home safely yet"she yelled

"Yeah I actually just got in not too long ago" I said looking for some Tylenol "ughhh" I mumbled I really can't take pills

"Damn you just now getting home let me guess you had to go do some coochie bumping with Kash ass" she said then started laughing

"Girl Haha very funny but it's a long story ima tell you tomorrow right now I'm finna get in the tub and take my ass to sleep I got hella shit to do tomorrow" I said turning the shower on

"Alright bye love you" Imani said

"I love you too" Dayza dragged loud as fuck

"Drunk asses bye I love y'all too" I said then hung the phone up


Once I got out the shower I could feel the medicine slowing starting to kick in all I wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep my body was so sore I don't even know how I'ma stand up and do hair tomorrow.

I was fixing to dose off I started hearing a phone ring , I looked over and noticed that it wasn't mines , I quickly jumped up "fuck ima regret that shit later" I rushed to my purse scrambling through it to find my back up phone

I stared at the unknown number finally answering it on the last ring "Uh hello who is this"

"Rosemary it's me Jace" Jace said, Jace is an undercover investigator that's helping me look into the disappearance of my father.

"Oh wassup Jace new number" I asked

"Yeah I had to ditch the old one some shit happened"

"Everything okay" I asked getting worried

He huffed "Rosemary I think you should leave the investigation shit alone if your dad wants to be found he will come around-"

I squinted my eyes "What the fuck you mean leave it alone we in too deep just to leave it alone"

"Your right we in too deep , that's why we need to leave it alone before it's too late"


"Who threatened you" I asked

"Huh" Jace asked

"You heard me who threatened you" I asked again

It got quiet for a moment

"About a week ago somebody shot up my House luckily my family wasn't there, a few days ago I noticed that it was a car watching my house day and night, and then Yesterday I got a message saying Stop the investigation shit and nobody gets hurt whoever sending the messages know what's going on that's why we gotta leave it alone"

"Alright" I said dryly

"Rosemary for real leave it alone I don't want you to get hurt behind this , if your dad wants to be found he will come around for now leave it alone and stay on the low-"

"K" I said then hung up

I threw the phone on the counter and went back in my room , I tried going to sleep but with all this shit on my mind I knew it was bound to happen.

I started thinking about how was I going to retaliate on Kash and Shawn straight up kill them? Nah too easy, Torture them? Maybe or my favorite hurt the ones they love the most but maybe i was doing too much.

Decisions , Decisions , Decisions

I decided to get out the bed I wasn't going to sleep no time soon anyways I started looking for a new car I ain't want that hellcat back it was probably totaled anyways.

Once I finally found the car I wanted I wasted no time calling the dealership to see if I could get it by today. Because My information was on file all I had to do was write a check and go pick it up.

"Yes Miss Rosemary you can send someone to come pick the car up whenever time you desire" the lady from the dealership said

"Yes thank you I'll send someone to go pick it up today" I said then hung up

I had to be at the shop in about three hours so I decided to clean up which wasn't that bad it's just all these clothes.


You won't believe what I just found out" a man with a deep voice said

"Talk to me boss man" the man on the other side of the phone said as he smoked a cigar

"The devil has arrived and he's back In town Ezekiel"

Ezekiel jumped up and walked out of the room full of women "Santana" He said angry but nervously

"Yeah boss Santana" he paused "he's back"

"I thought he would be in jail for at least four more years" Ezekiel said staring at the ocean

"Got out on good behavior but that's not even the worst part"

"So what is worst then him getting out of jail early" Ezekiel asked angrily

"Him and Amour has crossed paths it's not looking so good"

"What you mean they crossed paths"

"They met Ezekiel somebody seen them riding around together and if you don't come out wherever the hell you hiding at shit might start coming out they not dumb they can put two and two together"

"I can't come out it's too soon"

"Too soon" the man asked "brother it's finna be three years it's about time you come out"

"Trust me I have to handle a few things then I'll be ready just trust the process keep an eye on Amour for me make sure she doesn't do anything crazy"

"I gotcha I had to shut that investigation shit down she had going on with Jace"

"That ain't gone stop her she just like me Stubborn as hell she gone come out with something" he paused "Just keep an eye on her I will come out soon" Ezekiel said the hung up

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