《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 3


"Mhmmmmm Kash right there , right there baby"

I started speeding even faster turning a fifteen minute drive into a six minute drive , once I arrived to the apartments I jumped out the car leaving the car still running and not even parked in a parking spot

I knocked on the door , no answer so I decided to repeatedly ring the door bell "Ding dong , ding dong , ding dong" still no answer I was fixing to leave but then I remembered Kash always leaves a key under the mat for her mom and sisters.

I unlocked the door and slowly opened it , Music was playing loud as fuck "Kash" I yelled over the music "Kash you here" after getting no response I walked down the hallway to her room

I opened her door and turned on the light my jaw dropped "Kash what fuck is going on what the fuck is this"

Kash quickly jumped up "Baby baby it's not what it look like I promise"

She said trying to put on her clothes

"What you mean it's not what it look like you in here sucking this nigga Shawn dick what the fuck" I yelled

"Okay baby let me explain-"

I cut her off "no ain't shit to explain we done this time for real ain't no coming back from this" I said walking out the door then slamming it

She came running behind me "Nuni baby please give me another chance I'm sorry"

"Girl fuck a chance you suppose to be a Stud but you in there sucking dick you got the game fucked up" I said getting into the car

I sped off doing 150 mph in 40 speed limit swerving from lane to lane so many thoughts just running through my head I'm so tired of Kash , I loved her ass so much I overlooked all the bullshit but when i say I'm done with her ass I mean it ain't no coming back from that shit.

My phone started ringing INCOMING CALL FROM MY ❤️

I quickly declined it , the phone started ringing again


I declined it again and went to go block her I looked down at my phone for a quick second then next thing I know "BOOM" someone had hit me from the side making my car start spinning out of control once I completely lost control I had hit a light pole and blacked out for a second.



I was on the way to go slide on this thick bitch I use to fuck with before I got locked up , as I was driving down the street I seen this Hellcat had wrecked into a light pole whoever was in the car was stuck they couldn't get out , the streets was so empty nobody was even over there to help "Damn that shit tuff" I said as I drove past it

As I kept looking in the rear view mirror that Hellcat started to look very familiar when I remembered who it was i went ahead and busted a U-turn "shit I just wanted to go get some pussy not play captain save a hoe"

When I got out the car I noticed her car was smoking "yo shorty you good" I asked her she ain't saying shit back like she dying or some "yo you want me to call one of those hospital cars"

I said helping her out the car which wasn't hard because she was skinny as fuck

She said "Yeah I'm straight I just needa get home"

I scratched my head "I ain't the smartest motherfucker but I thought whenever you get in a wreck you suppose to go get looked at by like a hospital lady"

"I said I'm straight" she said dialing a number on her phone

"Alright shordy I'm just trying-" she cut me off and started talking really fast she finna piss me off cause all I was doing was trying to help.

"Soy mi amoura necesito alguien que venga a recoger mi coche de las siete calles está destrozado tambièn pongo a la tripulación de limpieza en pie tengo algo de negocio que manejar" she said then hung up and looked at me

Translation for non Spanish speakers : it's me amoura I need someone to come pick up my car from seventh street it's wrecked , also keep the clean up crew on standby I got some business to handle.

She stared at me blankly "what"

"What yo ass need a clean up crew for" I asked

She side eyed me "didn't know yo ass spoke Spanish" she mumbled


"I know a little something something"

I'm lying I know Spanish very well before I went to jail I use to trade drugs with folks over in Mexico gotta know what they talking about so you know what's going on so they won't snake yo ass.

She nodded "Mhm but don't worry about it ain't none of your business"

"You need a ride to wherever you needa get it's too late for you to be walking these streets alone"

"Nah I'm good I'm finna walk to the store up the block so I can catch a Uber"

I ain't finna beg nobody to let me give them a ride what the fuck "Shit aight Ima fuck with you" I said hopping in challenger and speeding off

I started thinking a lot of bad shit be going on in these streets , in a block or two she gone pass by the projects all types of shit be going on in there folks be getting killed , raped , robbed , beat up hell any crime you can think of happens in them projects.

I went ahead and spun the block to catch up to shorty "aye cuh get yo stubborn ass in the damn car"

"I said I'm good homie keep it pushing"

I swerved in front of her stopping her from being able to walk on the sidewalk "get in homie" I said mocking her

She stood there contemplating on

Whether she should get in the car "say mane I ain't got all night come on"

She walked over to the passenger side and slammed the door

"I don't know and don't care who got you in a pissy mood but don't be slamming my door like that fuck is wrong with you I just got this bitch"

She mumbled something under her breath "what you say I ain't hear you speak louder" She ain't say nothing

"Shut the fucking up talking to me and take me home" she said in a dry tone typing something on her phone

"Where to" I asked

She smacked her lips "Nigga didn't I just say home" she said continuing to type something on her phone

I stared at her blankly "well dumbass i need the damn address I don't know where you live"

She laughed "my fault let me see your phone" she snatched my phone and began to type her address in

She act just like-

"Aye did you hear me I said take the back way"

"Why" I said as I sped off

"Cause I don't know who could be following me" she mumbled

I just nodded my head while I was driving I noticed she kept looking at her surroundings checking the mirrors

I turned the radio down "Aye girl you good why you keep looking around you making me nervous like this a set up on some shit"

"Nah I'm just tryna make sure this ain't a set up and stop calling me girl i have a name"

"Well you ain't tell me yo name so i just gone call you girl until you tell me"

She nodded her head "you can pull over over there" she said pointing to a valet parking

I pulled over to the valet parking "this don't look like no house"

"Duh dumbass its a hotel I'm staying in for the weekend my condo is getting renovated" she opened her door and got out "Um thank you" she paused waiting on me to say my name


"I don't think that's the name yo mama gave you but thank you Santana"

"It's not but You welcome" I said dryly

She closed the passenger door and walked into the hotel "oh she's smart" I nodded , I knew she wasn't gone tell me exactly where she lives She too street smart she ain't finna let no random ass nigga know where she lay her head at. I like that , a bitch that ain't no bird to this street shit.

But That last name of her's hold lots of weight she know that's facts.

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