《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 2



As we walked inside the kickback it smelled like weed , liquor , and ass typical trap house smell if you ask me. Half naked strippers were dancing everywhere while random niggas was throwing money.

Dayza stop in the middle of the living room and turned towards us "Im fixing to go find splain bitch ass y'all coming or what" she asked

"Well duh we ain't finna just stand her looking dumb we don't know these folks mane" Imani said while looking around the house

While we walked through the house the smells got stronger. A few head nods from some random niggas and mugs from some random bitches typical shit nothing major.

Dayza opened the back door heads shot our way "well this not finna end too good" some dude said , splain was too busy with the strippers to look up and notice that Dayza had arrived

"These strippers got me all the way fucked up" Dayza said while walking up to splain "ima need for all you dirty ass strippers to get off my nigga the fuck is wrong with y'all , y'all know he got a girlfriend " she said then pushed one of the strippers off of splain which cause the strippers and Dayza to argue back and forth.

"Yooooo Dayza chill" splain said grabbing her "they just dancing and having fun come on let's all just sit down"

Dayza stood there and mugged but eventually went to go sit in splain lap even though she was mad , she wouldn't be mad for too long she never is when it comes to him but hey it be like that sometimes.

"Dayza tell yo fine ass friends to come sit down we don't bite" some dude waved for us to come over

I looked over at Imani she just shrugged her shoulders I honestly just wanted to roll my blunt and drink this liquor that was in my cup.

"I like yo little bob it looks cute who did it" splain asked Dayza

Dayza pointed at me "The person who always does my hair Nuni" she said in a dry tone

"Please don't tell me yo ass still mad from earlier" splain said which made Dayza roll her eyes then caused them to start to bicker back and forth

"You know how to do hair that's wassup" ole dude from earlier said

"Thanks" I said with a forced smile "Imani you still got my gars" I asked

"Yeah I think they still in purse hold on let me grab them" she shuffled through her purse looking for the gars "here" she said handing me the gars


Ahhhh yes I'm a stoner I've been smoking for a while now weed is my escape to everything I love it , I don't go a day without smoking but no I'm not addicted I could stop if I wanted to but shit I just don't want too.

"Damn yo, you roll that shit better than Eli ass do shit better than my ass" splain said which made everybody peak and look over at the blunt

"Yeah my girl Nuni don't play when it come to that rolling shit , she can roll her ass off" Dayza said while taking selfies on Snapchat

"Who taught you how to roll like that shorty" Ole dude I guess who name is Eli asked

"YouTube" I said then lit the blunt

"For real yo ass learned to roll a blunt by watching a damn YouTube video" Eli asked "what video did you watch shit send me the link" he said which caused to everybody started laughing

"Hell me too I can't roll for shit" some girl said

"Just Go to YouTube type in How to roll a blunt I just clicked on the first one that popped up" I said then passed the blunt to Imani

My high was finally kicking in then some dude came in the backyard talking loud like nigga ... why the fuck are you even breathing that loud for

"Yurrrrrr What the deal is my dawg Santana is finally home so I need everybody to turn the fuck up and make this a night to remember" everybody starting clapping and cheering then out of nowhere music started playing loud as fuck this not really my type of scene

"Santana" some girl dragged "cousin I missed you" she said while hugging the dude who I guess name was Santana

"Is that splain brother who just go released from prison" Imani whispered In my ear

I inhaled the smoke and looked over at her "I guess so shit I don't know" when I look back up we made eye contact he gave me this look , a look that I wasn't able to read.

"Where them big booty strippers at my cousin need a lap dance" Eli said

Santana looked at Eli and scrunched his face up "Who" he said in a rude way

"You nigga shit you been in jail for two years you need to see a little Pussy make sure yo ass ain't turned gay" Eli which made everyone laugh

"Nah I'm good I'll get my own pussy but not from these strippers that you niggas done already touched on and played with" Santana said with a mug


then went to go sit down in the corner

"Yo ass ain't change not one bit" Splain said

As I was getting up to go find a restroom I heard Santana say "I haven't even been gone that long and who is all these random ass bitches I don't even know them"

"Splain ass invited all these damn people" Eli mumbled

Once I finished texting back Kash I walked out the restroom , I noticed a dark figure at the end of the hallway I ain't pay it no mind until it started to speak to me

The dark figure started to walk closer to me "What's yo name" He asked with a deep raspy voice

"Uhh Nuni" I said with a confused look on my face

Eli came around the corner "nah shordy what's yo real name" he asked blocking me in the corner

"Say mane why yall pushing up on me , I don't like that like that back the hell up" I said going into defensive mode cause they acting weird I knew I should have brought my gun in but my dumbass listened to Dayza.

When i looked up I noticed that the dark figure was Splain brother , Santana who had just got out of prison which for some reason made me nervous "Answer the damn question" Santana said with some bass in his voice

"Am-" Santana cut me off

"Your real First and last name to be exact" he said leaning in towards me

I rolled my eyes "Amour De'lagado- Savage why"

Santana and Eli both looked at each other shocked I just stood there confused on why my name was such a shocker to them , everybody know who I am and who my brother and father is.

I scrunched my face up "Is there a problem or something" I asked

"Your lil West sister" Eli asked

I rolled my neck "Yeah the fuck why you ask that" I said confused because everybody know I'm West little sister

They looked at each other and nodded then walked away leaving me there still confused , at this point I'm ready to get up out these folks house

I walked into the backyard everybody was laughing and looked like they was having a good time , good for them cause I'm ready to get the fuck ASAP.

"Imani you ready?I'm ready to go" I said grabbing her attention

"Nuni come on now we just got here ain't even been here for two hours" Dayza said with a straight face

I tilted my head "yeah and now I'm ready to go"

"No" Imani dragged "stay this my first time out in a very long time Your grandma even agreed to babysitting Loyal the whole night"

"We not so we can just Uber and you can drive your car back home" Dayza said with a slight attitude Imani just nodded

"Alright y'all text me when get home I'm out love y'all" I said chunking up the duces

"Love you too" they both said In sync

"Call me when you make it home nuni" Imani yelled

I walked out the house and noticed Santana , Splain , Eli , and some more boys leaning on my Car talking about something they looked very serious , when I walked up to my car they stopped talking

"Damn you leaving the party already" Eli asked

I scratched my head "Yeah I got things to do in the morning" I said then Auto-started my car

"Damn" splain dragged "you slanging a Hellcat and this hoe a SRT you must got money money "

"Nah for real you got a boyfriend" Eli asked

"Yeah-" I was saying then Splain cut me off

"That lil nigga must be selling dope" Splain said which made them all laugh

I jerked my head back and scrunched my face up"Um no Actually I bought My own car and no I don't have a boyfriend I have a girlfriend though"

"You gay" Splain asked while all of them look shocked

"No I'm bisexual" I said they all busted out laughing

"That's the same shit" Eli said while laughing

I shook my head "No it's not two different things but I finna get out here" I said open the door

When I was fixing to get in the car Splain started talking "you be safe getting out of my hood this not yo hood or yo people hood so don't walk around this bitch like you can't get touched" he said in a serious tone that creeped me out then he did a weird creepy laugh.

He better get the fuck outta here with that weird shit I felt like he just tried to threaten me I'll reach in this glove department real quick on a nigga lame ass.

I closed my door "Werido" I said , Unlocked my phone to start the music and seen

that Kash sent me a message to come over. I tried to call her back but it went to voicemail so I guess I'll just pull up on her since she not that far from where I'm at.

I speed off and tried to call her again , this time she answered but all you could hear is moaning and grunting it made my blood boil...

"Mhmmmmm right there Kash right there baby"

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