《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 22


After Alena told me about what happened on the day that Jackson died, I was shocked to say the least. Then I remembered that she told me that the wolf had a orange eye and the other one was purple. I got out of bed and looked at the time. It was seven in the morning. I quickly showered and changed. I put on a loose pair of grey sweatpants, a hoodie, and some tennis shoes. I made my way over to my study and looked for a book that I read last year. When I found it, I looked for a particular chapter. Hybrids. My eyes went red when I found the different types of hybrids that could be born. Human/werewolf babies, vampire/werewolf babies, witch/werewolf babies. The last one was what caught my eye. I read over its description. Hybrid werewolves born from a witch and a werewolf tend to be evil. Their eyes are sometimes different colors. Either they are both the same color or they each are different. The hybrids with orange and purple eyes are the deadliest. These types of hybrids are raised to gain more power and kill anybody that gets in their way. They are in fact the weakest kind of hybrid, but the reason they are so deadly is because of how determined to get what they want. They will stop at nothing to get what they want.

Victims~ babies

How to kill~ unknown

Habitat~ Underground, caves, usually around a water source.

Bingo. I mind linked Noah and Oliver, '

'We will be there in five minutes.' Oliver replied.

'Will he be there in five minutes, I'll be there in seven.' Noah said.

Making my way downstairs, I found Alena already awake. "Morning, why are you up early?" I asked her. She looked over at me and her eyes were bloodshot. "What's wrong?"


"I had a nightmare, nothing else." She whispered. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. I know she has been going through a lot and she has been dealing with a lot.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Alena shook her head no. I nodded and just let her calm down. "How many times did Mateo wake you up last night?"

"About 6 times." I sighed.

"I wish you would let me help you. I know I messed up, but I still want to help out and be involved in my son's life." Alena looked up at me.

"I know and you can be. I just take it as a distraction. I barely sleep at night because I keep having nightmares about Xavier being tortured." I kissed her head.

"Everything will be okay. He will be back home soon." She nodded.

"I hope so." A knock was heard on the front door. I went to go open it and let Oliver in.

"What's the lead?" He asked.

"I'll tell you when Noah is here." I said.

"You have a lead?" Alena asked from behind me. I turned to look at her.

"Yes, I'll tell you later tonight after Timmy goes to bed." She looked at me weird.

"Why not tell me now?" She asked grumpily.

"Because, I want to confirm my findings."

"Don't forget." She said and right on cue, Mateo started to cry from upstairs. She gave me one last look before she went upstairs to get him.

He found a lead! Axel found a lead! My heart was thumping in my chest. I picked up Mateo and held him close. "Daddy is going to be home soon." I smiled. I kissed his head, fed him, changed his diaper, and changed him. When I was done, I went to go wake up Timmy. As I stood outside his room, I got this really bad feeling in my stomach. Panicked, I went into his room and saw that it was empty. I looked under his bed and in the bathroom. I looked all over his room... that's when I noticed the paper on his pillow. I reached out to grab it, my hands were shaking. I positioned Mateo on Timmy's bed and made sure he wouldn't fall off. I opened the piece of paper and fell onto my knees.


My heart dropped to my stomach. Grabbing Mateo, I rushed downstairs. When I didn't find Axel in the living room or the kitchen, I went over to his office. Setting with him, was Noah and Oliver. They had a map on the desk. "What's wrong Alena?" Axel asked me. I looked up at him and tears ran down my cheek. I couldn't get words to come out of my mouth, so I just handed him the note. He took it from me and read. A loud growl erupted from him.

"Oliver sniff this and tell me if you can get a lead on it." Oliver grabbed it and sniffed it. His eyes went as big as a volleyball.

"What is it?" Noah asked.

"I can't believe this. It smells like Xavier." I gave him a confused look.

"That can't be right." I said. My heart rate was picking up.

"Wait...I'm also picking up on something else." Oliver said. Mateo began to squirm in my eyes.

"A female. Smells like cinnamon and cookies." My heart dropped.

"No, Xavier would never hurt Timmy. He would never want to hurt any of us." Axel dropped his hand on my shoulder.

"We know Alena." I pressed my face against his chest and sobbed. I was my baby home. I was my boyfriend home too.

The smell of cinnamon and cookies filled my nostrils. I looked up and saw a girl with blond hair and blue eyes coming into my cell. She was very fit and had nice pouty lips. No Xavier you can't think like that. You just miss Alena. "We have a surprise for you." The girl smirked. I looked at her confused, but stood up anyways. She turned around and led me into a different cell. Laying on the floor was Timmy. My face went pale. I rushed over to him.

"Daddy!" Timmy yelled out and gripped at my shirt. He began to sob. I kissed his head.

"What are you doing here? What is he doing here?" I growled at the blond. She shrugged and closed the cell door.

"We plan to use him as bait." She walked away. I suddenly missed her scent. What is wrong with me?

"Are you hurt?" I asked Timmy. He shook his head and buried it in my neck. I calmed him down. "Where is mommy?" I asked him.

"She is at home. I woke up early to surprise her, but when I was done changing that lady came into my room. She said if I didn't go with her, she was going to hurt mommy and brother." Timmy whimpered. My heart broke for my boy. He's too young to have to deal with this.

"Mommy and brother are okay. You should have called out for mommy." I said sternly.

"I'm sorry daddy." Tears ran down Timmy's face again. I kissed his head and held him. How could this do this to a small child?

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