《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 23


Alena didn't know what to do. She has been holding Mateo for an hour straight, looking over her shoulder constantly. She also hasn't stopped crying. It breaks my heart that she has to endure more pain. She looses her son and some bad men are trying to take her other son as will.

Oliver, Noah, and I have been working all morning trying to figure out where these people are. "I think I found it!" Oliver yelled. Noah and I raised over to him. Oliver pointed to a spot on the map that we had not marked. It's a no man's land area. There is a river by it and so it helps mask their scent. Which means that if we attack, we will be able to mask our scent as will.

"Oliver your a genius!" I yelled. Alena came rushing in.

"Did you find something!" I nodded at her excitedly.

"Yes." She squealed.

"I'm coming with you." She said.

"Oh no you're not. You have to stay at the pack house in the safe room. Not because I don't think you can't handle yourself, but because those men are after our son. You have to stay behind and protect him. We will handle the rest." I said. Alena looked at me shocked.

"Fine, but you better bring them back in one piece Axel." Alena said.

"I wouldn't bring them home in any other way." Alena smiled and hugged me. I smiled and held her and Mateo together.

We parted and I took Alena and Mateo back to the pack house. I made sure they were settled in and safe, before I went over to my warriors. We all shifted and ran toward the no man land. We got there in a matter of an hour. Even thing was quiet. Too quiet. When suddenly a vicious growl was heard from behind us. That's when everything went wild.


It has been three days sense Axel and the warriors left to go get Xavier and Timmy. No one has heard anything. The only reassurance that we have is that those mated to some of the warriors haven't felt their mate die. But that's it. Nothing else. Mateo has been fussy lately, he has a hard time sleeping and eating. I feel like he can feel all the tension in the air. Also I'm sure he is aware that his daddy isn't near by. I am trying to feed him right now actually.

Half way through his feed, Cassie bursts in through the door. Tears ran down her face. Panic began to bubble up inside me. I carefully unlatched Mateo and covered myself up. "They are here! They're here! Axel brought them back and they are safe. Come on we have to go, they are in the hospital." My heart picked up in speed. I cradled Mateo in my arms and carefully ran with Cassie to the hospital.

When we got there, Axel was in the waiting room. He has a few scratches, but nothing major. His head was in his hands. "Axel?" I called out to him. Axel raised his head and looked up at me. Confusion written all over his face, "Where is he?"

"He's right around the corner but before you go in there Alen-." I didn't bother listening to him and ran into Xavier's room, only to freeze at the doorway entrance. There later Xavier in the hospital bed and a woman was laying with him. They were both sound asleep. Cassie rushed in beside but also froze, only she accidentally caused a bed pan to go flying toward the floor. A loud thud was heard through out the room. Xavier and the woman both jumped up in alert, when Xavier's eyes landed on me.


My chest was tight and I could hardly breath. Not again. "Alena..." I shook my head and turns to Cassie. Cassie looked beyond confused. She asked the million dollar question.

"Who is she?"

"This is Tonia. My second chance mate." My eyes went big. Tonia looked uncomfortable and wiggles around in Xavier's arms. Axel walked in behind me. Mateo was wiggling in my arms trying to loosen my grip on him.

"Alena let me see Mateo. Let me see him." Axel whispered into my ear. I numbly nodded and handed Mateo off to Axel.

"So you really named him Mateo?" Xavier asked. I glanced at him before looking away. He is choosing her. Of course, why didn't I see this coming. Cassie looked at me worryingly.

"I wanna go see Timmy." Cassie nodded. I looked at Axel.

"I'll take you to him." I nodded and left the room without and second glance. I can hear Cassie yelling at him, but I couldn't bare to actually pay attention.

Axel led me to the second floor and to room 117. There layes Timmy with an IV up his arm. Tears filled my eyes. I had promised him that he wouldn't be hurt anymore. Timmy looked up at me and tears ran down his own cheeks. I rushed over to him and carefully pulled him into my arms.

"Mommy." Timmy sobbed out. Pained stabbed my heart like a hot knife. I know he wasn't with the bad man as long as Xavier, but I can only imagen what he must have seen.

"I'm right here buddy. I'm right here. I won't even let you out of my sight again. I am so sorry baby. I failed you. I promise I will make it up to you. I love you Timmy. I love you so much, I was so scared baby." I held onto Timmy real tight.

"They hurt daddy a lot, mommy." Timmy sobbed out. I looked up at Axel. He looked pained and sad. I motioned to give me Mateo. He obeyed and brought me my son. I layes Mateo between Timmy and I and I held them both. Careful not to crush either of them.

"Mommy loves you both. Everything is okay now. You're both safe." Timmy continued to sob hard and painful sobs. My sweet boy, I am so sorry.

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