《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 21


Gasping, I watched as Timmy's biological father's eyes turned red. Blood slowly dripped from his eye sockets. I gagged. I saw Axel sneak up behind him and tackled him to the floor. They both wrestled for a good 10 minutes before he suddenly disappeared. I ran back downstairs and saw my family in the living room. I ran up to Timmy and pulled him into my arms. Tears were running down his cheeks and he shook violently. "What was wrong with him mommy?" I kissed his head and just held him.

How was I supposed to tell him that his father had been bitten by something no one can explain, but has been seen numerous times? It has been said that there is an unknown creature out there that is lethal to werewolves, witches, and vampires. If you are unfortunate enough to get bitten by it, you go crazy. I have never heard of them having the ability to disappear.

Timmy continues to cry into my chest. "I want daddy." My heart broke. Tears stung the back of my eyes.

"I know. I wish he were here too." Mom handed me Mateo and I held my two boys. I won't let anyone hurt you. Axel came back all sweaty and tired. He saw Timmy, Mateo, and I. He wrapped his arms around us and held us. I would have protested, but I know that he must have been scared for his son.

Later that night, I was giving Timmy a bath, when I felt a sudden chill run down my spine. I looked behind me and saw a black shadow standing in front of the bed. My heart picked up in speed. I smiled at Timmy, "Mommy is going to be right back, okay?" He nodded and continued to play with his toys. I closed the bathroom door behind me and went up to the shadow.

"Who are you and what do you want? DId Jared send you?" I growled out. The shadow thing turned around and quickly became a man.


"No, I came to tell you that Xavier is alive. He is being tortured though, you need to find him. He is the only one that can defeat Jared. You need to watch your sons, your pack, and your family. He won't stop at nothing to get that baby of yours. I will be helping you through it all. I will be coming in and out. The only thing is, you can't tell anyone about me. It could expose me and cause more problems for you." He said. I stood there shocked.

"Who sent you?" He smiled.

"Someone very dear to you." I looked at him confused. He turned around and became a shadow again.

"What's your name?" He disappeared before I could finish the question, but then this voice was heard in my head, Jackson. My head stopped for a second. Jackson.

My eyes went big. That's why they want Mateo! I ran into the nursery that Axel made him and found him sound asleep. I looked around the room and saw Jackson's shadow in the corner of the room. I smiled at him and left the room. I ran into Axel's office and saw him on the phone. He looked up at me and smiled at me. I waited till he finished his phone call. "Okay, thank you London. Let me know if you find anything. We will continue looking too." He hung up the phone and gave me all of his attention. He saw the look on my face and quickly walked up to me. "What's wrong Alena? You look like you just saw a ghost." He had no idea.

"I remembered something from when I was a little girl." I said. He gave me a pointed look. "When I was a little girl, there was this boy that I used to play with all the time. I don't know if you remember him or if you knew him, his name was Jackson." Realization dawned on his face.


"The little boy that was killed by a rogue." I nodded.

"I was there when he was killed. We were outside playing, while my mother was on the lawn and garden stuff. He was chasing me around, when a black wolf showed up out of nowhere. The wolf had jet black fur, one orange eye, and the other eye was a really dark purple. He had spoken in his wolf form. He said, 'I want that girl. She holds a power that hasn't been born yet.' Jackson had defended me and the wolf didn't like that. So he killed him. I remember crying out in agony and anger, then I started to see black dots. Before I knew it, fire was shooting out of my hands and I shot the wolf. But before I could kill him, I passed out. When I woke up a week later, the doctor told me that Jackson was dead and my father told me that the wolf had run away." I said in one breath.

Axel stared at me wide eyed, "Are you sure that actually happened?" I glared at him.

"I'm sure." I snapped. He shook his head.

"I believe you, but if you have powers, then why haven't you used them before? Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I never recalled that day. I didn't even remember Jackson until now. I don't remember mourning his death after that day in the hospital. Everything seemed to go back to normal, until now. I think that my genes passed onto Mateo and sense that wolf couldn't get ahold of me, they are now wanting Mateo." Realization dawned on Axle.

"We need to talk to your parents about this." I nodded.

"Yeah we should." I made my way back to Timmy and pulled him out of the water. I dried him off and changed him into his pajamas. He laid down in his bed.

"When is daddy coming back?" His eyes were big and sad.

"Daddy is out finding a very bad man and he said that he will be back as soon as he can." Timmy nodded.

"I miss Daddy." He whimpered.

Softly, I kissed his head. "I know baby, mommy missed daddy too." He slowly fell asleep. I went back into Mateo's room and took him out of his crip. He opened his eyes and stared at me with big brown eyes. I kissed his small head. "Mamma loves you Mateo. Mamma won't let anything bad happen to you." I gave Mateo his bath and changed him into his pajamas too.

"Hey." I looked up and saw Axel at the door. I smiled at him and positioned Mateo to breastfeed. I covered myself with a small blanket and let him feed.

"Hey." I said softly. He smiled at me. I blushed and looked down.

"How are you doing?" I sighed.

"It's hard. I miss him and I know that he is being tortured. It's not like Jared is going to let him sit back with a margarita and a foot massage. '' Axel signed too.

"I know. His pack and mine are both looking for him." I smiled at him.

"Thank you for everything Axel. I'm sorry to bring you all this trouble." He shrugged.

"He is my son too Alena." I smiled.

"That he is." He looked at me shocked and this huge smile spread across his face. I giggled at his face.

"Goodnight, Alena."

"Goodnight, Axel."

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