《Alice : A Magical Story [Under Heavy Editing]》Chapter 28
Finally the day of the trip! I'm soooooo excited!
"Girls let's go or we'll be late." Lisa said. "Coming!" We all said and hurried downstairs.
I had worn tight dark blue jeans, a black top and a dark red jacket along with my sneakers, my hair in two low ponytails. I grabbed my big pink suitcase and wore my black backpack. The others also had a suitcase and a backpack too.
"I've been waiting for this day!" Kelly said. "Me too! It's my first trip with you'll!" I said.
"We'll have so much fun together." Levy said. We all smiled.
"Students, before you'll step inside I have a few things to say. I've chosen partners for you'll. You'll will be sitting beside your partner in the bus and there might be few events for which you might need a partner." Mr. Lee said. We all groaned.
Oh come on! Which teacher makes you sit with a partner during a trip?!
"Chelsea and Arnold, Jessica and Larry, James and Kelly, Ben and Eleanor, Fred and Lisa, Griffin and Levy, Gabrielle and Tyler and finally Jason and Lucy. No changing allowed." He said.
I banged the ground with my fist, fake tears in my eyes.
"You're making me sit with him the whole ride?!" I complained. "Sorry Lucy. But I picked draws." He said. I pouted.
"This is not fair! I wanna sit beside Jason! That seat rightfully belongs to me!" Gabrielle yelled.
"Don't start again. And your voice is quite irritating." I said bluntly.
"T - that's not the point." She said. "Gabrielle please stop it. The draws are out. You can't do anything." Mr. Lee said. She just growled and everybody climbed the bus.
"I call for the window seat!" I said and quickly took my seat. Jason came slowly and sat beside me. To tell the truth I'm pretty happy that I got sit next to him but I'm not gonna say that aloud. Don't want his ego inflating even more, now do I?
"Don't drool on me when you fall asleep. Got that short stacks?" Jas said.
"Shut up Jas. I don't drool while I sleep." I said. "And who's gonna sleep? I'm super excited! Aren't you Jas?" I asked.
"Hn." He said.
Not interested at all. All throughout the ride Jas and I argued over something or the other. But we had fun too.
I stretched my arms as we finally reached our destination. And let me tell you the place was HUGE!
"Whoa!" I said.
"It's amazing isn't it?" Levy asked. "It's mind blowing!" I said, excited.
"Come on everybody! Let's go in and I can allot you'll to your rooms." Mr Lee called.
So it ended up with we girls and the Crimson Dragons on the same floor while the rest were a floor above. Everyone had their own room of course!
"Lucy quickly change into your swimsuit and then let's go on the rides!" Levy said. Uhh.....
"How about we go the amusement park first?" I asked hoping she'd agree.
"Yeah Levy. That would be better. Finish the dry rides first and then take on the wet rides." Kelly said.
"Fine then." Levy said. "So what are we waiting for? Let's go." Lisa said and we all left.
We were free to do whatever we wanted this whole trip.
"And why are they here?!" I shouted as I pointed at the guys.
"Sorry Lucy but they wanted to to join us." Lisa said.
"Why do you'll always want to stick around your girlfriends?" I whispered.
"Well it's not our fault you don't have a boyfriend bunny girl." Griffin said and smirked. I frowned.
"Hey! For your information there were many guys who asked me out but I said no." I said.
"And why did you say no?" He asked teasingly. I blushed.
"Because....because I didn't like any of them!" I said. "Yeah sure. Let's go now." He said and they all walked ahead.
"Fine but we're trying all rides!" I yelled.
"Come on! Let's go on the next!" I said. "Lucy..don't you think....we tried many rides already?" Levy asked as everyone sat down tired. I pouted.
"But we still need to go on the roller coaster!" I said dramatically.
"Then go by yourself." Kelly said.
"It's no fun going alone. I atleast need someone." I said.
"You can take Jason. He's the only one who doesn't seem tired." James suggested.
"No thanks." I said.
"I have no interest of getting myself puked on." He said.
"Hey! I won't puke!" I said. "I still won't go." He said. "You're probably scared of heights." I said smirking. He narrowed his eyes.
"You wanna test that? Let's go." He said getting up.
"Fine. We'll be back soon guys!" I said and we proceeded to the roller coaster.
Normal POV
Jason and Lucy sat down beside each other and put on their seat belts. Lucy had a broad smile on her face. Jason just looked bored.
Once the ride started and the speed increased Lucy was screaming and laughing loudly. The smile didn't leave her face. Jason watched her from the corner of his eyes.
So beautiful. He thought. When the ride ended Lucy's hair was a mess.
"That was so amazing!" She said. "Your hair is a mess." Jason said.
"Eh? It is? Great I don't even have my brush with me." She complained looking at herself on a nearby glass window. Jason sighed. He grabbed her hand and made her sit on a bench. He removed her hair from her bands.
"Jas! What are you doing?!" She asked.
"Just wait." He said and ran his fingers threw her hair.
"Your hair is soft." He said.
"T - thanks." Lucy said while blushing. "I'm using my Alice a bit. I heard that heat sets the hair." He said.
"Oh. Okay." She said.
"There. Done." He said. She looked at herself in the window.
"Wow. Not one strand is out of place. Thanks!" She said and smiled at him.
"Yeah. Whatever. Let's head back now." He said and they headed back to where everyone was. They spend the rest of the day together.
Lucy's POV
"Students gather around!" Mr Lee said. "This is Mr and Mrs Anderson. They have organised an event for you'll." He said and an old couple came. Behind them were 8 kids. So cute! They looked like they were about 6-7 years.
"Hello everybody! Mr. Lee has already introduced us so we'll proceed with the event. First go and stand beside your partners." Mr Anderson said. I went and stood beside Jason. The others did the same.
"Okay. This event is called 'Parent Trap'. See these kids. Each pair will get one. You'll will have to take care of them for 3 days." Mrs Anderson said. What?! We have to take care of kids on our trip?! Not that I hate kids. But what about the rest of our trip? And what kind of school organises such activities?
"Don't worry. After those 3 days of taking care of the kids you'll will have 2 more days to enjoy yourself." Mr Lee said.
"So do we have to choose which kid we want?" Kelly asked.
"No. The kids will choose. Kids go on."
Mrs Anderson said. The kids came forward and stared at us. In the end we were chosen by a boy named Felix.
And you could say he resembled his 'father' a lot.
"We're even being given a house to stay?!" I shouted.
"It's small." Both Jason and Felix said. "There are even few stores down the street." Jason said. I bet Felix chose us since he looks up to Jason or some thing like that. Tch.
"Shall we go in?" I asked. "You're asking? That's great. You normally just barge in." Jason said and Felix snorted.
"You're the one who does that! And don't gang up on me!" I said and went in. Felix was the youngest among all the kids. He was only 5 years.
"Felix did you have a bath?" I asked. He shook his head.
"Then I think you should have one now." I said. He looked away.
"I don't wanna have one." He said. The nerve?! "You should! All kids have a bath in the morning. And I'll give you a bath okay?" I said trying to convince him.
"No way. I don't want you giving me a bath. I'll have a bath only with Papa." He stubbornly said. He's already calling Jason 'Papa'?!
"Fine. Jason take Felix and give him a bath!" I ordered. "If the kid doesn't want to have a bath let him not. It doesn't make a difference." Jason said walking into the kitchen where we were.
"Take him now or no breakfast at all." I said with a sweet smile. He sighed. He scooped Felix in his arms and took him upstairs. I tied my hair up in a bun and got ready to cook breakfast. I opened the fridge to not find many things. Gotta go grocery shopping later. Let's do this!
"Hey short stacks! We're done. Is breakfast ready?" Jason asked walking downstairs with Felix on his shoulders.
"Jas! You gave him a shower?!" I asked. "Uh yeah. So what?" He asked.
"Stupid it's winter. He might catch a cold. Come here Felix. Let me dry your hair." I said and ran upstairs to bring the hair dryer.
"Felix don't run! Come here! Let me dry your hair!" I said and ran behind Felix all around the house trying to catch him.
"No way! What if you burn me with that? I don't want to risk that." He said. How dare he!
"I won't hurt you! I promise. Just stop!" He escaped from my arms just in time.
"Papa! She's gonna hurt me!" Felix said hiding behind Jason. "Yeah yeah. I'm the big scary monster with the hair dryer." I said sarcastically.
"Keep it low both of you. Felix I'll dry your hair. Using my Alice." Jason said and Felix quietly went and sat on his lap. This kid-!
"I'm eating my breakfast! Come when you'll are done!" I said and took my seat on the table. I took some pancakes and squeezed maple syrup all very it. I munched on it in not a very ladylike fashion. The guys then came and took their seats. I ate some scrambled eggs, bacon and toast and finished it with orange juice.
"I'm done. Thanks for the food." I said taking my plate and getting up. I put them in the sink and washed my hands. Oh yeah. I haven't seen the upper floor yet.
I walked up to find only two rooms! I opened one and it was the kids room. I opened the other room and it had a master bed in the middle and was perfect for a couple. I blushed and gulped. Wait. There's a couch. Thank goodness. I sighed in relief.
I went down to find the boys watching TV. I went and on the couch beside them and started reading my novel.
Time really travels fast. It was already 11am and I still had to get groceries.
"Damn!" I shouted. They looked at me in shock. "What is it?" Jas asked.
"I need to go grocery shopping." I said. "Why are you making such a fuss about it?" He asked.
"There's nothing left in the fridge. What will I make your lunch with?" I said wearing my shoes and grabbing my purse.
"I wanna go too! Papa let's go! Together!" Felix said. I guess Jason developed a soft spot for him because he readily agreed.
I grabbed a trolley and started thinking on what to buy. "Hey what do you'll wanna have for lunch?" I asked the boys.
"Steak." Both of them said.
"Uhh...okay. But we'll be having vegetables too." I said.
"Fine." They said. We moved to the meat section. We didn't take long there. Then we moved to the vegetable section.
"We need this, and this, and this, this too, oh and these too." I muttered.
"Why not just buy all of them?" Jason said sarcastically.
"Shut up." I said. "Well we're done here. Felix do you want some chocolates?" I asked.
"Yeah I do!" He said and ran to the sweets section. He came back with just a few chocolate bars and a few candies.
"That's it? You can take more if you want." I said. "I just like these." He said putting them in the trolley. Okay....
"Come on let's go home now." I said. "Finally." The guys said.
"Who asked you'll to come along?" I said. "Isn't that a cute family? I guess it's been just a few years since they married. How sweet!" I heard an old lady say. A family?! Well Felix does look like both me and Jason. He had dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes and he has the same features as Jason. Gosh! Is that how people look at us?! I blushed.
Oh it's finally my turn.
"That'll be $400." The lady said. I was about to remove money when I was pulled back by my waist. "Here." Jason said handing his card.
"Jas?!" I said. "Just shut up." He said. He grabbed two bags while I was left with one bag.
"Hey why did you do that?" I asked. "Why can't you be happy that I saved your money and stop asking me questions?" He said.
"Thanks." I said. He didn't say anything in return but I still smiled.
"I'm tired! Papa carry me!" Felix complained. "Felix, Papa already has many things in his hands. He won't be be able to carry you." I said.
"But I can't walk anymore! My legs hurt!" He cribbed.
"But Felix, Papa-"
"If Papa can't carry me then you carry me!" He said.
"What? But I won't be able to carry you on my shoulders." I said. My shoulders aren't as broad as Jason's. I wouldn't be able to carry him like that. "I don't care! Just carry me!" He shouted.
"Give me your bag and then you can carry him." Jason said. "You'll be okay?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow. Of course. Who am I talking to again?
I gave him my bag and scooped Felix in my arms. He tied his hands around my neck and wrapped his legs around my waist.
"It doesn't feel bad to be in your arms. Even your hair smells good." Felix said sniffing my hair. He kissed me on my cheek and then buried his head in my neck.
"Mama." He whispered. I smiled softly. This kid's such a pain in the ass but at the same time can be the most sweetest kid. I suddenly started sweating a bit. I'm sweating in winter? Do I have a fever? I checked my forehead. Nope no fever.
"Hey Jason. Don't you think it's suddenly become hot?" I asked.
"No. I don't think so. Let's go home now." He said and walked ahead. I quickly caught up to him.
Jason's POV
I can't believe I got jealous of a 5 year old kid! A kid! Bloody hell! Not that I hate him or anything but the way he snuggled up to her - Ugh! I messed up my hair.
She was currently in the kitchen cooking us lunch. Felix was fast asleep. I need to relieve some stress. And it can be relieved by only a kiss. A kiss from short stacks. I walked into the kitchen.
"That's strange. You never step into the kitchen from how much James has told me." She said. She turned around.
"Did you need som-?" She cut herself when I leaned in real close to her. "Yeah. I need you." I said and kissed her.
She froze in place. She tastes like maple syrup. I slowly felt her responding. Her small hands found their place on my shoulders. I pulled her closer. Ah. This is heaven and having her respond must mean something right?
Normal POV
Jason and Lucy slowly broke apart. Both had a dazed look. Lucy's eyes were clouded and she was blushing. Jason's ears were red too. They stared at each other.
"Short stacks I-"
"Mama? Is lunch ready? I'm hungry." Both of them went away from each other when Felix stepped inside the kitchen.
"Oh uh Felix! Lunch is almost ready. Give me a few minutes." Lucy said hurriedly.
Why did you have to wake up now? Both Jason and Lucy thought.
"Okay. Papa will you teach me some fighting moves?" He asked.
"Sure kiddo. By the way what's your Alice?" Jason asked.
Now that he mentioned it, we haven't asked him about his Alice.
Lucy thought.
"It's still dev-devoping but they say I have the Shadow manulation Alice. I can control people's shadows." He said not being able to pronounce the word developing and manipulation.
"That's cool!" Lucy said. He smiled.
"Yeah but you need to be physically strong too so I'm gonna teach you some moves okay?" Jason said. "Yes!" Felix said happily.
"Whatever you'll do don't break anything." Lucy said. "Yes ma'am." They both said.
Lucy's POV
"Boys lunch is served!" I said and Felix came running in first. Jason was behind him. I blushed remembering the kiss. I can't believe he kissed me! And all of a sudden! Does that mean he likes me? Or is he just fulfilling his desires?
"Mama!" Felix yelled. "Uh yeah?" I asked. "Feed me." He said so cutely that I couldn't say no.
"Say 'ah'." I said as I fed Felix. He gladly ate it. "It's yum!" He said. I smiled.
"Why do you look so grumpy Jas?" I asked. "Does Papa want to be fed by Mama too?" Felix asked innocently.
"Yeah. Papa wants Mama to feed him too." Jason said.
"What?! Then who'll feed me?" I said in a joking manner. "Papa will, won't you?" Felix took it seriously. Jason put his head in his hand. He smirked.
"Of course I will." He said. He's so enjoying this!
So it went like this, I fed Felix, then I fed Jason and then Jason fed me. That's how we finished our lunch.
"I'm so full!" Felix said. I sat down on the couch after I finished washing the dishes.
We all sat there beside each other in silence. I'm sleepy. I snuggled up to Jason. So warm. Felix did the same from the other side. Jason put both his arms around us and pulled us closer. Sleep slowly took over all of us.
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