《MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 1)》Chapter 11: Visiting the Princesses
Today is another normal day in Ponyville as the Mane 7 decided to spend the day at (Y/N)'s place. (Y/N) house was actually a very fun place for the Mane 7 as it had everything what they could want. There was a library where Twilight and Spike reading some of (Y/N)'s combat spell books, a kitchen where Pinkie Pie is currently making delicious treats for everypony, a peaceful backyard where Fluttershy is relaxing with some chirping birds and Rarity is smelling some of the flowers, a training room where Applejack is bucking a training dummy to test out her strength, and a game room where Rainbow Dash and (Y/N) were playing Pony Pong with each other on a table.
Everyone was enjoying themselves happily until in the kitchen a loud ding was made and Pinkie called out to everypony.
Cupcakes are done everypony!
Pinkie yelled this out across the house as everypony could here it and they all walked to (Y/N)'s kitchen to sit down at a table together and eat some delicious cupcakes.
Wow, Pinkie! Once again, you know how to make the perfect sweets for anypony.
Pinkie blushed a little and giggled from (Y/N)'s compliment.
Aw, thanks (Y/N).
(Y/N), I have to say that you have quite a supply of spell books in your library room. You must practice magic a lot.
If it's anything that's help me protect anypony more, it's what I'll take.
(Y/N), you also have such a beautiful assortment of flowers in your backyard.
And it's so peaceful outside that it attracts some singing birds.
Heh, heh thanks you two. How's my training dummy like Applejack?
I've got to say, it's definitely a great tool to use for combat. You use it often?
You bet. I practice on it for 30 minutes a day as a daily routine.
Dude, you've got some skills when it comes to playing some sports like Pony Pong.
Eh, I didn't get a game room for nothing.
Suddenly, Spike belches up his signature green flames as it faded to reveal a rolled up scroll with a red ribbon.
Spike, is it a letter from Princess Celestia?
Yeah, but. . . it's for (Y/N).
Wait, a letter for me from the princess? What did it say?
Spike opens up the letter to read it out loud to everypony.
"Dear (Y/N), I was wanting to see how you have been doing lately ever since you have returned here in Equestria and became not only a resident, but the Hero of Ponyville. I've heard that you have done great things by protecting the citizens such defending them from an Ursa Minor and restoring Ponyville all by yourself when it was eaten up by parasprites. I wish to see you once again (Y/N) as there are many things my sister and I want to catch up with you ever since we saw you as an alicorn foal. If you decide to come to Canterlot and wish to see us, the royal crest on the letter will allow you to enter the royal palace. My sister and I hope to see you soon. From, Princess Celesta."
When Spike was finished reading the letter, everypony saw the royal crest at the bottom of the letter which surprised them.
(Y/N), you've been invited to the royal palace! That's a huge honor not many ponies get.
Of course and by the looks of it, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be thrilled to see you.
I see. Well, I guess since I have nothing planned to do tomorrow, I'll visit both of the princesses then. They did say that it has been so long ever since they got to see me, so I can't turn that down.
Oh, Canterlot is such a lovely place. It's the capital of Equestria and home to many nobles as well as rich and successful families.
I've also heard that the Wonderbolts have their main headquarters there too. You're so lucky.
I bet they'll have a bunch of fun parties there too!
I need a method of transportation though. Carrying my bags and flying there would be tiring.
I know (Y/N). You can take the train to Canterlot. It's just right on the edge of Ponyville.
Thanks, Twilight. I guess I'll get ready to meet my mother's old friends again tomorrow.
The next day, (Y/N) woke up early and packed a few things from his bag including a gift for both of the princesses. (Y/N) got a bouquet of sunflowers for Princess Celestia and a bouquet of moon flowers for Princess Luna. After (Y/N) got everything he needed, the girls escorted him to the train station and he was currently waiting to board the train to Canterlot.
Have a great time, (Y/N).
Yeah, I hope you have a lot of fun there. Tell us everything about it when you come back.
I sure will. Canterlot sounds like an amazing place.
It most definitely is. Such high class places, high class ponies, everything there is high class.
Hey, bring us back some souvenirs when you're there alright?
Will do.
When you visit Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, please send my regards to both of them.
Sure, Twilight.
And you don't need to worry about your house sugarcube. We'll look after it for you.
Thanks everypony.
The train whistle then blows signalling that it was about to leave.
Well, I guess I've got to go now. I'll see you six soon.
Bye, (Y/N)!
(Y/N) got onto the train as the door and began to move, (Y/N) stuck his head out of a window and waved goodbye to his friends as they all waved back until he lost sight of them. He sat back down in a seat and looked up in the air pondering about his visit with the princesses.
I can't wait to see the princesses again. They haven't seen me ever since I was a tiny foal and for thousands of years. I want to make this visit the best for them.
It took awhile, but the train finally arrived to the city known as Canterlot. When (Y/N) got off the train, he looked to see that it was was a large city with buildings almost everywhere and the royal castle could also be seen from afar.
Wow. So cool.
When (Y/N) entered the city, he sees many ponies walking by of different types, most of them being nobility.
I know I really want to experience how the city of Canterlot actually is, but it's probably best for me to visit the princesses first so they know I have arrived.
As (Y/N) walks across Canterlot, some ponies gasped and recognized (Y/N) as not only the alicorn stallion who fought Nightmare Moon and saved Princess Luna, but also the Hero of Ponyville. Some took pictures of him from afar which he noticed, but didn't mind as he kept on walking towards the royal palace.
When (Y/N) approaches the gates, two royal guards stood at opposite sides and one of them steps forward.
Halt! State your business in the royal palace!
My name is (Y/N) and I've been invited Princess Celestia herself to visit.
Both of the royal guards are surprised to hear that name and they then see that (Y/N) is indeed the alicorn stallion.
Oh! You're him!
Yes I am indeed.
Well, it is an honor to meet you Mister (Y/N). Have you got the letter that princess sent you?
We were told yesterday that you might be coming soon.
I'm glad you asked as I have it right here.
(Y/N) took out the letter from his bag and presented to both of the guards who look at the royal crest and nodded. They then opened the gates for him.
Enjoy your visit, Mister (Y/N).
Thank you very much.
(Y/N) walked in the royal palace and he looked in awe to how the interior of the palace looked. He met then runs into one of the servants who looked hard at him, but he recognizes him.
Oh my, you're (Y/N). The male alicorn and the Hero of Ponyville.
Yes, that's me. I take it you've heard of me?
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna believe or not talks about you every once in awhile about how you've returned after thousands of years. They will indeed be most delighted to see you.
Really? Wow. Well in that case, where are they?
They are currently in their throne room talking with another noble. I can guide you to there if that's what you want.
Sure. Lead the way.
The servant guided (Y/N) up to the throne room and there was a seat that (Y/N) sat at to wait while the servant checks on how the princesses are. It took a few minutes, but (Y/N) was then called by the servant to enter the throne room. When (Y/N) enters the throne room, he sees Princess Celestia sitting on a throne with gold details and Princess Luna sitting on a throne with blue details.
One thing that (Y/N) noticed was that Princess Luna was back to her original form as her mane was flowing similar to Celestia's which meant that her power had returned.
When both of the princesses see (Y/N), they had excited looks on their faces.
Your highnesses, I would like to announce the arrival of (Y/N) from Ponyville.
Celestia gestures for him to leave which he does and once he left, that just left (Y/N) and the princesses alone together.
Princess Celestia! Princess Luna! It's great to see you again.
Indeed it is (Y/N).
Both of the princesses walked down to hug (Y/N) which he returned.
The last time we were able to see you was at the Summer Sun Celebration, but we couldn't make much amends with you. That's why my sister and I invited you here.
I see. Thank you for the invite princess.
You are most welcome (Y/N). And please, the son of (M/N) (L/N) has no right to be so formal with us. You may call us our normal names.
Very well then Celestia.
Apparently you have been quite the talk among a lot of ponies, (Y/N). How have things been for you in Ponyville?
Very well actually. My friends and I have learned lessons on friendship, I saved Ponyville from getting destroyed by an Ursa Minor, and finally thanks to some high skill in magic I was able to restore Ponyville after it was eaten up from the whole parasprite incident.
Princess Celestia cringed a little when he mentioned the last part.
*sighs* Yes. Apparently, when I was called over to Fillydelphia the tiny creatures have eaten a bunch of food products. . . and they were not easy to deal with.
Trust me, I know.
Well, besides the parasprite incident, how about you tell us some more about your time on Earth, (Y/N).
Indeed, I wish to know more about that mythical world as well.
Earth was a wonderful world I lived in for my childhood. Humans were not exactly like us ponies, we stood on two feet and we had hands instead of hooves. One big difference that Earth had was that there was no magic except for my mother and I.
I see, so how does one raise and lower the Sun without magic (Y/N)?
The Sun and The Moon instead travel around the planet on their own and every 12 hours it changes from day to night. Pretty simple for you to learn actually.
Interesting, how exactly do you humans live your lives? Is there a ruler on Earth as well?
Not exactly. In many different parts of Earth, there are countries that are either ruled by the people or one person as their ruler, but there isn't one whole ruler of Earth.
Earth is very interesting (Y/N). I'm surprised that you were able to live in this kind of world for your whole life until now while having magic.
Me too.
(Y/N) then grows a slight sad look on his face.
If only my mother was with me though.
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna noticed (Y/N)'s slight sad look as they then had the same look he did.
Almost everyday I think about her, she's was my only family, and because of her. . . I wasn't so lonely all the time. But she's gone now, and I have to accept that.
Princess Celestia could feel (Y/N)'s pain until she got an idea.
(Y/N), come with me.
Princess Celestia then guides (Y/N) out of the throne room and they both walk through the corridor until they both stop and (Y/N) is surprised to what Celestia shows him on a wall. It was a mural that had an alicorn mare shining her horn to blast some wicked looking monsters away, and that alicorn was none other than (Y/N)'s mother, (M/N).
Is that. . .?
It is, your mother was the bravest alicorn to protect Equestria no matter what (Y/N). It was said that she could step on the darkest of shadows and they would disappear, or she just scare a mob of monsters just by talking. But most of all, she was willing to protect not only us as her friends, but all of Equestria at the time.
(Y/N) smiled at seeing the mural of his mother as his sadness was just gone instantly.
There's one more thing on that mural however (Y/N).
Huh? Really?
Yes. Look at the top of it.
(Y/N) looks towards the top of the mural and what he sees next surprises him as it looked to be a tiny little alicorn silhouette in a white circle.
Is that suppose to be me?
Indeed. When you were born into Equestria, (Y/N) we were all very excited, but when Star Swirl had to sent you and (M/N) to Earth in order to keep your magic safe, we were all very sad to see you go. Which is why we made this little memorial. We always thought that one day, we would once reunite with you or (M/N) and apparently our dream came true as we now see you as a grown young and handsome stallion (Y/N).
(Y/N) blushed and rubbed the back of his head at that last part.
Your mother, we may not be able to see anymore, but she will always be with you, Luna, and I in our hearts.
Thank you for showing me this, Celestia. I needed it.
You are welcome (Y/N).
Princess Celestia then notices the time up on a nearby clock and goes wide-eyed for a second before looking back at (Y/N).
Pardon me (Y/N), but my sister and I have an important meeting with the council soon. Why don't you take a stroll around the castle while you wait for us to be finished?
Of course. I'll see both you and Luna later.
(Y/N) then walks off to go somewhere else and while Princess Celestia had a thought in her mind with a slight blush.
Such a handsome young one indeed.
(Y/N) walked through the royal palace, passing by many ponies who recognized him and they all greeted (Y/N) which he also greeted the other fellow ponies. As he walks around, (Y/N) passes by a cracked door and he was just about to walk past it until he heard a grunt of effort inside of the room. (Y/N) took a peek inside of the room and see some ponies in armor training to fight which peaked his interest.
Whoa. So, these must be new recruits and soldiers in the Royal Guard. They look to be training really hard. I guess that what you get when you become a soldier.
Hey you there!
(Y/N) jumped a little, but turned around to see a unicorn stallion in royal guard armor. The unicorn stallion has a light grey coat, a moderate sapphire blue mane and tail with moderate cerulean and dark phthalo blue streaks, moderate cerulean eyes, moderate sapphire blue hooves and he is wearing purple royal guard armor with gold details and the armor covered his Cutie Mark.
I think I recognize you. You're (Y/N) right? The Hero of Ponyville and the alicorn stallion everyponies been talking about?
Yeah, that's me. Who are you if I may ask?
I am Shining Armor, Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guards and it's an honor to meet the alicorn stallion who helped save Equestria from Nightmare Moon.
Thank you, but it's not just me you have to thank as I didn't do it alone. I had my friends to help me out as well.
That is true. Nopony can defeat dangerous threats like Nightmare Moon on their own. Having friends and allies by your side is always a good thing.
Yeah, I learned that along with my very first friend in Ponyville. Her name is Twilight Sparkle.
When (Y/N) mentioned Twilight's name, this gained Shining Armor's attention.
You know Twily? She's my younger sister.
Really?! Twilight never mentioned to me or her friends about her having an older brother.
Twily has friends? That's great to hear. Ever since she left Canterlot, I've been worried if she would even bother to make a single friend in Ponyville.
Well, you don't need to worry at all as Twilight has me and five other close friends that she's made ever since she came to Ponyville.
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