《MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 1)》Chapter 10: A Century of Cutie Marks


(Y/N) was currently in his house and in his room practicing a magic spell as he was reading a spell book on a nearby table. The spell he was practicing was a reverse spell to get anything that was damaged back to how it normally is. He had eaten an apple to the core of it and tried to see if he could reverse the process back to normal.

Okay, so if I get this just right. I should be able to get this apple back to how it originally was before.

(Y/N) then glowed his horn and in an instant, the apple flashed and it was a whole non-eaten apple again. (Y/N) smiled at his ability to learn so many spells.

I guess when you're an alicorn, doing most magic spells are easier than you think. But maybe that's just how I am. . . I don't know.

As he was talking to himself however, a tiny little bug like creature flew down in front of him and it had a blue body and green eyes.

Oh, hi there little fella. I never seen a creature like you before. What exactly are you?

Then suddenly, rapid knocks were heard at (Y/N)'s door as he rushed over to it and opened it to see Pinkie Pie.

(Y/N)! Thank Celestia that you're home! Do you have a pair of cymbals, a tambourine, a tuba, and some maracas?!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Slow down there Pinkie. How come you need those instruments anyway?

You haven't seen all of Ponyville?!

All of Ponyville?

(Y/N) walks out of his house to see hundreds of the same creatures flying around and eating everything in sight. He was just dumbfounded by what he was seeing.

What are these things?! They're tearing up the entire town!

Parasprites! They're creatures that actually supposed to eat food and apparently Twilight somehow made them stop eating the food to eat all of everything instead.

Oh no! One just flew into my house!

(Y/N) dragged Pinkie inside of his house to try to stop the single parasprite that was in his house, but the time that they both got into the living room, the damage had already been done. The parasprite multiplied as there were dozens now and they took bites out of many things in (Y/N)'s room such as a coffee table, the couch, and his bookshelf. (Y/N) then turns to Pinkie with a worried look on his face.

Okay Pinkie, you said that you know how to contain these annoying little bugs?

Yes! Do you have any trombones or maracas?

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at that, but he knew that Pinkie knows the answer to stopping the parasprites that were in Ponyville.

No I don't, but I think if we go to the music shop, we should be able to get those items.

Pinkie nodded as they both rushed out of the house and quickly went around Ponyville to a music store to buy the instruments that Pinkie needed in order to deal with the parasprites.

Meanwhile, everypony around Ponyville was screaming and panicking from all of the parasprites around Ponyville. Princess Celestia was actually supposed to be arriving to Ponyville soon and Twilight was trying her best to fix the dire situation that she was in.

Okay, here's the plan. Rainbow Dash, you distract them.

Rainbow Dash screamed as she was flying away from some parasprites chasing her.

Good. Good. Everyone else, we need to build an exact copy of Ponyville right over there. We've got less than a minute.

Nopony was listening as they were all worried about their own lives to even stop for one second.


Zecora was right, we're doomed.

Just then polka music was heard as Twilight at first thought it was the princess's procession, but then she had a shocked look when she saw that Pinkie appeared with a bunch of instruments all around her body with (Y/N) walking alongside her.

Pinkie? We're in the middle of a crisis here. This is no time for your-

(Y/N) covered Twilight's mouth with his hoof to silence her.

Hold on a second Twilight. Look.

(Y/N) pointed to the parasprites up in the air to see that they were enjoying the music that Pinkie was making and they then follow Pinkie by hopping up and down on the ground. The other mares had the same shocked look that Twilight had as they all then follow Pinkie's little parasprite parade. After a little bit, however they all looked to see Princess Celestia arrive on a royal chariot and the Mane 7 besides Pinkie ran up to meet her. Once they met to where the princess is, they all bowed down to her.

Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil.

Hello, princess.

So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends. Hello to you as well, (Y/N).

Hello, Princess Celestia it's great to see you again as well.

Everypony then heard Pinkie's cymbals crash as the princess had a surprised look to see Pinkie leading the parasprites away from Ponyville.

So. . . how was the trip? Hit much traffic?

What is this?

A parasprite then landed on Princess Celestia's wing for a brief second before joining the little parade again.

*chuckles* These creatures are adorable.

They're not that adorable.

I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit.


(Y/N) nudged Twilight with his wing to tell her to play along.

Oh! Yes, the parade.

Unfortunately, that visit is going to have to wait for another time. I'm afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there's been some sort of infestation.

An. . . infestation?

Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town.

*mumbles* Guess we know what those are.

I'm sorry Twilight, to have to put you all through so much trouble.

Trouble? What trouble?

Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?

My. . . report?

Haven't you learned anything about friendship?

Twilight took a look at Pinkie guiding the parasprites to the Everfree Forest before looking back at Princess Celestia.

Actually, I have. I've learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives, even when they don't always seem to make sense.

I'm so proud of you, Twilight.

Yes, well. . .

Twilight took a quick look at (Y/N) with a small blush before looking back at the princess once again.

I may have had a little help from my friends.

I'm very impressed with your friends as well. It sounds like you're all learning so much from each other.

Thank you, princess.

The princess's royal chariot then heads off to Fillydelphia and the rest of the Mane 7 go to Pinkie who's just finishing up guiding the parasprites into the Everfree Forest.

Hey, what happened to the princess?

Emergency in Fillydelphia.

Some sort of infestation.

Oh no! Have they got parasprites too? Well, have tuba, will travel.

I don't think there's any need Pinkie. Princess Celestia can probably handle all of the parasprites and it would probably take us awhile to get there in such a hurry anyways.


So you knew what those critters were all along, huh Pinkie Pie?

Well, duh! Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments? I tried to tell you.

Did any of you even bother to even stop and listen to Pinkie explain why she needed the instruments?

The mares look away with a slight blush on there faces and that gave (Y/N) the idea that they indeed did not listen to anything Pinkie had to say.

*sigh* I know Pinkie's not the easiest person to understand, but come on you guys. Then again, Pinkie you should've probably explained to the others why you needed the instruments in a more specific and calm manner. Try to do that the next time we have a situation like this okay?

Pinkie then pouts a little at that.


Still Pinkie, you saved my reputation with Princess Celestia, and more importantly, you saved Ponyville.

Uh. . . you might want to rephrase that Twilight.


When the Mane 7 arrived back to Ponyville, they all see that everything around the area is wrecked and in pieces. Pinkie then plays a sad trombone noise at that. (Y/N) sees all of the damage around Ponyville and he has a worried look before he realized something. He actually had the power to restore all of Ponyville with his magic. He then stepped forward with a determined look on his face.

Don't worry everypony, I can fix all of this.

The Mane 6 then look at (Y/N) with curiosity.

Darling, you're not planning on starting construction now are you?

Not exactly. Stand back everypony.

(Y/N) closed his eyes and took a deep breath before his opens them back up and they glowed (F/C) a little before (Y/N) made his horn glow immensely. The Mane 6 then look around Ponyville and was shocked to see that everything that was recently eaten or destroyed by the parasprites was slowly getting restored by (Y/N)'s magic. The citizens of Ponyville were also shocked by this and all turned to see (Y/N) was the one restoring Ponyville back to the way it was before. They all cheered for (Y/N) as he was grunting in slight pain from restoring all of Ponyville. After about three minutes, all of Ponyville and everything that was previously eaten was back to how it normally was. Once (Y/N) was done, he was breathing heavily and he fell to his knees as he could probably faint at any moment and Twilight runs in front of him surprised.

(Y/N), that was amazing! What was that?

I. . . used. . . a spell to. . . reverse destroyed objects to. . . back to how they. . . normally are.

That's. . . an extremely advanced spell!

Twilight said this with sparkles in her eyes as she would probably want to learn that from (Y/N).

Yeah. . . I'm. . . going to go to sleep now.

And just like that (Y/N) fell to the ground and fainted from how tired he was after using the spell.

When (Y/N) opened his eyes next, he looks to see that he was in his house and that he was on his couch with a blanket over him. He then looked out of the window to see that it was the early morning and the sun was starting to come up.

*groans* I guess using that spell on an entire town was not the best option. I should practice my magic more so that way I can't pass out like that.

However, when (Y/N) was about to move, he felt something. . . or someone on his side and he looked to see that both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were leaning on him sleeping. Those weren't the only two as (Y/N) also saw Applejack resting near his front door, Rainbow Dash was on a cloud that she brought in, and both Twilight and Rarity were sitting at a table laying their heads down.

They. . . stayed here with me? Were they "that" worried about me?

Seeing that all of the girls stayed with (Y/N) brought a huge smile to his face as this showed that they all really care about him this much.

I'm so glad to have these girls as my best friends.

(Y/N) then heard someone stirring in their sleep as he looked to his right to see that Pinkie was waking up. Pinkie rubbed her eyes and when she looked up to regain her vision the first thing she saw was (Y/N) as he was looking at her with a smile on his face. Pinkie was about to yell before (Y/N) put his hoof over her mouth to silence her.

*whispers* Shhh. Our friends are sleeping.

Pinkie looked around to see the other girls sleeping as she nodded and (Y/N) put his hoof back down. They then both got off of the couch and Pinkie gave (Y/N) a tight hug which he returned.

*whispers* I see that I worried you.

*whispers* Yes! When we all saw you faint like that, it was scary.

*whispers* There there. I sorry that I worried you all. You don't have to anymore though, I'm here so it's okay.

(Y/N) caressed Pinkie's mane with his hoof which she enjoyed as she giggled at little from it. After the broke the hug, (Y/N) got an idea.

*whispers* How about we make our friends some breakfast when they all get up?

Pinkie got excited with this idea as she nodded vigorously.

All right then, let's get cooking.

Yes sir.

Pinkie saluted to (Y/N) as she rushed to the kitchen instantly and (Y/N) just chuckles as if there's one thing he likes about Pinkie, it's her cheery personality.

When everypony woke up, they all looked to see that (Y/N) and Pinkie made a huge breakfast for all of them which they happily enjoyed. Everypony explained to (Y/N) how worried they were when he fainted from using all of his energy to do the one spell that he did and he apologized for making them worry and he promised that he'll be more careful next time.

Over time many things have calmed down in Ponyville, but (Y/N) became even more popular as Mayor Mare rewarded both (Y/N) and Pinkie for saving Ponyville with some bits and many young colts and fillies were inspired by (Y/N) and even called him a superhero of how heroic he is. Right now (Y/N) is walking through Ponyville as usual greeting the fellow ponies along the way. However, (Y/N) stopped in his tracks when he saw Apple Bloom sitting down with a sad look on her face, so he walked up to her.

Hey there Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom noticed (Y/N), but she still had the same look of sorrow.

Oh, hey (Y/N).

What's the matter?

I shouldn't tell you. You'd probably think it's ridiculous.

Apple Bloom. There's nothing wrong with sharing what your problems are to me. I won't think anything is ridiculous at all.

Apple Bloom looked at (Y/N) for a second before she decided to steel her resolve and explain to (Y/N) what was wrong.

(Y/N). I really want mah Cutie Mark!

Your Cutie Mark?

Yeah, there's going to be a cute-ceañera this evenin' and everypony's going to have their Cutie Mark except me.

Is not having a Cutie Mark that big of a deal?

Are you kidding? If I don't have my Cutie Mark, then that's means that I'm not special.

Apple Bloom looks down to the ground sad as she almost had tears in her eyes. (Y/N) then sits down beside Apple Bloom and puts his hoof around her.

Apple Bloom, don't ever say that about yourself. Of course you're special. Everypony has something special about them. Things like these just take time.

That's what Applejack told me, but ah don't wanna be made fun of for being the only filly without a Cutie Mark.

Just because you don't have a Cutie Mark, doesn't mean you're not special at all Apple Bloom. Don't listen to what others say about that. It just means that you could great at anything and if I know something, it's that your Cutie Mark will probably be the best one for us to see yet.

Ya think so?

I know so. So don't let all of this wear you down Apple Bloom, you'll have your Cutie Mark before you know it.

Apple Bloom then cheered up from (Y/N)'s resolve as she stood back up.

Thanks, (Y/N). I feel a lot better now.

*chuckles* Don't mention it.

(Y/N) ruffled Apple Bloom's hair which made her chuckle.

Come on, why don't we both get some ice cream together.

Apple Bloom nodded as she decided to hop on (Y/N)'s back for him to carry her.

Later, two little Earth pony fillies come walking across Ponyville with their heads held high acting like their superior than everypony else. The first filly had brilliant cornflower blue eyes, a pale, light grayish violet mane with white streaks in it, she had a pale magenta coat, and her Cutie Mark was a tiara. She was also wearing a gray tiara on her head. The second filly who was beside her had moderate violet eyes, a cornflower bluish gray coat, a mane that had two shades of light azureish gray and her Cutie Mark was a fancy spoon with a heart on it. She also wore pale opal glasses and a necklace.

Silver Spoon then turned to notice (Y/N) nearby Sugarcube Corner and she got Diamond Tiara's attention.

Hey, Di. Isn't that the alicorn that's been known all across Ponyville lately?

Diamond Tiara sees (Y/N) and raises her eyebrow at that.

Yeah, what was his name again? Um. . . oh right, his name is (Y/N).

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