《13/Stefanielle》A Month Later.


Stefania stood in the hallway of Danielle's parents' home as her lover took them out of their inaugural evening as a couple with their family. They had eaten, the conversation had become forced, and Stefania was ready to escape.

-Thank you both for coming,- Danielle's father said. Randy Savre was a tall man with a reserved demeanor that made him look a bit sore.

-Thank you for inviting us-. Danielle gave her mother a quick, awkward hug. -Dinner was great, Mom.-

-I'm glad you enjoyed it.- Kathie Savre gave Stefania a wary, hopeful smile. She was a woman with shoulder length blonde hair. Like Danielle's.

-It was wonderful, Mrs. Savre.-

Randy wore a wide, nervous smile as his gaze shifted between Danielle and Stefania. -It was a pleasure meeting you, young lady.-

-Yes, it was,- Stefan agreed from the doorway to the living room. -It's great to finally meet Danielle's girlfriend.-

He gave Stefania a lazy smile, and she wondered if she had imagined her emphasis on the word "girlfriend". For Danielle's family, her relationship with anyone was obviously a novel concept, much less her relationship with someone of the same sex. Stefania resisted another lingering appreciation of her hungry eyes. If he wasn't Danielle's younger brother, she probably would have killed him with a withering comment.

All night she had felt exposed and she could feel Danielle's unease that they were both under a microscope. Stefania was not surprised by her intense scrutiny and did not feel that the Savre family had a negative opinion of her or Danielle. It had to be strange for them to see her daughter in a completely different light.

Stefania smiled at the three of them, trying to muster the confidence that she had always had on stage. Dazzle, sexpot. -We'll have to do this again -

She was serious. She could see why Danielle would want to avoid awkward family occasions, but Stefania suspected the Savres would relax if she and Danielle visited regularly.

Randy smiled at her. -You're right, we will.- He pulled a tense Danielle into a tight hug. -What do you think, pumpkin pie?-

Stefania fought not to laugh at her nickname or the way Danielle's cheeks filled with a bright red.

When Danielle let go of her arms, she said, -Sounds good to me, Dad.-

He took Stefania's hand, but they didn't take more than two steps toward the front door before Trevor approached Danielle with a mischievous smile. Pulling her into a tight hug, knocking her off balance for a moment, he growled himself. -Nice to see you again, sister.- He took a step back and moved as if to hug Stefania in a similar hug.

Oh, you'd love that, wouldn't you, buddy? Stefania resisted the urge to flinch. She breathed a sigh of relief when she felt Danielle's arm around her waist. Stefan gave Danielle a knowing look and leaned close to her ear, muttering, -Don't do anything I wouldn't.-

-Too late,- Danielle whispered, low enough that her parents couldn't hear. She walked past her brother and wished everyone good night.


-Thanks again, Mrs. Savre,- Stefania said as she and Danielle walked through the front door.

-Call me Kathie, okay?-

Her smile was genuinely warm, but Stefania detected a lingering anxiety. She felt that Kathie Savre was as relieved as Danielle that the evening was ending. -See you soon, Kathie - she said and felt Danielle stiffen a little.

Randy showed them the exit, and he and Kathie stood side by side at the front door to watch him walk to Danielle's car.

When Stefania climbed into the passenger seat, Danielle greeted her with a weary sigh.

-How bad was it?-

-Well, I'm still crazy for you.- So I guess it wasn't too bad.

-And my brother?- Danielle gave Stefania a wry smile as they fastened their seat belts. -I'm sorry he's a ... guy.-

Aware that Danielle's parents were still looking at them, Stefania managed not to lean in and kiss her right there. -He's fine,- she said.

-The novelty will wear off soon, don't worry.-

Danielle started the car with a grumpy growl. -I wanted to hit him about forty-eight times tonight.-

-But I only caught it by looking at me forty-six times.-

Danielle grunted and stepped out of the driveway.

-I'm kidding.- Stefania curled her fingers around the back of Danielle's neck, giving her a tender squeeze. -It was thirty-eight times.-


-Men look at me all the time.- And they paid for the opportunity, a fact that she did not say, knowing that Danielle preferred not to be reminded.

Stefan might have been a little creepy, but there was nothing sinister about his wandering eyes. He was just a prisoner of his hormones like any other twenty-three-year-old man.

-Are you trying to make me feel better?-

-Is it working?- Stefania asked.

-No way. I'm jealous.-

There, Danielle thought. She had admitted it. All night long she had been struggling with irrational feelings of jealousy every time she saw her brother eating Stefania with her eyes. She knew that Stefan was just being a stupid little brother, no doubt just trying to get under her skin. And it worked, but to an extent that she surprised Danielle. When she thought of Stefan or any other man looking at Stefania like she was some kind of sex object, she made her blood boil. God, she really wished Stefania wasn't dancing at that club yet.

Smiling, Stefania leaned down to rest her head on Danielle's shoulder.

The fire in Danielle's voice surprised her, and she felt that the emotion she saw was more than just Stefan. Danielle was really jealous, and over such a silly thing. Although Danielle was always careful with her words, Stefania knew that she hated to think that men paid to see her body.

Normally that kind of protection would irritate her, but she found that with Danielle, she had the strange effect of turning her on. Knowing that Danielle was so passionate about her was a powerful aphrodisiac and also comfort.


She gazed at the passing houses, the neighborhood where her lover had grown up. The thought of her made her feel warm inside. -Your parents are kind,- she said.

-I think they really liked you,- Danielle commented.

-You think?-

-Oh yeah,- Danielle said. She took one hand off the steering wheel and rested it on Stefania's thigh. I know it may have been difficult to tell, with those smiles frozen on their faces.

-They weren't that bad,- Stefania protested. -Actually, I was very impressed. They were surprisingly cool given you just talked to them, you know? I realized that they were really trying.-

-Well, even beyond the fact that you're basically the most amazing person in the world.-

-That's obvious,- Stefania interrupted. She sat up and showed her teeth at Danielle, who gave her an indulgent gesture.

-Honestly, I think my parents are so happy that I finally brought someone home, the fact that she's a woman doesn't bother them.- Danielle looked out the windshield, watching the traffic as they merged onto the freeway. -They probably thought I would be alone for the rest of my life.-

Stefania's heart was pounding when she turned her words over. So many possibilities danced through her head. Danielle rarely spoke of the future, and when she did she seemed wary. Stefania had no trouble imagining them together for the rest of her life, but she Danielle didn't seem to think much more than her the next time she would. However, her comment raised Stefania's hopes. She maybe she was starting to make room for her deepest dreams of hers, and maybe they included Stefania. She forced herself to calm down, reminding herself that she was content to move to Danielle's pace. Clearing her throat, she said, -I can't imagine they thought you'd never have a partner. They must know what an amazing woman you are.-

-Not like you, believe me.-

-I'm glad they liked I though,- Stefania said. -I like them too.- She paused. -And I really like his daughter.-

-They're lucky.-

-Very right. Do not forget -

-You won't leave me, honey,- Danielle murmured. She reached out and ran her finger along Stefania's jawline. As if I could forget, anyway, when I think about how wonderful my life has become every day.

Stefania leaned against Danielle's side, hugging her closely.

-Damn, you're so good.-

-Thank you.- Danielle planted a kiss on the top of Stefania's head. -Your house or mine tonight, darling?-

Stefania sighed. -Mine, I think.- Jeff sulks when he walks away from me too long.

-We don't want Jeff to get in a bad mood,- Danielle said.

Stefania pressed her face against Danielle's neck and inhaled. -She's used to having me in the apartment all day. If I don't spend time with her this weekend, she will probably pack her bags and move out.-

-Poor baby,- Danielle murmured. -Still, I can't blame her. I know I miss you a lot if we don't see each other -.-

Stefania said, -We've managed to see each other every night this week.-

-Yeah, but ...- Danielle hesitated. -I miss you when you're not with me. During the day, you know. And night. All the time, actually -

She couldn't be sweeter if she tried. Stefania kissed her cheek.

Her pale skin felt warm under her lips, betraying Danielle's shyness.

-What do you want to do tonight?-

-We could rent a movie.- Danielle touched the inside of her thigh, causing a surge of arousal in Stefania's body. -Is there something you want to watch?-

Stefania experienced a moment of pure inspiration.

-Actually, I was thinking we could do something else tonight.- She moved her hand to Danielle's thigh, then slid over the warm silk pant fabric to trace her fingertips along the seam that ran between her legs. -What you think?-

She could hear the blockage in Danielle's breathing. -I think we'll do what you want. Everything you want. -

Exactly what she was thinking. Stefania patted Danielle's steaming core, pressing her down as she whispered heatedly into a delicate ear. -I have three fantasies. Do you want me to tell you about one of them?-

-Three fantasies?- Danielle shuddered and exhaled, tightening her grip on the steering wheel. She shifted slightly, parting her thighs to make room for Stefania's busy hand.


-Have you been thinking about it or are they spontaneous fantasies?-

-I've been thinking about it for a bit,- Stefania lied. All the time.

She tried to decide which of her many ideas to tackle first. And how exactly to do it.

Danielle turned to look at Stefania, suddenly serious. -Do you know how much I love that we can talk about sex like this?-

Stefania smiled. -Me too.- She hesitated a moment, made a decision, and then said, -This one is very dirty.-

-Oh.- Danielle stirred and Stefania continued to rub her gently. -A dirty fantasy, even?-

Stefania watched the look of joy on Danielle's face: -You sound excited with the sordid side of my imagination.- She squeezed Danielle through her pants.

-There is nothing wrong with that.-

-No, there isn't,- Stefania agreed. She bit her lip, excited beyond measure at the idea of ​​sharing this particular fantasy with her lover. Especially knowing that she will try to fulfill it. -You have no idea how much I enjoy knowing you want to do this with me.-

-Stefania, there is nothing particularly sweet or noble about my desire to have passionate sex with a beautiful woman. Especially when I find her completely adorable.-

More than a month later, Stefania was nowhere near tired of hearing Danielle's increasingly bland statements. She suspected that she never would.

-I want you to...be rough with me.-

For a long time, Danielle said nothing. She flicked on the turn signal and pulled off the freeway near Stefania's apartment, respecting the speed limit as she drove them through the neighborhood. When she spoke, her voice was hoarse.

-Be rough with you how, baby?-

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