《13/Stefanielle》A Little Rough.
Stefania unlocked the door to her apartment and gestured Danielle inside. She took deep, steadying breaths as she entered, trying to calm her nerves.
—Do you remember the night we met?— She followed Danielle into the tiny kitchen, cradling a purring Jeff in her arms.
Danielle smiled at the silly question. —Of course.—
—I told you then about...some things I like.— Stefania shifted Jeff to one side and opened the refrigerator. —Rough things.—
—Spanking?— Danielle's voice came out in a breathless murmur that sent a jolt of longing to Stefania's core.
Stefania nodded. —That's part of it.— Handing Danielle a bottle of beer, she said, —I want you to spank me, talk dirty to me. I want you to take control. Hold me down on the bed.—
—Baby...— Danielle released a shaky breath and fumbled as she twisted the cap off her beer. She wasn't averse to delivering a sharp smack to Stefania's bottom when she took her from behind, but that had been the extent of their play over the past month.
Stefania studied her closely. —I know we've...flirted with that, in bed, a few times. Sometimes I get the feeling that you'd really enjoy dominating me. Is there any particular reason you've never gone further with it than you have?—
Danielle shook her head. —No,— she whispered. —I mean, the thought turns me on. Very much. But I guess——
—What?— Stefania pressed a kiss into the black fur between Jeff's shoulder blades and set her down.
—I can hear her motor from over here,— Danielle said, knowing she was creating a distraction. She wasn't quite ready to explain herself.
—What can I say?— Stefania said softly. —She's happy to see me.—
Danielle took a much—needed swallow of beer. —I think I make the same noise when I see you, sometimes.—
—I think you do, too.— Stefania took a step toward her and scratched one fingernail over the crotch of Danielle's jeans. —You didn't answer my question.—
Danielle's throat rasped when she spoke. —I was sort of waiting for you to ask for it. I didn't know how to initiate that. And——
—And what, bambina?—
—I guess I'm afraid of hurting you.— Danielle's voice was quiet, almost worried. —I fantasize things, but——
—You won't hurt me,— Stefania said. It was a statement of fact, something she knew deep in her heart.
—You want me to slap you,— Danielle murmured. —You want me to hold you down, be rough with you. How can you be sure I won't hurt you?—
Stefania pulled her hand from between Danielle's thighs, resting it on her knee. —You're so gentle, instinctively, I just don't think you would ever hurt me past the point of it being pleasurable.—
Danielle blinked and darted her eyes in a sidelong glance. —What do you mean?—
—I mean that the point of the whole thing is to experience a little pain. Not real pain, but...the kind that hovers right on the edge of pleasure. A good pain. When I say I want you to spank me, I mean I want you to really spank me.— Even though she was more confident talking about these things than her lover, Stefania felt her cheeks flush a little with the admission. —And I want you to me hard. I want you to...say nasty things to me.—
—I've never actually touched anyone roughly before. What if I do it wrong?—
—That's why we'll have a safe word, darling.— Between Danielle's inexperience and their newness as a couple, Stefania knew a safe word was essential. They were still learning each other's limits.
—A safe word? Like 'stop, you dumb bitch'?—
Stefania let out a burst of laughter. She stroked Danielle's face. —No, our safe word will be something we would absolutely never say during sex. It shouldn't have anything to do with 'stop' or 'no.'— She moved her head so that Danielle could see her playful smile. —When we play like that, we may get confused by those words.—
Danielle's pale throat worked as she swallowed. —How about 'quicksilver'?—
—'Quicksilver'? Where the hell did that come from?—
Danielle struggled to answer the question. It was, quite simply, the first thing that popped into her head. She didn't know what that said about her. —I'd never say it during sex. Would you?—
Danielle's body relaxed slightly, as if she were relieved that at least one detail had been ironed out. Stefania could practically feel Danielle's mind churning, however, and so she waited for her to speak again.
—So could you give me an idea?— Danielle asked after a brief hesitation. —I mean, of what sort of thing you fantasize about?—
Stefania ed her head, curious. —Have you ever fantasized like that? I mean, about taking control with me?—
—Yes,— Danielle whispered. —Ever since the elevator, actually. And, you know, I always loved stories and movies...like that. I've always imagined...—
I knew it. Stefania grinned. My baby is a freak just like me. She took Danielle's hand between her own.
—So you want to know my fantasy?—
With an anticipatory grin, Danielle replied, —Please.—
—Okay, I guess it starts with...well, you're upset with me about something.—
Immediately, Danielle looked perplexed. —Why would I be upset with you?—
Struggling with the details, Stefania shrugged. —I'm not sure, bambina. That's not really the important part of this fantasy.—
—But I can't even imagine being mad at you about something.—
—Pretend I interrupted you when you were trying to write a proposal by giving you a lap dance,— Stefania suggested. —It worked once.—
—I don't really think it's sexy for me to be a jerk. And I don't know if I can be mean to you like that anymore.—
Stefania stifled a sigh, giving her hand a soothing squeeze. —Danielle, baby...it's not so much that you're mad at me in the fantasy. More like...you're disappointed. Or disapproving. I don't know why, exactly. The important part is that you want to punish me for something.—
—Oh.— Danielle managed a resolute nod. Fantasy was just that, she reminded herself. When she imagined ing Stefania in a prison cell, she didn't try to figure out why they had been incarcerated. —Okay, so you need to be punished.—
The words sent a riot of goosebumps erupting across Stefania's flesh. Oh, yeah, baby. Punish me. She regained her composure, trying to sound matter—of—fact so Danielle could process the information without feeling cornered. Stefania only wanted this if Danielle was completely on board. —So you take me over your knee—
Danielle let out a high—pitched whimper. —Oh my God.—
—Too kinky?— Please don't say that's too kinky.
—Too perfect,— Danielle said in a throaty voice. —I think you're just too perfect for me.— She stared into Stefania's eyes. —And I think I can definitely get into kinky.—
Stefania touched Danielle's through her T—shirt. Her boobs were already hard, pebbled beneath the soft fabric. —So you want to take me over your knee?—
—If the fact that I'm soaking wet is any indication, yes.—
Gaining confidence, Stefania said, —You spank me, really hard, until I'm squirming in your lap.—
—With my hand or something else?— Danielle leaned into Stefania's fingers, which toyed with her . She couldn't believe she was talking about dominating someone out loud. The Internet had prepared her for the idea that she would love to take command of a woman, but her visits to those light BDSM Web sites were her dirtylittle secret.
That she was exploring the idea of doing this for real was almost too much.
Stefania lifted her other hand to Danielle's hair, running her fingers through auburn strands as she stared into slightly dilated pupils. She could see Danielle's desire. —With your hand would be hot. Or with a paddle, if I decided to buy one at some point—
—I've got the URL of a great online sex toy store,— Danielle breathed.
She'd been exploring these over the past few weeks, imagining all the things she and Stefania could try together.
—Computer geek.— Stefania gave her an impulsive kiss on the nose.
—For tonight, your hand will be fantastic.—
Danielle shivered. —What happens after I spank you? When do I stop?—
—You spank me until my ass is red, until I'm a little sore.— Stefania spoke quietly, aware of the power her words were having over Danielle.
—And then you slip your hand between my legs and realize how wet I am.—
—How wet being spanked makes you?—
From Danielle's tone, Stefania knew she'd caught on to the fantasy.
—Yes. And you decide that this makes me a very bad girl.— She lowered her hand once more, to cradle Danielle's . She could feel Danielle's heart, and the beneath her palm was rock hard. —So you proceed to tell me, then show me, just how bad I am.—
For a moment Danielle sat in total silence, mouth agape. She cleared her throat, licked her lips, and shook her head a little as if to clear it.
—You look nervous, honey.—
Danielle shook her head. —No, just so horny it hurts.—
—Oh, yeah.— Danielle placed her hand over Stefania's, squeezing until she felt added pressure to her . —I don't want you to think that I'm going to be fulfilling a one—sided fantasy here.—
—Still worried you're going to hurt me?— Stefania asked.
—I've got more than one worry going on, as usual.—
—What else?—
—I hope I can play the part,— Danielle said. —I hope I can keep a straight face. I'm afraid I'll feel goofy.—
—If we giggle once or twice, it's not gonna be the end of the world.—
Stefania looped her arms around Danielle's waist. —Sex is supposed to be fun. This isn't summer stock theater —
Danielle's shoulders relaxed, and she set her bottle of beer down on the counter. —Okay. Cool.—
—Let's just see what happens, all right?— Stefania asked. —No pressure.—
—No pressure,— Danielle repeated. —All right.—
Stefania sensed that her lover needed the reassurance of receiving direction. That should make it easier. Pressing her body close to Danielle's, she leaned up and put her lips next to her ear. —I'm feeling so slutty tonight. I'm not going to think anything you do to me is goofy.—
—Slutty, huh?— Danielle moved her hands to Stefania's bottom, gripping her hard.
Stefania's blood surged at the rough handling. She pressed her face into Danielle's neck. —And I trust you enough to show you what a slut I can be with you.—
Warm hands slipped inside Stefania's T—shirt, up over her back, under her bra straps. —I'm so lucky to have a girlfriend who loves sex as much as you do,— Danielle mumbled.
—And who's so good at it, too,— Stefania reminded her.
—Of course.— Danielle gave her a deep, wet kiss and released her with a gentle pat on the behind. —Why don't you go get ready for bed? I'll turn off the lights and lock the door. You know, and make sure Jeff is all settled for the night.—
Translation: she needs a minute alone to prepare. Stefania left her with a teasing smile. —Don't be long.—
—I promise.—
Stefania maintained her cool until she was three steps inside of her room. Then, door safely closed behind her, she took a running leap and flounced onto her bed. Holy shit.
She breathed in and out and put the palm of her hand over her thumping heart. This was a fantasy she'd had for years but had never fully acted out with her past lovers. She'd come closest with Lindsey, but the trust hadn't been there between them and so she was never really able to let go. Danielle made her feel utterly safe and loved, and therefore capable of letting her dark side out to play. She hoped Danielle had the same trust in her.
Stefania stood and crossed to her dresser, wondering what she should wear. She opened her underwear drawer, scrutinizing her choices. She had that little lacy black thing that Danielle loved so much.
Or maybe something a little more innocent...the white babydoll? She wasn't quite sure what she wanted to project: naughty girl or dirty slut.
Each had its appeal.
Stefania unbuttoned her jeans and let them drop around her ankles.
She stepped out of them as she rooted through the drawer. Her T—shirt and bra followed. She stood in her pale blue cotton boyshorts, shivering when her s grew even harder in the cool apartment.
Fuck, I'm turned on. She spared a moment to slide her hand in the front of her panties, planting her feet apart so she could glide a fingertip along damp, swollen folds. Exhaling through her nose, she braced one hand on the dresser and explored her aroused with her fingers.
The bedroom door opened behind her. —What are you doing?—
Stefania jumped, startled at the sound of Danielle's voice. She turned and gave her lover a sheepish grin, her hand still deep in her panties. —I...—
Danielle crossed the room in four long strides. She reached out to take Stefania's wrist in an almost painful grip, pulling her hand from her underwear with a vicious tug. —Did I say you could start without me?—
Her voice was deadly serious, though deep affection still glimmered in her eyes. She moved her hand from Stefania's wrist to her upper arm. Though she loosened her grasp slightly, it remained the harshest touch she had ever used with her lover.
Their game had begun.
Stefania sensed that Danielle was waiting for some cue from her, and so she gave a tentative shake of the head. —I'm sorry.—
—You can't keep your hand out of your panties for a minute, can you?—
Stefania shivered as Danielle instinctively tapped deep into her desire to be made to feel naughty. —I just wanted to see——
—What?— Danielle interrupted. —You wanted to see if your was wet enough for me?—
Sensing she wouldn't be allowed to offer a real response anyway, Stefania merely nodded. She flexed her arm in Danielle's hold, testing her limits.
Danielle leaned close and hissed into her ear. —That's my pussy . And I didn't give you permission to touch it.—
Wow. She was good. Eager to take one last opportunity to encourage Danielle, Stefania whispered, —This is perfect.—
Danielle's eyes flashed with pleasure, then became shuttered and closed. She reverted fully into the fantasy, at once becoming the strict dominant that Stefania had always known lurked beneath the surface. —I want you to apologize, Stefania.—
Stefania bit her lip, acutely aware of how very she felt.
Danielle's tense arm brushed the side of her bare. —I'm sorry,— she said. Wholly obedient.
Danielle shook her head. —Not good enough. I don't believe it.—
—You don't?— Stefania released an incredulous giggle. —What do I have to do to convince you?—
The iron grip on her upper arm tightened just a little, and Danielle dragged her over to the bed. —You'll have to take your punishment.—
She sat down, pulling Stefania across her lap. —And then tell me you're sorry.—
Despite the fact that she had often fantasized about being in this position, Stefania's face grew hot with mild embarrassment at being laid over Danielle's knee like a disobedient child. She felt herself getting wetter.
—You know you did something wrong, don't you?— Danielle murmured.
Stefania swallowed hard. —Yes.—
Smack. The first blow came down hard on her right cheek, painful enough to make her gasp in shock.
Danielle paused. She was really doing this. And from the way Stefania was nearly gasping for air, she was doing it well. Her entire body was tense and still, but she trembled inside. She had never been so aroused in her life, but the fear that she was going too far lingered. —Quicksilver?— she ventured.
Stefania released a shaky chuckle. Are you kidding me? She shook her head, resting the side of her face on the comforter. —No.—
Stefania moaned at the second firm slap, wiggling on Danielle's thighs.
—I really wasn't trying to start without you—
—Did I ask you what you were really trying to do?— Smack.
Stefania gave her a vigorous shake of the head. —I'm sorry.—
—Oh, I know you're sorry.— Danielle rested her hand on Stefania's right cheek. —I love these panties, baby, but they need to go. I want to see your getting nice and red for me.— With that, she hooked her fingertips in the waistband and yanked the cotton briefs down, exposing Stefania's bare bottom.
Stefania felt wetness coating her inner thighs and wondered when Danielle would discover just how hot she was making her. She was a natural at this.
Danielle groaned as she tugged Stefania's underwear down to her knees. —God, I love.... .—
Stefania didn't say anything to that, though her chest burned with pleasure.
Stefania squirmed, trying to contend with the sensations and feelings building with each slap. They were painful enough to make her flesh tingle, and so exquisite they made her want to weep. This was exactly what she wanted.
—I told you to get ready for bed,— Danielle said. Her tone was almost as hard as the spanking she continued to deliver, punctuating her words with measured smacks. —I did not tell you to come in here and touch yourself.—
Sweat beaded on Stefania's forehead. She closed her eyes tight, riding out the pain. —I'm sorry, Danielle,— she gasped.
—I'm sorry!— Stefania repeated. —I'm sorry I was touching myself.—
Smack. —Why?—
The question threw Stefania for a moment. She tried to remember what Danielle had said when she caught her, hand in panties. —Because you didn't tell me I could,— she whimpered.
—That's right,— Danielle said. —And whose is it that you were fingering?—
—Yours,— Stefania said without hesitation.
—Tell me.—
Her throbbed, hot and sore. She could feel her literally dripping, and again she wondered when Danielle would discover her arousal.
—Tell me,— Danielle repeated, applying her hand once more.
—My pussy belongs to you.—
—It belongs to you!—
Danielle stared down at the flesh quivering beneath her palm. As she drew her hand back, she saw its imprint, faintly white before hot color washed through. Both cheeks were hot. They had to be stinging.
She stopped slapping, and let her hand come to rest, rubbing soothing circles on the warm flesh. —Now tell me you're sorry,— she drawled.
—And mean it.—
—I'm sorry,— Stefania mumbled. —I'm really sorry, Danielle. I...wasn't thinking.—
—Does your butt hurt?—
Stefania was honest. —Yes.—
—It looks like it hurts.— Danielle's fingers traced gentle patterns. —I really marked you.—
Stefania shivered at the quiet comment. She concentrated on the now gentle touch of Danielle's hand. —I've never been spanked so hard.—
—Maybe I was a little harsh with you,— Danielle murmured. She continued to run her fingers back and forth over the punished flesh.
—My hand actually hurts.—
Stefania remained still. Her panties, caught around her thighs, prevented her from spreading her legs like she wanted. —I'm sorry,— she said again.
—Are you?—
Panting with rising excitement, Stefania shifted beneath Danielle's hand. Her lover was stroking a path from the cleft of her now, venturing closer to the juncture of her thighs on every up and down pass.
—I'm very sorry,— Stefania repeated. —And I mean it.—
—Do you really mean it?— Danielle sounded calm and casual, a stark contrast from the cold disciplinarian she'd been channeling just minutes ago. —Or do you just want me to stop spanking you?—
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