《13/Stefanielle》A Week Later.


With a belly full of pancakes and her hair still damp from her second shower of the day, Danielle lay on a queen-sized bed in Stefania's little apartment in Royal Oak, thighs spread wide, watching Stefania lick her like it was her one mission in life. Sparkling brown eyes stared up at her every so often, usually in conjunction with a quiet moan of pleasure from her feasting lover. The late morning sun crept into the room through gaps in the blinds, painting warm stripes across their bodies and picking out strands of copper in Stefania's chestnut hair.

Danielle arched her back and clutched at the bedsheets. —Fuck,— she gasped. —You're going to make me come, if you're not careful.—

Stefania drew back and revealed a smile that was shiny with Danielle's juices. —Not yet,— she murmured. —First I want to lick you until you scream.—

—Why so mean?— Danielle said, groaning.

Stefania lowered her face and dragged her tongue up the length of Danielle's sex. She pulled back with her tongue still extended, showing Danielle the shiny string of wetness that still connected them. —You like it when I'm mean,— she murmured, and resumed licking in earnest.

Next to a VHS tape labeled Elevator Two—Surveillance that sat on the nightstand beside Stefania's bed, Danielle's cell phone came alive.

Set on a ring-and-vibrate combination, it was a buzzing, beeping distraction that proved impossible to ignore.

—Goddamn it,— Danielle growled. The phone was vibrating its way toward the edge of the nightstand.

Stefania lifted her head. —Just ignore it.—

Danielle gave Stefania a playful smile and pushed her face back between her legs. —Did I say you could stop?—

The cell phone continued to ring. Incessant...obnoxious...distracting... Danielle snatched it up and gasped —Hello?— without looking at the display. Stefania chose that exact moment to slide a finger inside her , beginning a slow thrusting in time with the sucking of her mouth.


—Danielle?— A pause, and then, —Are you okay?—

—Jane.— Danielle bit back another gasp as Stefania began rubbing a particularly sensitive spot somewhere inside. —Yes, okay. I am.— She tugged on Stefania's hair and tried to back up a little, but the headboard kept her in place, and at Stefania's mercy.

—You're talking like Yoda,— Jane said with cautious amusement, no doubt waiting for her to snap at her for the teasing. But post-Stefania Danielle was far more mellow than the Danielle of old. And extremely preoccupied.

—I'm fine,— she managed.

She slid her hand down the curve of Stefania's jaw, feeling it working beneath her fingers, and attempted to pry her lover's mouth away from her. She couldn't hold a conversation like this. She couldn't even hold a thought in her head.

Stefania giggled into Danielle's wetness, making her toes curl at the unusual sensation.

Jane said something else, she had no idea what. She struggled to think. —Listen, um... could we do this another time?—

Jane didn't speak for a few moments, leaving her free to concentrate on the sensual treatment she was receiving. She jerked in surprise when he finally said, —But the Web site launches tomorrow. When do you want to talk about this?—

Danielle bit her lip, stifling a cry of pleasure as Stefania flicked her tongue fast over her distended. —I have to hang up, Jane. Let's talk later.—

—Too busy to talk? Shall I send a medic?—

Danielle's toes curled as she tried desperately to stave off what promised to be a crippling orgasm. —That might not be a bad idea.— She groaned in disappointment when Stefania pulled away from her and gestured for the cell phone with her free hand. One finger on the other hand remained buried deep inside Danielle.


—Really?— Jane asked. —I was just kidding, but——

The cell phone slid from her hand, extracted by Stefania. Shooting Danielle a mischievous smile, she asked, —Jane?— Her voice was low and husky, and it sent chills up Danielle's spine.

She was too happy with her life to give the fact that her lover was talking to Jane a second thought. Her lover. Danielle grinned and threw her arm over her eyes, content to enjoy a moment of respite. Maybe she could cool down and draw this out a little longer.

Stefania chuckled at something Jane said. —Hey, this is Stefania.—

After a moment she amended, —Venus. This is Venus, the girl you hired to dance for Danielle?—

Danielle shifted, feeling every inch of the finger that still rested inside her. Venus. That was kind of sexy.

—Yeah, how are you doing?— Stefania asked. She giggled, then said, —At first, yeah. Not now.—

Danielle tilted her head, wishing she could listen in on the phone call. What could Jane possibly be thinking? Almost immediately, she accepted the obvious. Shee had known she liked women, without her ever having trusted her enough to tell her. She knew damn well what was going on.

—Listen, this really isn't a very good time for Danielle to talk. We're...a little busy.— Impatient for the phone conversation to end, Danielle reached between her thighs and gripped Stefania's wrist. She began moving Stefania's hand herself, thrusting inside her own with deep, long strokes. Danielle peeked out from beneath her arm and watched Stefania grin.

—Oh, and Jane?— Stefania met Danielle's gaze tenderly. —We need to set up a time to meet so I can return the money you paid me.—

Danielle's chest grew heavy with pleasure. She continued to work Stefania's hand between her legs, feeling a need that was only partially about sexual release. The connection she felt with Stefania existed on so many levels and transcended anything she had ever imagined. Stefania shot her a mischievous look, raising her eyebrow. Suspecting what was about to happen, Danielle nodded.

—Why not?—

Stefania snorted, a silly noise that sent a wash of affection through Danielle's body. —Yeah, I'm sure. I don't want to feel like I got paid for what I'm doing to Danielle right now.—

Oh, to see the look on Jane's face. Danielle was surprised to find herself pleased by the disclosure and incredibly turned on. She had been wanting to shout this from the rooftops. Telling Jane was a great start.

—She says congratulations,— Stefania said.

—Tell her I'll call her back later. And thanks.—

—Hear that?— Stefania said to Jane. —Thank you. You, too. Bye.— She clicked the phone off and handed it to Danielle. —There you go. Distraction eliminated.—

—You naughty little thing.— Danielle took the phone from Stefania, powered it down, and tossed it back onto the nightstand. —I ought to spank you for that.—

Stefania grinned and lowered her face until the wet curls between Danielle's thighs brushed against her chin. —Not until I make you scream.—

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