《13 Reasons Why》Alex


It was February 14th, you know what day that is right? Valentine's day. Of course you loved valentine's day. The nicer boys would spend their days with their girlfriends other than their friends, surprising them with flowers in class, A whole lot of PDA, you know.. all the good stuff. Except this year was different.. you had no one.

All of your friends were either in relationships or were on the edge of getting into one. And then there was you. Of course you had your eye on someone, but that someone was your best friend, Alex Standall, and in all honesty..It didn't seem like it was going to go any further than that.

At lunch you would usually sit with your usual group of friends in the cafeteria, but today was differently. Justin invited you and Jess to sit with them on the 'jocks table' and when I say 'you and Jess' I really mean Jess, but she dragged you along because all of your friends were with their 'other halves'

You didn't realise that you were daydreaming until your vision cleared and you had saw Jessica waving a hand in front of your face. "heeeelllooooo? anyone in there?" she asked. You shook your head, trying to gain focus.

"oh yeah, sorry. what was that?" you asked. Jess sighed sarcastically.

"I saaaaiddd. Are you coming to my party tonight? It is a special occasion after all.. and who knows? Maybe you'll find your prince charming, eh?" She winked.

"Sure, I'll go. But if i see at least 10 couples making out, I swear i will throw up" You rolled your eyes.

"That's fine by me, It starts at 7 so make sure you're on ti-"

"-YES!! I'D LOVE TO GO OUT WITH YOU!!" You heard a girl shout from the other table in the cafeteria.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" You grumbled. You grabbed your bag and left the cafeteria, walking to your car, deciding to give it an early start and get ready for Jess' party. You didn't understand. Was there something wrong with you? Why didn't anyone want to be with you? So many questions flooded your mind. But the truth is, you didn't care if loads of people didn't 'fancy' you. You wanted one person and one person only. Why couldnt the blonde haired beauty love you? Because you were best friends, that's why. Had been since Middle school, would be till 'death do you part'.


Being with Alex would make things complicated, You loved the friendship you had. You wouldn't dream of ruining it, even if that meant keeping your feelings to yourself. You would NOT lose your best friend, your world even, due to a stupid crush.

You decided to have a shower and get ready for the party, that was until you got a text from Alex.

'of course, will i see you there?? xox'

'look forward to it, see you later xox' With that you gave yourself a small smile in the mirror and turned off you phone. After deciding on an outfit you did your hair and makeup. You chose a burgundy dress, coming down to your mid thigh with lace sleeves, and Burgundy shoes to match.

*Time skip to the party*

You were down the road from Jess' house and you could already hear the music blaring. You knew that the party would just be filled with horny teenagers but you knew that if you didn't go, you would regret it.

You opened the front door and stepped inside, the stench of sweat and alcohol hitting you immediately. You continued to walk further into the house to find Jess. But there she was, straddling Justin with her tongue down his throat. You rolled your eyes and wandered off to the kitchen to get a drink. You thought you might lighten up if you had alcohol in your system.

You grabbed a bottle of... the first thing you could find and began to walk into the garden. That was until you bumped into Alex. "oh my god! (y/n) I feel like i haven't seen you in forever!" he screamed. He pulled you into a hug, he surprisingly didn't smell of smoke or alcohol.. or teenage girl. Guess you weren't the only lonely one tonight.

"Alex, sweetie. You saw me today in school" You laughed and hugged him back.

"Yeah but that was like... 4 hours ago,(y/n)" he whined. Suddenly to your disappointment you felt him pull away. You saw one of the girls from your year next to Alex, tugging him on the arm. You felt a sudden wave of jealousy but it soon went away when you decided to have some more of your drink.

"i- i'm so sorry, I'll talk to you later??" He attempted to speak but had to yell over the music and the girl dragging him away from you. You gave him a quick nod before plopping yourself down on a chair and taking another swig of your drink. 'love, eh? it's absolute bull crap' you mumbled.


You were about to lift the glass up to have some more of the alcohol when someone knocked into you, causing you to spill your drink on your dress. You looked at the couple, you don't even think they realised what they had done, the seemed to be.. distracted. Tongues down each other's throats and hands roaming over their clothed bodies.

"Get a fucking room, assholes." You hissed at them before throwing your drink on the floor. The couple looked at you, and then to the smashed glass. They gave a quick shrug and went back to doing.. that. You stomped your foot on the floor and turned around, you had to get out. The sight of love, even lust, made you feel sick. You pushed past the crowds of people and made your way upstairs.

You opened all the doors trying to find an empty room, walking in on couples doing a certain something whilst you were doing so. You finally found an unoccupied room and slumped onto the bed. You didn't hate love, really, you loved it. It may not seem that way but you did. You were just envious of people that had found love so easily.

It's not like you made it clear to Alex that you liked him, but neither did he. And that's what made you bummed out. You had been friends forever yet he still didn't like you.. in that way.

Suddenly there was a knock of the door and you heard that familiar charming voice. "(y/n)? I'm coming in" He warned. 'Speak of the devil' you mumbled under your breath.

Alex opened the door hesitantly before seeing that you were miserable. "oh my- (y/n), are you okay??" he asked, his words dripping with concern.

"yeah.. i'm fine" you gave him a light smile.

"that's bull" he frowned

"is not" you replied

"is. I've known you forever, i'm pretty sure i can tell when my best friend is upset." he whispered. You winced at how he had friend-zoned you without even realising it. You sighed.

"i don't even know anymore, Alex. Everyone I know is either in relationships or is close to being in one, and its just me, myself and I." You mumbled. Alex's eyes softened and he sat up against the head board. He reached his arms out and you instantly reacted, moving closer so that you were sitting in between his legs with your head on his chest. 'keep going..' he soothed, playing with your hair as he listened to you rant.

"I mean, of course I like someone.. I think I even love them. But it's like I don't even have his attention.. we're friends and everything but I'm not even sure if he likes me that way.. he certainly doesn't act it. I.. I just wish that maybe one day I'll get my stupid happy ending. Or at least a sign that things will get better and i won't be lonely for the rest of my life.. we're 17, Alex. Sure it's young but i'm 17 and still haven't even felt loved. You may not even care about all this but it feels nice to let it out." You ranted, Suddenly feeling better that someone knew about how you feel. You felt Alex shift beneath you and sigh.

"Honestly, Im in the same position (y/n).. you're not the only one." Your heart broke at what he had just said. Alex.. loved someone?! You shifted away and began pacing around the room.

"You just don't get it, do you?! Alex Standall, I am very much in love with you! I have been since we were kids. I know that you like someone but now at least you can stop being so fucking oblivious to the fact that I would do ANYTHING for you!

"(y/n) I-"

"No! save it Alex, I'm not in the mood for one of your pity speeches."

"Fucking hell, (y/n)! would you just listen to me?!" He yelled. You stopped pacing and faced him. "How can you not think that I love you? Do you not get that no one tries to make a move on you because they know how I feel about you?! How you feel about me?! I. Love. You. You're my best friend, my rock, my world, my love. I hate you feeling this low. Just.. Give me a chance to make you happy??"

Your heart had stopped. How cliché, you thought. The boy and girl that kept their feelings to themselves had finally realised that the one that they needed most, needed them just the same. You jumped into Alex's arms and peppered him with kisses. His grip tightened around you end he leaned down to give you a delicate kiss on your forehead.

This was the happy ending you had always dreamed off.

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