《13 Reasons Why》Alex


I hate that I love you

'I have had it today!' You thought to yourself. It was the last week of school and you thought maybe, just maybe, it would be the best week you had yet. You had hoped things would be different between you and Alex. But God forbid you have a good week. It started all the same. You see Alex in the hall, shoot him a smile, and he just replies with a cold stare.

Truth is, you had fallen deeply and utterly in love with the platinum blonde boy; But no matter how hard you had tried to be nice to him, he would push you away. This had always resulted in you fighting, unfortunately damaging your friendship that was.. never really there in the first place.

Today on your way to the cafeteria, you had bumped into Alex. You had made sure to apologise immediately but Alex had other plans.

'Watch it, Whore.' he glared. That's when you decided to get away from him. You hadn't done anything wrong to you and he had just decided to act like a dick! You had put up with it for quite a while now and you were finally done with his shit, in fact you had no clue why you even looked twice at an asshat like him.

However for some reason you were intrigued by this mysterious cold hearted boy, and no matter what he would do, you would always be drawn right back to where you began.

But here you were, sat in the janitors closet. 'How Cliche' you thought to yourself. 'Im on my own in the fucking janitors closet crying over a stupid boy.' You sniffled and wiped your tears on your sleeve. 'If this is what I get for being nice, I may as well be a bitch' you mumbled. Soon enough the blonde haired boy came bursting through the door. He put a hand through his hair and sighed; tensing up at the sight of you crying.


"Oh heyy..(y/n)" He mumbled. You didnt reply, only glared at him. "Im Sorr-"

"Fuck you." You replied calmly. Alex's eyes shot open and continued to hold his annoyed expression.

"No! Fuck you!" He spat back. You rolled your eyes and flipped him off. "You know what?! I always try to be nice to you and you always act like a... act like a-"

"A what, Standall? Spit it out."

"A Bitch!" You began to laugh out of how pathetic he sounded. Alex Standall? Nice? In what would was Alex nice to you?! You stood up and walked closer to him.

"At least im not a self-absorbed prick that puts on a fake ass act to get friends." You glared, poking him hard in the chest as you said it.

"Yeah, Well.. you're ugly."

"You're a dick"



"Attention Seeker"

"I love you" Before you even had time to think about what you said Alex had crashed his lips onto yours. He placed one hand on your cheek and the other behind your neck yet he still felt tense. You had no idea what to do so you just stood still, arms at your sides and eyes open. To your disappointment, You soon felt Alex begin to pull away. You placed your hands at the back of his head and pulled him closer to you. You had no idea why this was happening, but it was and you weren't going to cut it short.

Alex's hands had left your cheek and were now on your thighs. You felt a small squeeze on your thighs and new that it was a signal for you to jump, And thats exactly what you did. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he rested his hands on your thighs to keep you supported. Alex pulled away and just stared at you. You gave him a frown but he laughed lightly.


"(Y/n).. You need to breathe" He laughed. Turns out he was right, You finally let out the breath that you had no idea you had been holding. "So you love me, huh?" He smirked. You rolled your eyes and replied.

"I do.. And I absolutely hate it." You frowned.

"Why?" He asked.

"Hmm let me think. Maybe because loving someone that managed to make me cry, called me an ugly bitch and an attention seeker all within 10 minutes isnt something to be thrilled about." You mumbled. Alex's smirk immediately faded and his face soon showed that he was ashamed.

"Im sorry.. Really I am. You know that stupid saying about if a boy is horrible to you he really likes you.. Its true" He replied.

"I had no idea, honestly. I thought you just kissed me to make me suffocate and die." You replied sarcastically.

"Well then, you thought right." You pouted at his words. "Just kidding. You're beautiful.. Absolutely stunning. And certainly NOT a bitch. In fact, you are the complete opposite and thats why I love you."

"So.. You love me, huh?" You smirked whilst mimicking what he had said earlier.

"Shut upppp" He whined whilst burying his head in your neck.

"Nahh, You love me really" You whispered.

"I do"


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