《My theories for Danger force》Cheater


Bose and Chapa were cuddling on the couch, eating popcorn and watching a the movie IT together.

Bose: I love this show so much!

Chapa: Babe, we're watching a movie.

Bose sighs and chuckles.

Bose: My sweet, naive baby, we all know that movies are just episodes that are longer.

They chuckle and kissed.

Chapa: That is true, but call me sweet again and it's your butt.

Bose smirks.

Bose: You are so sweet.

Chapa: Last one upstairs is a rotten egg.

She smirks as Bose jumps over the couch and runs to Chapa's room.


Mika. Miles, Ray and Schwoz were playing the Wii.

Weston bursted through the doors of the man's nest and was crying.

Everyone stands up in shock, Miles ran towards her and hugs her.

Miles: What happened sweetheart??

Weston was trying to get her thoughts in order, but only gibberish came out of her mouth from crying too much!

Ray: Speak girly!

Mika punched Ray's shoulder.

Ray: Sorry.

Weston: Remember my boyfriend?

Miles nodded, trying not to look mad.

Weston: Well, I caught him making out with two other girls.

Miles gritted his teeth and hugged her a bit tighter.

Ray: That dirty womanizer!

Schwoz got mini guns and handed them to Mika and Ray.

Mika: Let's go kill this son of a bitch!

Weston let's go of Miles and wipes her tears away.

Weston: No, let me confront him myself.

Mika: Sis, if he messes with you he messes with all of us. We are coming with.

Weston: Fine, but let me talk to him.

Miles: Then can we kill him?

Weston: You can do whatever you want to him.

Miles silently cheers to himself.


Everyone made it to Asher's house.

Mika screams, causing the front door to come loose.

Asher grabs a pistol and sees them.


Ray laughs at his pitiful pistol.

Ray: Is that supposed to be a sorry excuse for a gun?

Asher: I'll shoot!

Ray: Go ahead, try.

Asher shoots three times.

Ray smiles smugly.

Ray: I'm ok!

Weston came from behind Captain Man and ran up to Asher's face, making him put the gun down.

Asher: Oh, hey babe.

Weston: Don't "hey babe" me! I saw you making out with other girls!!

Asher: No—

Weston: Save it!! I had enough of your crap!

Weston stomps outside.

Miles points the mini gun directly at Asher.

Miles shot Asher, stunning him.

Ray saw his mom gasping at the sight of her unconscious son.

Ray: Run kids!

Everyone ran out the house.

Ray: Hasta lavista baby!

Ray ran out.


Bose and Chapa were walking in the man's nest hand in hand. Their hair was a mess.

Everyone looks shocked at them.

Ray: Hey you two, how was your day off?

Ray was a bit concerned asking.

Bose: It was... electrifying!

Bose and Chapa smirks while Ray chuckles.

Ray: Ok.

Ray: You little freaks.

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