《My theories for Danger force》Unmasked




Brainstorm catch! Caption man yelled and threw the ball.

The heroes were throwing and catching a soccer ball while trying to keep the ball out of a criminals dirty hands.

The criminal ran towards Brainstorm, he throws the ball at Mika and she catches it, right before the criminal jumps on Brainstorm.

Brainstorm punches him in the face, breaking his nose then the criminal ran and screamed in pain.

Shoutout throws the ball at AWOL. A criminal ran towards him and punches him in the gut. The criminal caught the ball, Volt electrocuted him, causing him to drop the ball and pass out.

Volt ran over to the ball and picked it up. Everyone cheered and headed to the man's nest.

Who's up for some karaoke? Schwoz asked while smiling.

Everyone except Weston smiled.

I'm going to sit this one out. Weston said, making everyone frown. Weston goes to the lunch room.

I'll go talk to her. Miles told everyone.

Everyone sets up the karaoke machine while Miles checks on Weston.


Miles saw Weston crying while eating a cheeseburger.

Miles ran and sat next to her, he puts his hand on her back.

What's wrong? Miles asked with concern.

Weston puts her cheeseburger on the tray and turns to him.

I still can't believe that DOUCHE cheated on me! Weston whines.

Miles rubs her back and shushes her, trying to calm her down.

Weston was on the verge of tears and Miles saw it.

It's okay sweetie, let it all out. Miles said, comforting her.

As soon as he said that, Weston buries her face in Mile's T shirt.

Miles strokes her blonde hair and sighed to himself.

Weston looks up at Miles, crying.

Miles gently wipes her tears away and gives her his full attention.


Am I ugly? Weston asked.

Those three words broke Miles's heart.

What? No, of course not! He's the ugly one. You're beautiful honey. Don't let anyone tell you other wise.

Miles smile slightly at her and looks deep into her emerald green eyes.

MILES! WESTON! Bose shouted.

Miles and Weston ran in the main room.

What are gonna do? What are we gonna do?! Ray asked himself while frantic.

What's going on? Miles and Weston ask with curiosity.

Ray stops in his tracks then came up with an idea.

I got it! We'll move to Mexico and change our names! Ray smiles.

Mika walked up to Ray and slaps him across the face.

We are NOT doing that! Mika exclaims.

Chapa walks over to Miles and Weston.

The reason why we're freaking out is because Ray just gave a police officer the soccer ball. Chapa explains.

Ok. Miles says as he and Weston looks at each other confused then looks back at Chapa.

It had our FINGER prints on it. Chapa says, a bit irritated at them being nonchalant about this.

When Miles and Weston came into realization, they were screaming until Chapa slapped them senseless.

They both rubbed their cheeks.

All we have to do is steal the soccer ball! Bose says grinning.

Mika came up to Bose and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Exactly boo. Mika smiles.

Chapa glared at Mika the moment she called him "Boo".

Alright, what are we waiting for? Ray as Captain Man said grinning from ear to ear. Off to the police station!

I got a plan. Mika says while chuckling slightly.


The kids were hiding in a Trojan horse while captain man was pulling it in the station.

He saw all of the cops eating soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

The commissioner widens his eyes and smile.

Oh God. Captain man thought as he hides behind the Trojan horse.


Commissioner Gordon ran towards the Trojan horse.

Hey buddy! How you doing? Gordon asked while cheesing.

Hi. Captain man said sheepishly while slowly standing up. Excuse me.

Captain man managed to get around Gordon and he pulls the Trojan horse into the storage room.

He lets the kids out of the wooden horse, the kids got out.

I'll go keep the commissioner occupied while you guys find the soccer ball.

They all put a thumbs up then Ray shuts the door.

Alright gang. Miles says.

They see a criminal heading off with the ball.

HEY! Mika shouts.

Bose made the ball levitate towards him. He grabbed it and widens his eyes when he realizes the "ball" is actually a bomb.

The criminal laughed.

Good luck disarming it! The criminal taunted.

The criminal made it to the roof, Miles, Mika and Weston were right behind him.

Miles teleported behind the criminal and punches him on the back.

The criminal ran away and tossed the ball to Mika.

Yes! Mika cheers as she unintentionally blows Miles's mask away.

Didi Walnut looks at Miles and gasps.

Miles? Why are you on the roof?! Didi Walnut questions.

I could ask the same question about you. Weston remarks.

The officer just glared at her.


Our aunt found out our identities! Miles exclaims.

This is bad! Ray groans.

Walnut and the kids parents walked into the man's nest.

Hey! Who told you to bring them?! Chapa asked irritated.

I am a the police chief, so therefore I can to whatever I damn well please! Walnut exclaims angrily. Don't test my patience girly!

Chapa was getting ready to zap some people, until Bose held her hand and kissed her cheek.

No. Bose whispers assertively.

What do you hot moms want?? Ray asked, trying not to flirt.

Is it true that my daughter is in danger force?! Alejandra asked Chapa.

No.. Chapa denied.

Then why are you wearing that costume and WHY are there WEAPONS ON THE WALL?! Alejandra points to the wall with weapons on them angrily.

You know what?! I don't want to hear it little girl! You're off danger force! She scolds her, making Bose gasp.

If she goes, I go. Bose says.

Celia gasped.

My son is in danger force?! Celia asked in shock and anger.

Mika, Miles. Angela said in a calm voice.

Mika and Miles took their masks off.

Mom, dad, we're so sorry. Mika sincerely apologizes.

Baby, it's alright. Herman assures her. But you guys are still going to take a break.

Mika and Miles nodded their heads sadly.

Didi walks over to Kris and Jake Hart.

Did y'all know that your daughter's in danger force? Walnut asked.

Yes, and we are so proud! Kris answers happily.

Weston smiles and hugs her parents.

Angela looks at her, upset.

Aren't you going to kick her out of danger force.

Nope! Jake denies. My daughters and son are strong, they can take care of themselves.

Ok. Angela says.

The parents made the kids follow them outside, except Kris and Jake.

Kris and Jake smiles proudly of their daughter.

I can't believe my baby girl is a super hero. Happy tears dripping down Jake's face. Just like your brother and sister.

Just be careful. Kris tells her while smiling.

I will mom. Weston assures her.

Love you. Kris and Jake both said.

Love you guys too! Weston smiles as they hugged.

The broke apart, Kris kisses her forehead and then the parents left the nest.

Weston walks over to Ray and Schwoz.

So, what are we gonna do now? Weston asked. A bit sad.

I don't know. Ray admitted.


To be continued....

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