《Billionaires Tainted Love》N I N E T E E N


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


Sleep? that's the last thing on my mind.

I don't think I've slept a wink tonight, the excitement is almost too much to handle.


Excitement except for a few areas of doubt, I've never been to any other place than New York itself, which is why I've never-ever sat in a plane.

But that's not it.

It's been different recently, from living my life inside a bungalow to getting to go to a polo match to leaving the country.

It seems surreal.

Almost like a dream.

I looked down at the small backpack that Maya had given me to put in all my essentials. For the fifth time, I checked for my extra contact lenses case and eye drops.

Very important.

"Sara darling, are you ready?" Maya called out to me and I smiled internally.

This is it, my first trip.

My first plane ride.

I looked down at my clothes and pulled up my bag pack, Maya told me that I should stick to something super comfortable and pulled out a white turtle neck top along with black leggings and a long cardigan. I looked down at my shoes and relaxed, the sneakers were super comfortable too.


Or attest that's what it's called, I think.

I opened up the door and smiled at Maya "ah darling, you look good are you ready to leave?"

"It's pretty comfortable, thank you, Maya!" I complimented and just then from the corner of my eyes, I saw Alex come out wearing a black turtle neck along with a suit pant and a long jacket on.

I looked up at him only to realize he had his sunglasses on, Alex kept his eyes down on his phone "let's leave, my pilot just called everything is ready."

I nodded and hugged Maya once again and waved goodbye to her while Alex led the way, I took the time in the elevator to recall everything Mary told me to take care off.

Now that I have a phone which I can now use partially, I try to call Mary every day and have a short five-minute talk. Yesterday, she went through all the things I need to take care of.

My train of thoughts was interrupted when I noticed the elevator open, Alex and I stepped out of the elevator only to be followed by the bodyguards again.

"Will they come with us?" I asked Alex and looked up at him, he stopped and when I was standing right beside him he pushed his around my waist and pulled me closer only to start walking again.

"no, they'll follow us all the way to the airport and once we reach Bora Bora we will have a new set of bodyguards following us" I looked around us and noticed that four guards were following us.


A car pulled up in front of us, Alex and me got in and relaxed. "Is it necessary to have the bodyguards around all the time?" I asked.

Alex sighed and slipped his phone inside his jacket pocket "yes, security is extremely important, aren't you used to it already?"

me, why would I be used to security?

Oh, right! Sara not Sierra.

"ah, yes I suppose I am, did you know that to help airline passengers deal with travel, San Francisco International Airport has hired the nation's first airport therapy pig. LiLou wears costumes and performs tricks to help travelers calm down before boarding their flights. I think I read about this last year!"

Alex looked at me for a second then turned to look out of the window, did he just ignore me?

Nothing new.

I looked out of the window and as usual, a car followed behind us and one with right ahead of us.


I kept myself busy with the scenery just then I saw us cross a beautiful garden, I looked a little closer there was a small sack bag kept near the tree but it was moving.


"stop! stop the car. Fast" I called out and the driver pulled the car to the side in a rush.

"What is this about Sara?" Alex sounded extremely annoyed but I paid no attention and opened the car door.

I kept my eyes trained on the small sack bag and walked towards it as Alex kept calling out to me but I rushed to the sack bag.

When I stood right above it I stretched my hand out to open the bag but a voice jerked me "careful" I looked back to see Alex standing right behind me and all the for bodyguards surrounding us.

I nodded lightly and opened the sack bag slowly, the moment the bag opened a painful sequel surrounded me and a small puppy jumped out of the bag.

Sudden tears threatened to escape my eyes at the sight in front of me, how could someone be so cruel?

The beautiful baby dog seemed to be hardly a month old and had torn skin near is the nose, the entire body of the precious little fur baby had few beat marks here and there.

The baby limped trying to hide behind the tree and looked at me with eyes that seemed to have seen days which no one deserved to.

Oh god

I tried to put my hand out to it but It squealed again and took another few steps back "Al-Alex? Do dogs eat carrots or chicken?" I looked away from the dog for a moment and heard Alex mumble a small yes.


I pulled open my bag and took out the small box I had, thank god Maya gave me a box of salad.

I pulled out the small piece of boiled chicken from the box and held it in front of me for the baby to take but it me kept looking at me up and down at the piece of chicken I held.

It broke my heart to see the fear in his eyes.

I controlled my urge to sob and tried to smile reassuringly at the small baby, it took slow and cautious steps towards me and smelled the chicken in my hand.

When it finally took a bite I relaxed a little and to my surprise, it curled up to my side and kept looking around cautiously.

I put my hand out to pet it but it squealed again

"ma'am, sir?" I looked back to see one of the bodyguards look at Alex for permission to speak "my wife is a vet, from what I understand the dog trusts you ma'am but it is not comfortable being touched. I believe it's because of its past experiences. It'd rather show you love than you him"

I nodded understandingly and held out a few more pieces of chicken for the baby, it did not eat it at once but slowly finished the small piece again.

I took out the small water bottle I had and put some water in my hand for the puppy to drink, the baby seemed to have not drunk water for the longest time.

I tried to touch the baby again but it cried out all over repeatedly, I took a deep breath and ignored the cry.

I have to do this

I put my hands around the furball and picked him up "we need to take him to the vet immediately"

Alex nodded lightly and we all got into the car and made our way to the vet, on the way to the vet Alex made a call to delay the flight.

We decided to take the puppy to the bodyguard's wife itself because we could rely on her, once we got to the vet the bodyguard led the way inside the small hospital and called out his wife.

"oh my god, what happened to him?" A lady cried out and ran to us, she tried to take the dog from me but he refused to leave my side.

"he?" I asked and the lady tried to control her horrified expression and smiled

"It's a he, I'm sure he's a Cocker Spaniel. Hi, my name is Angel I believe my husband has got you here. Good morning Mr. Taylor it's an honor to meet you in person." Alex gave a slight nod and all of us headed to the small bed in the corner of the room.

"Let me give him an entire body health check, it'll take fifteen minutes only. Ms. please wait here while the rest of you can sit outside. The dog seems to trust the lady only."

Alex looked at me as though to confirm I was comfortable with the situation or not, I gave a small nod and everyone headed out.

"where did you find him Ms-?" Angel asked me and I looked up to her "he was put inside a small sack and tightened, I fed him a few pieces of little boiled chicken and water."

Angel smiled at me for a moment and after a few minutes of check-up gave me a full blow smile "Amazingly, you did so much for this little guy, he'll start healing soon after the medication I give him, he is about six weeks old. I'd suggest you to leave him here with me for a few days. What I'll do is, send him to Stuffy. Stuffy is my own dog, she lost all her children about a year ago because of some problems, she will be able to cater to this little boy as a mother and he needs the love right now. Not human love because that's what has led him to this moment. Do you understand ma'am?"

I looked down at the baby curled up against my hands "I understand" Angel put her had on top of mine and gave me a warm smile "you can trust me with him, Mr. Alex Is also leaving today which means my husband will be home till he returns. I promise we will take good care of him."

I returned the smile and all of us headed out to where Alex was, Angel briefed Alex about the situation as well. Alex handed Angel a check of twenty thousand dollars saying that he'd like to take the financial responsibility of both stuffy and the little baby for as long as we return back.

Alex and I said our goodbyes to Angel and left the now sleeping baby with her.

"do you still want to go?" Alex asked me slowly once we got into the car.

"I'm fine, actually I feel good knowing the fur baby will be good. Let's go?"

And with that, we made our way to the airport again.

Hold on tight fur baby, I shall come back to you soon.



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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