《Billionaires Tainted Love》T W E N T Y


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


"Good evening sir, ma'am. I'll be taking your luggage please make your way to the jet" A man dressed in a black suit instructed and pointed the other way towards a small gate on the left.

"This seems small" I mumbled and looked up at Alex but he paid me no heed.

Are airports this small? I once read the appearance of an airport and thought it was supposed to be a huge place.

I looked around once again but there were hardly any people around at all, "why are no people around here, Alex?"

This time around Alex looked at me and sighed "what is it with you today Sara? acting like this is your first flight!"

The sentence stung me and brought me right back to reality.

First time.

This is supposed to be your first Sierra, not Sara's.

"I-I'm sorry, it just been a little time since I last traveled," I said in a low voice and Alex narrowed his eyes at me slightly making me squirm.

"It's a private airport, only private jets take off from here. I assume you take your private jets from the main airport?" I looked right back at Alex and nodded feeling a little unsure internally.

"I-I do?"

God Sierra.

Keep your act straight.

"I do, I do," I repeated with much more confidence this time around.

Alex nodded and both of us walked straight through the gate we were told to go through and I gasped.


About ten jets stood right in front of me with various family names on them and the biggest one had 'Johnsons' written on it.

I looked at the jet next to it and shivered a bit reading the name "Vega's" printed on it.


Please don't let this happen.

Is sir around here?

"I- Is da-dad around here?" I asked Alex and he frowned at me

"no, why do you ask?" I simply pointed to the jet I saw a few minutes ago and held my breath.

"The jets around here are usually kept here too, why do you go to the main airport if your jet is parked here though?" Alex asked me and instantly shut me up.


Why do you do that Sierra, think?

"Umm I- that's where I've always taken it from! yep, that's it." I smiled a little to cover up my stumbling words.

Alex seemed to have brought my lie and headed straight to the jet called 'johnsons'


The moment we stepped inside the jet I stood at the entrance aghast, this Is what a plane looks like?

If I brought little furball with me he'd have his first flight with me too.

The thought instantly put me down a little, I already miss him.

"Will you stand there the entire time or even come inside?" Alex called out to me and walked in still looking at the super expensive interior.

It just felt expensive.

"Is the entire flight only for us?" Alex looked at me for a second but quickly settled into a seat "do you expect me to fly first class, or even worse economically?"


What even are those?

"I- I was just wondering." I muttered as sat right beside Alex "of course, I don't? I work hard for what I have!"

I hummed to Alex just then a man dressed in formals with batches entered the jet and headed straight to Alex.

"Morning Mr. Taylor," The man said and shook his hands with Alex "Morning, Sara this is my pilot Jake Strew. Jake this is my fiancé Sara."

I smiled up at Jake and he returned the smile "oh I've seen Ms.Sara before aswell Mr. Taylor"

I have?

Looking at my confused expression Jake laughed a little "you probably don't remember me, I've flown you once Ms. Sara though you probably don't remember me because you had a pretty bad mood back that day."

I smiled politely.

He's flown, Sara

"I'm extremely sorry for not remembering and my for my rude behavior back then." Jake shook his head "no worries, we all have our bad days anyways, ready for the flight?"

I nodded enthusiastically while Alex just gave a nod and settled back.

My first flight.

' Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board with service from New York to Bora Bora. We are currently first in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Enjoy your flight.'

I sat back and a lady came out from behind us, she greeted Alex and headed to the gate of the jet and closed it.

At first, the jet went on the runway till the opposite end and all the while I felt as though I was sitting in a Car itself but finally it took an about-turn and the speed increased exponentially. Within a few seconds, we were high, up in the sky.

I held my breath and took hold of Alex's hand lightly.

He didn't notice but I needed the touch.

I looked down the window and gasped soundly.

"Look Alex the view is breath-taking. The roads seem like bright lighted lines, the houses and cars seem like toys too. The actual city looks like a toy model of the city, LOOK!" I screamed and pointed down.

Alex narrowed his eyes at me but I was way too happy to cover up my excitement just then another announcement was made -

'Good afternoon again. This is your captain Jake Strew speaking. First I'd like to welcome you both back to Johnsons. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The time is 1:25 pm. The weather looks good and with the tailwind on our side, we are expecting to land in Bora Bora approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in Bora Bora is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this afternoon. If the weather cooperates we should get a great view of the city as we descend. I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the flight or you can also come up to the cockpit because this is a personal jet!'


I looked up at Alex and smiled at him so big that my face hurt "you're very excited, are you always this excited about flights?"

I nodded mindlessly "I guess? Do you know that at any given time there are 9,800 flights in the air and 1.2 million passengers on board!"

Alex groaned and took out his MacBook "why don't you go to sleep, I have work to do."

Why and how is he always so calm and void, just how?

"oh ok, I've hardly slept last night anyways" I mumbled and just then an air hostess came in "ma'am would you like to lie down?"

I nodded politely, the air hostess whose name tag read 'Lisha' pushed a button near my seats to end and the seat expanded and became as good as a bed.

Holy moly, this is SO COOL

"there you go ma'am, please give me a few moments to get you a blanket. We've just taken off and the blankets are packed up please give a few minutes thank you for your patience."

I smiled at Lisha and laid down while Alex sat beside me and kept on typing vigorously on his MacBook.

I felt super sleepy and before even realizing I was out deep in sleep.

A little time later I felt myself getting even more comfortable than I already was, I opened my eyes slightly and saw Alex looking back at me.

His face only a few inches away from mine.

My breath hitched and eyes widened when I realized that he was actually covering me with the blanket which Lisha probably dropped by.

Alex pushed himself off me suddenly and shrugged but kept his eyes trained on me while I looked back at him.

"I-" what did I want to say again?

"go back to sleep" Alex instructed and looked back at his MacBook, confusing me again.


Without replying I closed my eyes again and went back to sleep dreaming about the little fur baby I've left behind.

I groaned when I woke up again a little while later because the light that hit me right in the eyes, Alex heard me groan and closed the shutter right away.

I thanked Alex but like always he did not bother to reply, he never really does.

"When will we reach?" I asked Alex and he kept on typing, without even looking at me "another hour or two."

I hummed and groaned internally, so long.

Just then Lisha walked in and set two plates infant of us, she bowed slightly and headed back inside.

"I ordered," Alex said noticing my confused expression and picked up his black coffee.

"You love your work, don't you? you've been working for so long." I asked.

Holly Molly

Word vomit

"I like what I do, and I'm simply a little frustrated because the accounts report had a lot of mistakes and this is the last one but I've corrected so many reports that it's becoming a tedious task, that's all. " Alex said surprising me with his reply.

He speaks in sentences too.

I laughed internally at my joke and took the juice bottle from the food tray, out of curiosity I bent a little to see what Alex was working on and tried to understand it.

"Your Cashflow report shows a lot of fluid assets, which is good but this doesn't seem stable. If it keeps on increasing the accounting for the tangible and intangible assets will become a little difficult don't you think?" I asked Alex and looked up at him sipping my juice.

Alex seemed to have seen a ghost when I put out my statement, wow an emotion.

Why do I feel like being so sarcastic today?

"ah yes, I know I've noticed that too. I'll be sending out a few bonds for that after forfeiture of a few shares. How do you know all this?" Alex finally regained his composure and questioned me.

"I- I have a dual degree in Business management and accounting with a. Masters in the same along with a Ph.D in Business administration" I stated and smiled at the thought of my hard-earned degree.

"So you do modeling and uni side by side?" Alex asked me and I frowned, he thinks I'm Sara.

"Yes, that's what it is. What about you? What did you study?"I asked and my excitement peeked at top.

"Triple degree in finance, accounting and international business from Harvard, Masters in International business and finance, Ph.D. in International Business from the same"


"Must have been very difficult?" Alex shrugged at my question "everyone expected me to overachieve, never knew less."

I finished my food along with Alex while we discussed the accounting reports he was working on.

After about an hour when we were finally done Alex smiled slightly at me and looked away.

"Why was that?" I asked without beating around the bushes.

"Why's what?" Alex asked me back and narrowed his eyes at me.

"that, that smile!" I complained

"you just surprised me that all, you're really good with the whole accounting. more than what I'd expect from an accounting graduate."

"oh, that-"

'Ladies & Gentlemen, now We're approaching Bora Bora where the local time is 10:00 am. At this stage, you should be in your seat with your seatbelt firmly, fastened. Please ensure all electronic devices including laptop computers and computer games are turned off. '

I looked up at Alex with mixed feelings about landing, most problems occur during landing or attest that's what I've read.

I took a deep breath and stopped myself from looking down the window, suddenly the flight jerked a little probably because its wheels touched the ground and it rushed through the wind while it finally came to a stop.

Wasn't that scary after all, I liked it!

I looked up at Alex and gave him a full-blown smile.


My first flight

My first trip and my first time out of New York.

Alex looked at me for a second then cleared his throat.

"you were saying something earlier about your degree I suppose"

I frowned, I was?

"Oh, that? I'm A Certified Public Accountant under the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants"

Seems like Alex has seen a ghost for real this time around.



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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