《Billionaires Tainted Love》E I G H T E E N


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


I jumped around my room and skipped around.

I felt giddy, excited, pumped.

Sure, my dress was restraining, and skipping wasn't what the dress was made for but I just felt so happy, I don't think I've ever this happy.

The past few days were like a dream, a dream I don't want to wake up from! A sudden knock on my door brought me back to the real world but I kept on smiling like crazy.


"Sara let's get moving? Ian is way too excited" Maya screamed from the other side and my smile widened, is that even possible?

Technically speaking I remember about how 48% of young adults have untagged themselves from a photo on Facebook because of their smile.

I shrugged and quickly put on the six-inch heels which no longer felt like a death trap to me, sure they aren't the most comfortable things in the world but I don't mind them anymore.

The dress I was wearing was kept in the corner of my closet where all the fancy dresses were kept and because I don't understand much about what to wear where I choose the most simple outfit.

A dress and heels that's all, the heels though were picked out by Maya. My dress was a body fitting silver sequenced dress which ended just below my knees, the dress had straps and was a V neck but because of the V neck, my scar which was on my chest was not visible. It was exactly in the direction of the dress surprisingly.

The heels were simple six-inch nude heels and my hair was up in a pony because I don't know much about hairstyle and nor do I have any makeup on. I'm bad at both of those so I choose to forget about them and be simple.

"Sara?" Maya called out to me and I rushed to the door opening it. Maya looked strikingly beautiful, she was absolutely breathtaking.

"you look beautiful Maya!" I exclaimed but Maya stood right there and said nothing for a second "At the time I just forget you're a supermodel and then I look you in dresses like these only to realize why it's you who braces the cover of all magazines."

I smiled at Maya "thank you, Maya, I haven't exactly been working recently though haha"

Maya shook her head and pointed to the hall where Alex and Ian sat together holy moly.

Alex seemed to be getting better looking every day, he was wearing a button-down shirt and black pants with a matching black blazer.

Suddenly his eyes met mine and we stared at each other "SHELL" Ian screamed from the other side and ran up to me "you look pretty just like mommy"

I smiled and kissed Ian on his cheek "thanks baby" Ian looked at for a second "I told you I am not a baby anymore" I laughed "sorry, how about little man? you are little right?" Ian nodded "I am a little bit I will grow big just like Addy. Let's go to the big house now my friends are waiting!"


"Are we ready to leave?" Alex asked, his eyes still one me. He takes a moment and takes my appearance in "Sara?"

As though I was under his spell I hmm "Sara?" Alex called again and pulled me out of his trance "yes?" I asked "where is your phone"

I looked at him confused "in my room, why?"Alex sighed "It's not a decoration Sara, keep your phone with you at all times!" Alex explained.

I ran as fast as I could in my heels and got my phone "I'll make it a hab- I mean, I'll remember to always carry it with myself don't worry." Alex nodded and we headed out.

Stupid Sierra, you're supposed to act like Sara.

Sara always has her phone with herself.


I walked alongside Alex while Ian took hold of Maya's hand and followed us to the elevator leading down the parking, It probably weird but I still get excited about cars.

"Addy, what is hp? My friend was saying that the toy car he had had a 1000hp. I did not understand" Ian questioned Alex while we waited in the elevator. "hp means horsepower Ian, the power an engine produces is called horsepower. Do you know which car your friend was talking about?"

Ian nodded enthusiastically "It was the Aston Martin Valkyrie, so cool. It looked like the cars you have!" I smiled at the thought and looked up at Alex "I remember I read that in mathematical terms, one horsepower is the power needed to move 550 pounds one foot in one second, or the power needed to move 33,000 pounds one foot in one minute, cool right? How many cars do you have Alex?" I asked and looked at Alex intently along with Ian "I have about fifteen cars but It's because I enjoy cars, cars or any machine for that matter of fact fascinates me. It always has, when I was Ian's age I used to sit in the garage with my dad all day long and read or learn about cars." Alex said while he continued looking at me surprised from my burst out about horsepower.

Alex really did like cars, his office in the penthouse has like a thousand sketches of cars and models and whatnot. I think he deserves it because he works for it, he loves what he does.

The lift dinged open and four bodyguards greeted us in the parking, Alex always seemed to have them along. I smiled at them one by one but none of them returned my life!

Mary would pull their ears if she was here, rude.

"Ian, want to see something?" Alex asked Ian and pulled Maya along with us as well while the bodyguards followed us "what is it Addy?"

Alex bent down and pointed to the end of the parking and Ian screamed "That's the car, that's the car which my friend was playing with! It's the real car, The Aston Martin Valkyrie. It's a beautiful Addy!"


Maya bent down to Ian and whispered something in his ear after which Ian ran to Alex and hugged him "Thank you, Addy, this is the best birthday I love you! Mom said that she loves you too" Alex hugged Ian back and placed a small kiss on Maya's forehead "well, your mommy gave you to me, isn't she the best sister in the whole entire world?" Alex asked Ian and he giggled "I know, mommy is like a superwoman!"

After that all of us got into the car Ian seemed to be really excited about and left for the bungalow, the entire time the bodyguard's cars followed behind us while the other was right ahead of us.

I felt giddy sitting in the car, the good kind.

After about forty minutes we reached the mansion-like house and Ian was the first one to jump out of the car, his excitement was very difficult to reach. All of us entered in and the moment I stepped a foot in laughter filled my ears.

Kids were running around from one side to the other, a huge chocolate fountain was put in the middle of the hall which the kids laughed and danced happily. The moment their eyes set on Ian all of them ran to him and wished him a happy birthday while a young lady to followed behind to wish Alex and then came and said hi to Maya "Sara, this is Alex's class teacher Diana" I smiled and shook hands with Diana "Its good to meet you, Sara!"

We talked around for a few more minutes and I came to know that Diana was engaged to Gary who worked as a planner in Porchee which means that he now worked under Alex, such a small world! But again there are probably more than thousands of people working under Alex.

All of us sat down and talked round, I felt content.

I was making friends, were we friends?

I don't know but I liked being able to talk freely.

After sometime Maya and Diana decided to go and eat dinner but I excused myself and went to look for Alex, did he eat dinner?

I looked around everywhere but failed to find him but finally caught one of the bodyguards staring near the entrance so I walked up to him "hi, excuse me have you seen Alex?"

The bodyguard looked down at me and gave a stiff nod "the garden ma'am, take the back door" The bodyguard said and pointed to the door on the opposite side of the door.

I walked to the back door as instructed and stilled at the sight in front of me, it was unfamiliar. Alex sat in the middle of the garden beside the bonfire with a storybook in his hand and about ten kids seated around him looking at him with interest.

"-and that is when the princess realized that to love someone else you need to love yourself first, you should always be your first priority." Alex finished and looked up at me, I smiled and walked up to him "hi?" Alex gave me a stiff nod and I realized he wasn't going to talk. All the kids got up and ran inside to the dance floor.

I'll make the effort then.

I sat down beside him, which was not easy because my dress was pretty restraining "that's not how snow white goes is it? I've only heard the story once but I don't think it ended that way unless Mary told me the wrong story" Alex looked at me for a second and nodded "that's not how it goes, but I hate reading all these sappy romance kid books. These are young kids we are talking about rather than telling them to find a Prince Charming we should be telling them about how they are self-sufficient and not a damsel in distress. They should know that they can save themselves and that they don't need someone else to save them."

I agreed with Alex, but I sounded like a hypocrite to my own self. I have never been able to accept myself for who I am, isn't that what self-love is all about?

"I like your view," I said and looked up at the night sky "you're looking at the stars again," Alex said and I smiled "I don't have my diary though, I'm excited. Very excited" Alex and I continued looking at the night sky "excited for what exactly?"

That got me thinking, there were so many things that got me excited these days, so many things that made me happy. It was all because I was with Alex.

"Tomorrow, I'm excited about the trip, I've never been out-." wait! I'm supposed to be Sara and Sara has been to Paris plenty of times "I mean, Bora Bora is my favorite destination" Alex looked down at me but I kept looking at the sky.

I knew he was looking at me the same way he always does, those calculating eyes.

"Your favorite place, huh?" Alex asked and I hummed.

My excitement knew no ends, I was pumped and I was thankful.

Thankful for Alex, thankful for everything I now have that I never had.



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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