《Billionaires Tainted Love》S E V E N T E E N


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


I looked down at the small jute bag in my hand and smiled.

I hope Ian likes it.

It's Ian's birthday and Maya will come in late today with Ian so I decided to make a few gifts for Ian, Alex did say we will be having a party this evening in the huge bungalow he owns but this time it will be for kids only.

All of Ian's friends are going to be invited and the theme of the party is going to be avengers?

No wait, it was avengers.

I think.

All of it is going to be a surprise for Ian and Mary, I feel so excited!

I made a few small gifts for Ian just like the once I had when I was a kid, they're not expensive in fact they are made of left out materials but I think he will enjoy playing with them as much as I did when I was a kid.

The first gift was a small just bag with small rocks with O's and X's written on them, I drew the box needed to play tic tac toe on the jute bag and smiled at my work.

It seems perfect just like the other two gifts.

The other two gifts consisted of a fairy dust bottle which was actually just sparkling playdough and a big black moon jar with the logo on superman printed on it!

The only superhero I know is superman, I hope Ian likes him to otherwise the 'superman bank' would go to waste.

I looked at my desk and the phone sitting in the same place it was for the last five days and sighed, I don't know how to use it.

I can't even ask Alex how to use it, he'll think I'm crazy.

Maybe I should use my laptop and learn how to use it on my own.

The jiggling sound of the main door caught my attention and I ran to the hall hoping to see Mary and Ian and sure enough, in came the little man running to me and as fast as his feet could carry him.

Maybe I can pick him up now, I don't feel any pain in my body anymore.

The moment Ian's hands wrapped around my neck I took a deep breath and held him rying to pick him up.

I took a sharp breath at the stinging pain in my back and quickly adjusted to it and smiled at Ian "Hi baby!"

Ian looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows "Ian is not a baby, Ian is a man l-like Addy" I laughed at the expression Ian passed at me "ok little man, Happy Birthday!"

The moment Ian heard me wish him his smile came back on his face and he gave me a sloppy kiss on my cheek "thank you, aunt Sara"

I tried not to cringe at the name and looked up at Maya to greet her "He was so excited to meet you, he's never had any family before and you're the only person he knows after Alex."

I know that feeling.

"Well Ian, your aunt loves you, and guess what? I have a gift for you!" Ian exclaimed in excitement and I looked up at Maya silently asking for her permission to take Ian to my room.

Maya nodded smiling and I mouthed 'you should come too'


With that, all three of us headed to my room and I put Ian down on the bed as soon as we reached my room.

"Well Maya, Alex left a little early because h-he had so-some work" I explained and clenched my hands, I hope she does not know I'm lying.

Alex has gone to set everything up for the evening.

"Really? Alex never leaves Ian on his birthday, It must be important." I tried to smile at Maya and hide my nervousness "yes, it was I-important, and I thought that because it is the birthday of the most important person in your life you should be able to spend time with him so the food is already ready and in the oven!"

"You're too good to us darling, just like Alex," Maya said and at that moment I felt proud, she thought I was like Alex in some ways.

"Oh but before anything else, let me go get Ian's gifts!" I exclaimed and Ian burst into giggles while Maya kissed him all over his face making him laugh even harder.

I took all the three gifts kept on my desk and went to Ian "here I hope you like him, Ian!"

Ian took the mason jar before he took anything else and screamed with excitement "this is like my piggy bank, I like this more than the piggy bank I have!"

I smiled feeling content that Ian liked the gift, I passed the small jute bag to him and Ian looked at it confused.

Oh no, I should have known kids his age don't like games like tic tac toe.

"Darling, it is the same as the X and O game we play at home on paper, this one is so much better right?" Maya tried to explain to Ian but Ian still seemed confused before his face broke into a smile.

"I remember mommy, I remember now!" Ian clapped his hand his excitement returning back.

Holy Moly, I thought he hated it.

"here is your final gift Ian," I said and handed the fairy dust jar over to him "this is so pretty a-aunt Sara, wha-what is it?"

"it's a fairy dust play dough, you can play with it!" I said and started opening the jar but Maya stopped him "Darling, say thank you to aunt Sara first"

Ian jumped out of the bed and took my hand in his little one "thank you a-aut Sara, I love them all but can I ask you something?" This time around I frowned.

"Anything Ian, what is it?" Ian looked at me intently for a minute "can I call you Shell? Just like I call Addy, Addy?" I let out a small laugh at Lan's description "sure baby, you can. Call me anything you want to!"

Ian gave me a lopsided grin and turned to Mary "I'm hungry mommy"

"I have made someone's favorite croissants and tacos, let's eat?" I jumped in and Maya laughed "he loved the croissants you made that day."

I smiled at Maya and all of us headed to the dining area just when Maya and I were pulling out the plates a sudden ringing noise was heard.

"it's not my phone?" Mary said looking down at her phone and just then my brain bolted.

It's my phone, it's my first call?

I ran to my room and took out the phone from the box, it was already set up and I didn't even know.


Ok, now how do I pick up a call?

The phone screen flashed Alex's name and below it was a free button where 'slide to answer flashed'

I did exactly what was said and Alex's voice buzzed through the phone "Sara?"

"Uhm, yes?"

"I called to let you know I'll be home in an hour, everything for the party is ready. Do you need a stylist today?" Alex asked.

"I- Um can, I ah. Sure"

how do I tell him I don't know how to dress when I am supposed to be a supermodel?

"Ok, then bye" without waiting for a reply Alex but the phone and I continued starring at the phone screen.

I shrugged and ran back to the dining area where Ian and Maya were waiting for me "you guys, didn't have to wait!"

"I usually make Ian pray before a meal on his birthdays, is that fine?" Maya asked me "yes, sure! Why are you asking me that? Let's pray"

After our meal, all of us headed back to my room just then Alex came back home and called everyone out to the hall.

A bodyguard was following Alex and his hands were full of shopping bags, there were about ten shopping bags on the couch and ten in the bodyguard's hand.

I tried to read through what the shopping bags said and they seemed to be just like where Sara used to shop.

Gucci, Fendi, Versace, Dior, Chanel.

"what is all this Alex?" Maya was the first one to ask.

"I sent my stylist out to shop for everyone, and got a few personally for you?" Alex said and just then Ian came running out of my room.

"ADDY" Ian screamed as Alex pulled him up to him and threw him in the air "Happy Birthday champ, you've grown big!" Ian giggled and finally got back to his feet only to run to Maya.

He is definitely a momma's boy and Mary did teach him very well too.

Alex made his bodyguard put all the shopping bags in his room except three of them which were still on the couch.

All of us settled around down and the bodyguard soon left "this is for the birthday boy!" Alex said and opened up one of the shopping bags pulling out a huge Lego play box and along with that a few clothes which were for Ian.

Ian literally had stars in his eyes, his excitement reaching sky high.

"And this one is for you Maya," Alex handed out another bag which said 'Gucci' to Maya from inside of which Maya pulled out a beautiful midi length sequin dress.

It would look absolutely breathtaking on Maya.

Maya thanked Alex and gave him a hug, "I know you're not my real brother Alex, but if I did have one he would never be able to compare to you. You're my only family and I hope you know my love for you is unconditional"

Alex smiled at Maya, he was bad at showing emotions but he cared.

"So, I've organized a party tonight for Ian, and all the people from his school and daycare will be coming, and before you scold me it's Ian's eighth birthday!" Alex explained looking at Maya hoping she'd not burst.

"thank you so much, Alex, I know you know"

Alex told me that Maya had just recently gotten her own house and she was a little tight on expenses which is why she was not going to do anything big this year for Ian.

"ok, so because today in the evening we will be having a party, go and rest everyone! Maya, your and Ian's room is ready too." Maya nodded and took Ian with her to the guest room leaving me alone with Alex.

They made such a perfect family.

"I'm sure Ian loved his gifts. It'll keep him busy it is said that on average, a 7-year-old child asks 437 questions a day" I stated "hmm" Alex mumbled and sat on the couch resting his head on the couch.

I took that as my turn to leave and headed to my room.

"Sara?" I turned around to on my toe to see Alex staring at me "come here"

I took slow steps towards Alex until I stood right in front of him "sit down" he ordered and I obeyed.

Alex took a deep breath and sat up straight again "You liked the gifts I gave Ian and Maya?"

The question confused me but I still answered: "I'm sure they both loved their gifts, it means a lot to Maya I can see it in her eyes."

"That's the problem, I can't see it in yours," Alex said and I frowned "what?"

"Nothing, wait" I sat right beside Alex and saw him loosen his tie "do you only wear Suits?"

Word Vomit.

"what? I guess" Alex said and looked at me with narrowed eyes "no, don't look at me like that again with calculating eyes! All I'm saying is that I don't see you wear anything other than Sweats or Suits. Si- I mean dad used to wear Jeans at times too"

"And what is that supposed to mean Sara, should I start wearing jeans now?" Alex asked his stare still calculating "n-no You look like adonis in anything but I want to see you in je- wait! No. I mean-"

Alex was now smirking, it was a rare sight "Adonis, huh ?"

I wish the ground opens and swallows me right now.

"Anyways, we will be leaving for Bora Bora tomorrow because I have a project to handle there. I'll have someone pack everything for you."

"WHAT? Really? Holy Moly!" my excitement was almost unreachable while Alex sat beside me calmly suddenly I felt Alex take my hand in his and frowned.

I looked down to see him wrap a dainty thin gold bracelets around my wrist, it had small diamonds on it in the shape of my zodiac signs constellations." you thought I got something for everyone but you, didn't you?"

I nodded silently

"I, T- Thank you. No one has ever- I mean thanks it's beautiful." In all honesty, I felt like crying, I hardly got gifts from anyone but Mary. In fact, Maya is the only one to gift me something other than Mary and now Alex.

I felt tears swell up and my contact lenses slid a little but before Alex could notice I hugged him and put my face in-between his neck and shoulder and closed my eyes giving time to my contact lenses to adjust again.

I felt Alex go still in my hold and he relaxed a little after a moment.

Thank you, Alex.



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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