《Billionaires Tainted Love》S I X T E E N


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.



That's the constellation I've been looking at for the last half an hour.

It intrigues me how beautiful the night sky looks when you know what you're looking for, the sky to me is like a blank canvas.

You fill it up with your own ideas and creativity.

The pole star shone the brightest of all.

I looked down at my notebook at went through the different diagrams I made for the constellations.

The Cepheus constellation represents King Cepheus of Aethiopia.

A king, the king!

I frowned once I recorded my sighting, it was twelve and Alex was still not back.

He seems to be forever busy.

I stared at the now cold food and wondered how long Alex will take but just then the door opened and in came a tired-looking Alex.

His sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons were undone and a super low tie, I went forward to take the car keys and his phone from him while he literally fell onto the couch.

"A-Alex?" I called out to him and went to him but in response, all he did was groan.

The moment my hand touched Alex's body, it felt as though I was touching a hot pan, fever.

He has high fever.

I ran to the washroom in Alex's room and let the cold water fill in the bathtub.

Oh no!

While the tub was filling up, I got Alex back to his room and put him on the bed, he was not even able to form a simple sentence.

"N-no feve-er" He slurred but closed his eyes and winced putting his hands on his head.

"Doctor, Alex w-we need a doctor!" I voiced out loudly panicking myself, oh god I have no idea what to do.

"n-no doctor" Alex responded in a low voice but my anxiety kept rising.

"No Alex, we need a doctor. NOW" I screamed and Alex winced he was probably more annoyed at me right now but I had little control over my anxiety.

"Phone in h-hall, c-call Xan-Xander. one four seven z-zero" I ran to the hall and took Alex's phone, sure enough, the numbers he just mumbled was his password.

Ok, I need to figure out how to use this device now.

Oh god, I-I don't know how to use a phone, no-no-no.

Sierra calm down, the whole world uses a phone.

You can do it too.

I looked at the phone, now a little calm.

That's when a blank black screen appeared with instructions saying 'somethings you can ask me, call Andrew, FaceTime Claire' and the list went on.

I pressed the screen again and said "call X-Xander"

Oh god, this is foolish, this is not how phones work Sierra.

"calling Xander" a voice came from the phone making me gasp.

"Hello, Lex?" A voice came from the other side once the phone ringed thrice.


You can do this

"Um, X-Xander?"

"yes, who is this? Where is lex, I mean Alex?"

"I-I am Sier-Sara, A-Alex has a fever. High Fever, H-He needs a doctor. Fas-Fast. Now" my anxiety started rising all over again thinking about Alex.

"Ok Sara, don't worry I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Try to keep Alex's body cool until then?"

"I-I don't know what to do. I'll try, please come fast" I said and put down the phone running to Alex's room.

Alex was now lying on the bed without his shirt "A-Alex, you need to get in the bath, cold water will do you good."

Alex ground and refused to get up so, I ran to the kitchen and got a cloth, I remember reading a book where the mom put cold water drenched cloth on her ill daughter's head.

Once everything was ready with me, I turned Alex around and put the cloth on his forehead, he groaned again scaring me.

I hope he's ok, oh god.

What should I do? Tears welled up in my eyes.

I'm so stupid I don't know anything, I can't even use a phone. What am I doing!

Alex ground again making my anxiety rise.

"A-Alex please don't worry, y-you'll be okay. I'm trying. I'm sorry I-I don't know what to do." I cried and hugged Alex.

"I'm sorry nothing w-will happen, I-I've called Xander. Oh my god, I'm so stupid" I sobbed and looked up at Alex.

I did not loosen my hold on him, I kept my hands wrapped around him.


Nothing will happen to you, Nothing.

Just then the bell rang and I ran to the door and opened it, there stood a man dressed in track pants and a t-shirt.

"A-Alex!" I cried out again.

"shh, I'm his doctor and his best friend trust me, nothing will happen to him," Xander said and ran to Alex's room leaving me behind.

I closed the main door and slid against it and sat down on the floor, nothing will happen to you, Alex.

Absolutely nothing.

Should I go to him?

I sat down in the same position for some time and then stood back up and took small steps towards Alex's room hoping that he magically gets well and acts like his usual self.

" fu*k you Xan, I'm not that ill" Alex groaned again.

"Whatever you say, lex, you always were an idiot" Xander smirked back at Alex.

Just then, Xander spotted me "more than you, that lady right there seems to be going through a trauma. Want any marshmallows ?"

I frowned at Xander "n-no, how's Alex?"

Xander smiled a little this time around and teased Alex "he's still an idiot but truth be told, you scared me, I thought it was something major, just fever because he was around metallic flakes. Alex is sensitive like that"


"fever?" I asked.

"Uh yes just fever, I mean there is no serious reason for the fever. Alex has always been a little sensitive to immediate metallic flakes and I am pretty sure he was in the car showroom again because that is where the cars are painted and metallic flakes are widely used."

Alex growled, seriously.

"S-shut up Xan, I'll kill you"

"Oh okay, The V-Ray Car Paint Material is a materialthat simulates a metallic car paint, Right?" I asked and calmed down a little. Sweat still quoting my forehead.

"Woah, I guess?" Xander said, he seemed to have been blown away.

"Don't worry, s-she rand-randomly throws f-facts around. Get u-used to it." Alex mumbled still not being able to form proper sentences.

"I do?" I never noticed, I mean I do have random stuff floating around in my brain but that's because books are the only thing I've ever known.

"I've given him an injection which is why he's even able to have control over his mind, bed rest for three days Alex. I know it's not the worse you've been through but your body is not reacting in the best way right now." Xander commanded.

"I'll be fine tomorrow morning and I also have to give an important presentation tomorrow," Alex argued.

"Whatever Lex, I'm crashing in the room next door for the night. And two days instead of three. Do not argue. You anyways disturbed my good lay, I was going to have with this chick I saw last week" Xander said and left the room.

"As if, you a-a-and good lay? S-sure in your dreams." Alex said loud enough for Xander to hear.

"I was with my baby, the fridge. And my soulmate, the bed. Shut up trash they're both equivalents to a hot chick." Xander screamed making Alex chuckle.

I smiled at them, not understanding all of it but well, the fridge can definitely be my baby too.

"S-stop panicking, I'm fine n-now," Alex said looking straight at me, his eyes once again looking at as though trying to analyze every move of mine.

"Ah, I'm fine. I just don't take stressful situations well" I replied back, feeling proud of myself for maintaining good eye contact with Alex and not stuttering.

"I'll be sleeping now, Goodnight" Alex declared.

"No, I mean you can sleep. But eat something before that?" without waiting for a reply I ran to the kitchen and made a broth from the chicken stock in the fridge.

The food might go to waste?

I got back to Alex's room to see him lying on his back looking around.

"Here, eat this. Mary taught me how to make this. She says that it helps you get your immune system back on track fast!"

Alex tried to sit up but failed and got down with a groan, he tried all over again but groaned.

"Wait, let me h-help" I went to Alex and adjusted the pillow behind him so that he could lean back in sitting position, I then pulled him up to sit.

Holly Molly, he is heavy.

Very Heavy.

"All done, now drink this and you'll feel much better tomorrow morning." I smiled at Alex and like always he just stared back at me.

I sat down in front of Alex on the chair and waited for him to finish the broth.

Once he was done, he put the bowl down. My work here is down now. I stood up to head back to my room.

"wait!" Alex called out to me.

"yes?" I turned around to look back at Alex.

"Go to my closet and on the extreme end, a black box is kept. Get it!" I nodded and headed inside the huge walk-in closet.

He definitely loves colors.

I thought to myself, looking at the navy blue blacks and greys.

Finally, I spotted the black box sitting right next to the ties and ran back to Alex "here you go!" I said handing the box to Alex.

"That's for you," Alex said without looking up at me.

I looked down at the box now feeling confused, I unwrapped the box and HOLHY MOLY

A phone was inside, just like the one Alex had except it was white. "This is for me?" I asked again, it felt like a dream. I've never been allowed to touch the phone let alone use it.

"Obviously it is" Alex grumbled but my excitement could see no ends, I threw my self right on top of Alex and hugged him "Oh god, thank you this is so perfect, you have no idea what it means to me"

Alex rolled us around, he was now on top of me, my new gift now long forgotten.

He really does have a face just like Adonis.

"u-um" I tried to form words but failed, Alex pushed the hair on my face back and stared at me "you confuse me, Sara, you do the most unexpected things. You throw around random facts all day long, look at stars all night, panic at the smallest thing, get happy at the smallest thing. What is it you're doing? You're supposed to feel my vengeance but I can't seem to do it. You amuse me, no you confuse me."

Suddenly Alex turned around and fell right next to me "I need to sleep, go. Now"

I stood up and ran to my room, It felt different with Alex, everything felt different with Alex.



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

Cheers to me being grumpy nowadays, I speak sarcasm and roast right and left. It's not a pretty sight.

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