《Billionaires Tainted Love》N I N E


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.



If what my limited knowledge told me was true, then I don't know how to feel.

Scientists say that ninety percent of people meet who they are going to marry by the age of sixteen, but I was always locked in the house so the thought marriage was not something god planned for me?

But, again, when have I ever been able to be a part of a crowd!

Didn't Cinderella marry Prince Charming because she was in love though or even Princess Aurora?

Mary did say that you marry the one with whom you share a special bond, one which is unlike any other.

Do I feel a bond with Alex?

I don't know, I don't even know how it feels to have a bond and maybe I already have it!

I'll ask Maya sometime.

Sir always told me that I would never find someone special in my life- ever.

He always told me that I was bad luck, a disgrace, and an embarrassment.

But what he said was totally correct, I did prove to be a piece of bad luck to him the moment I was born, I took away the love of his life from him.

I always tend to mess things up for him, I was never able to make sir proud, I tried hard to make him happy but I was always unsuccessful.

I deserve what I got.

I deserved all the beating, I deserve all the pain.

What kind of a person am I? The moment I was born I killed my mom, I became a murderer. I took away sir's wife from him not only that but because of me, Sara was never able to have both the parental figures in her life.

All because of me.

"We've reached" Alex snapped me out of my thoughts, and I got out of the car.

"Alex?" I called out just when Alex was about to go to his room "yes?" he looked up to me, "I don't feel like I feel what Cinderella felt!" I blurted out.

But for once I did not regret it, I wanted to know.

Alex just stared at me and tilted his head, "Sara, what exactly has been wrong with you and why is it that you've been acting like the kid you're mature women act like one! Fairytales don't exist."

For the first time in my life, I was scared, he was angry.

It was all too good to be true, he obviously needs to beat me!

I bowed down my head and looked at his shoes.

No eye contact.

It was always better this way, even though he was about to slap me, it would be unexpected. The pain won't continue.

I waited, closing my eyes, waiting for the impact.

I was clearly doing a very bad job, Sara was a mature woman and I haven't been keeping up a good act after all.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Of course, I forgot all about her and started acting like my own self.

A minute passed away but I felt no pain, slowly I looked up at Alex but he was staring down at me instead, the moment our eyes connected I looked down at the floor again.

"Aren't you happy Sara? Last time I checked, in Milan, you kept throwing yourself at every rich guy as if you needed them to breathe until you saw me. Be happy, you got what you asked for, a credit card to keep up with your expenses" Alex seethed and walked away leaving me speechless.


With mixed emotions, I went back to my room, why would Sara do that?

Sara had no money problems, ever.

A lone tear slipped down my eyes but I was quick to wipe it.

Life is back to what it has always been and with that thought, I headed inside the huge building that I now call home.

After some time Maya called me from the kitchen, sighing I went to the kitchen. Maya stood near the table looking lost.

She's always so bubbly!

"what's wrong?" I ask her and she looked up her face still lost "I-I need to go, my son got into a minor accident so I need to go. Alex is sleeping so I did not feel like waking him up but I-I need to leave and I know it's your birthday today but-." Maya rambled.

I've never seen her look so stressed.

"Hey, calm down. You can go and don't take so much stress. It's a minor accident as you said and my birthday comes around every year." I tried calming Maya down, "t-the d-d-dinner?" she asked "don't worry; the dinner is on me tonight. Go and keep calm" with that Maya looked up at me as though saying a small thank you "you're an Angel, Sara, I-I know it's your birthday and I didn't even make the cake and I'm spoiling it all for you-"

I wrapped my hands around Maya just how Mary would when I felt scared.

Mary hugged me back and then rushed out of the house while I sent a silent prayer hoping her son to be in good condition.

Finally looking around the kitchen, I realized that I should start making dinner. Heading over to the fridge I lookout all the ingredients available and made up my mind.

So pizza it is!

After half an hour I had all the vegetables out and cut into small pieces as well as the pizza dough ready.

Perfect, let's start decorating.

Just when I started rolling out the pizza dough Alex came to the kitchen, he saw me but straight off ignored me.

I kept my eyes down.

"Where is Maya?" he asked after a few seconds, "h-her son got into a minor accident " the moment I finished my sentence Alex took out his phone and called Maya asking her which hospital her son was in.

Once he was done talking to Maya, he called up the hospital Maya's son was admitted in and asked the department to draw all the expenses from his account.

The whole time I kept staring at Alex.

It's like Alex has two sides one, which only wanted to help his loved ones and the other which wants to cause pain?

I don't know, Alex is a different story entirely.

I've never seen someone like him, but again, I hardly know twenty people.

Finally, after making the call Alex looked at me "you're making pizza?" he asked and I nodded, "fine, I'll make us some drink." With that, he started collecting up the ingredients.

I don't think he's going to beat me, he never does.

He's usually very quiet and calculating, and then all of a sudden, he's all smiles.

I started placing the chopped vegetables on the pizza but the onion hurts my eyes so before realization hit me, I started rubbing my eyes, and my contact lens fells down.


Oh no!

Oh god.

From the corner of my eye, I saw that Alex was busy with the drinks so I, started looking for my contact lens, oh my lord.

This can't be happening, all of a sudden I saw the contact lens, I quickly picked it up- "Sara?"


Alex walked towards me and I fidget trying to put on my contact lens.


The moment he stepped in front of me my lens positioned into the correct place, thank god.

Holly Molly.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked taking hold of my chin and looking at my now red eyes. "n-nothing, I think something went into my eyes" Alex frowned but kept a firm hold of my chin and blew into my eyes "ok now?" he asks and I nod.

That was sweet even though he only made it worse.

He stared at me for another moment then abruptly turned around and got back to making whatever drink he was making.

What just happened?

After fifteen minutes I put the Pizza in the oven while the drinks Alex wanted to make were all readily done.

We sat in the dining room together, sipping our drinks and waiting for the pizza to get baked.

"Tomorrow at the party, if anyone asks you any sort of questions-related to us just pass it onto me." Alex said and I nodded, "Will I have to talk to a lot of people?" I asked.

I know it's a dumb question, but I've never been surrounded by a lot of people forget that I've had never been to a party.

I don't even know what to expect.

Alex sighed "yes, probably. I have quite a reputation and people around know me, pretty much through magazines and publications." I nodded as if I understood but really, I was freaking out on the inside.

How am I supposed to talk to more than five people at a time?

Do parties have some special etiquettes which are to be followed?

I can't ask Alex he'll think I am crazy.

What do I do?

All I know about parties is that you dress fancy for them and that's about it.

The smell of pizza hit me, I looked up to see that Alex had already got the pizza out of the oven and was now serving us both.

Alex sat down in front of me and took the first bite of the pizza while I waited for his reaction "how's is it?" I asked Alex shrugged, "ok." I nodded and dived into my own slice.

Good enough

"Hey, Alex?" I called out.

He looked up at me, "I- I need to call Mary here tomorrow, is that ok with you?" Alex frowned "who is Mary, again I forgot?" I smiled at the thought of Mary, "she-she works around the Vega house I told you about her, remember?." I answered "what work do you have with her?" this time I frowned what was I supposed to tell Alex?

That I needed Mary to give me an overview of how to attend parties and to get some pads for me since my periods arrive in three days?

That would be embarrassing.

"I-I just wanted to meet her, I'm close to her she's like my mother. She wanted to come over today because it's by birth-" I stopped.

Control Sierra, Control.

Alex looked up at me, "sure, just call me when she is going to come I'll ask the security to give her access." I nodded but then I suddenly remembered.

"I-I do not have a phone and well, Maya told me that you do not pick up unknown numbers?" this time Alex looked at me wide-eyed, "you do not have a phone?" I nodded, just then the realization hit me.

If I was Sara, how could I not have a phone?

"I broke my phone...recently." I lied through my teeth, but Alex seemed to buy it. "it's fine, ask Mary to give you her phone and we could go shopping this weekend." I smiled at that, shopping!

Sara always went shopping, I never experienced it but I really want to.

For once maybe I can get something of my choice? That would be fun, oh my god, that would be so much fun.

"Can I buy what I like?" I asked

"Obviously" I smiled at the response.

After Alex and I were done with dinner I washed all the dishes and headed to my room, and took out my binoculars and my notebook.

Time for some star grazing, maybe I'd be able to see moms star better today than other days?

I kept looking out for stars when there was a knock at my door and Alex came in without waiting for my response "what are you doing?" he asked and I looked up at him and smiled.

"Nothing- just looking out at stars" Alex sat next to me and took my notebook, he went through the pages and looked at me "I did not know you were also a nerd." I laughed as Alex continued, "A model and nerd, that's a new combination."

Something in me clicked and I suddenly remembered that Alex thought of me as a model, he thought I was Sara.

"yaa...? Don't tell si-dad," I said hoping, he'd listen without questioning me, and to my surprise, he did not argue.

"By the way, I came to tell you that tomorrow at 2:00 pm a stylist will come over to help you get ready. I know you are a model but you could use a little help."

Thank goodness.

"Thanks," I said and smiled.

Alex was about to leave my room when he suddenly stopped, "don't wear anything too revealing or questionable, I've seen your appearances in parties before."

What do I say to that?

Alex continued, "I don't know what you are playing at, Sara but you seem very different from whom I saw in Milan, it is like you are a newfound person. Which one is the real you, I do not know but tomorrow you'll be by my side I don't want the magazines to call you a 'slut' again because that will harm my image and your self-respect. Maybe all this is a facade to save your dad but trust me when I say he's trapped, and I won't let him out. EVER"



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

white chocolate or dark chocolate?

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