《Billionaires Tainted Love》T E N


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.

‼️Same skies (A mafia romance), is out now‼️


Just when it was eleven at night, I quickly opened up the teal box hidden between my clothes and smiled.

I took out the box and put in the fresh letter that I'd written just a few hours ago, just like every other birthday my ritual was now completed.

I got into my queen-sized bed and smiled, this birthday was just like any other but, it still felt different, god gave me a gift.

I have not once been touched or harmed in this house, sure Alex is a little distant but he's good to me even though he has his moments, then there's Maya, she too is an absolute angle.

my worlds growing bigger and the people who are important to me are getting clearer.

I closed my eyes dreaming about tomorrow, dreaming about a new start.

when I woke up, my attention straight off went to the clock.

6 am.

I felt pumped, I felt excited, I felt nervous.

Thousand of emotions ran through me and an idiotic smile graced my face.

I was going to go shopping, to buy clothes, for myself by my own choice, and let's not forget the party!

I don't exactly know what to expect because I've never been to a party before. Back in the Vega House, we had parties quite often but I was never a part of it.

Sir did not appreciate the idea of me being in a party, Sara, on the other hand, went to a lot of parties and enjoyed the ones at home as well.

I saw them from far away, I longed to be a part of the crowd but I don't think I'd ever fit in.

People who came to the party back in the Vega house seemed to be very posh, rich with money just like Sir. Mary Would serve the people at the party while I'd wait for her behind the closed doors of the kitchen. And Once the party was over, I helped Mary pack up the things in the house and clean it all off.

But not today!

Today, I'd be a part of the party.

I went to the washroom and freshened up, took a bath, and came out for breakfast.

It was already 9 am.

When I went to the kitchen, I saw that Maya was about to start preparing breakfast, "good morning, do you need any help?"

Maya looked up to me and smiled, "no darling it's fine, it's anyways going to be a surprise breakfast for you" I smiled.

I loved being pampered this way, it felt new to me.

"How's your son is he okay?" I asked thinking back to how Maya was worried yesterday, "he's fine! Just a hairline crack but I tend to be very protective of him"

I smiled, she felt protective of her son and she loved him


It was a foreign concept for me, mothers' love that is.

"How old is he?" I asked, My guess was that her son would be pretty young because there is hardly a difference of ten years in between Maya and Alex "he's seven, I got him when he was only three months old!"

"Got him?" Maya looked up at me, "My son is adopted, I got him when he was three months old. He's the love of my life. He makes it all worth it"

holly Molly, that's so cute.

" that's adorable Maya, where is he now?" I really want to meet this little guy, I've only seen one kid in my entire life and that was the butler's baby back in the Vega house.


"He's in school right now later he'll be in the daycare, Alex hates it he wants me to get Ian here to work with me but he'd probably get bored here. He is very excited though, he's coming to the party tonight and he wants to meet you!"

"I agree with Alex, you should bring him home! I am after all, home all day as well, maybe I can help him with his homework! I'm good with studies you can trust me. I got a 4.5 GPA in high-school!" I exclaimed.

"Maybe I'll get him over sometime soon, and you don't need to worry darling I trust you with his homework " Maya joked.

After talking to Maya for some more time, I decided to arrange the table.

Once everything was done, I got the water bottle and just then Alex came down.

He sat down and completely ignored me, like always, while Maya and I sat down for breakfast too.

All of a sudden Alex said, "Get ready because, after one hour, I will be sending my driver to pick you up and take you out to help you get ready for the party" I nodded and mumbled a thank you.

I am so freaking excited I could do jazz hands.

I was eternally grateful to Alex because I have no idea how to get ready for parties, I hope I'll be back by 3 o'clock because Mary would be coming in at that time, I'm so excited to meet her, it's been a very long.

Today is going to be a good-good day.

After some time, Alex left for work while I started to get ready and soon the driver was here, Since I did not know where we were headed, I did not question him at all.

The view never gets old.

After a 45 minute long drive, we reached the mall, Alex had instructed me to go to, "Versace" first since that is where I will be getting my dress from.

The moment I stepped into the store a lady came forward and gave me a smile, "hi, Miss Sara?" I nodded and smiled back.

"Hey yes, I am" the lady then directed me to a different corner of the store and held up a beautiful dress, it was nothing too shiny but it was a very elegant dress.

It was dull pinkish in color dress and was sleeveless while it reached just above my knee but from the sides of the dress had a train attached which was floor length.

I must say Alex has a good choice if he was the one who chooses this.

I still have scars from the beatings. The thought saddened me, but I fought it, this was all new to me.

I loved the dress too because it did not show any midriff and the scars on my hands were now healed.

I have never worn such beautiful dresses or brought any because I was never allowed.

I took a deep breath,

"how do I know if it'll fit me?" I asked

The sales lady gave me a weird look "the fitting room ma'am"

Fitting room.

What is a fitting room?

"umm, no I mean how do I know that this dress will fit me?" I tried it again.

The sales lady smiled again "that's right, ma'am, just go to the fitting room and try on the dress to check."


"where is the fitting room?" I asked

"right that way, ma'am" The lady pointed out and I went inside.

It was a small cubical room with hangers on the door, without wasting any time I tried on the dress, it looked amazing!


No scars were visible either.

After the trial on I left the store since the lady told me that Alex had already paid out for the dress. I don't even know how to swipe a card.

Looking around the mall and suddenly I felt lost.

I just felt lost.

What do I do now?

Fear and anxiety got the best of me.

I don't know where I am, where I have to go I don't know anything. I don't even know what a fitting room was until two minutes ago.

I realized my breathing was now turning a little uneven, looked around only to see even more people than before.

I ran to a corner of the Mall where the people were comparatively lesser and sat down, why did I think this was a good idea?

I-I d-don't even know what I should do now, w-where I should I go?

Tears started slipping down my face so I crouched down and pulled my knees against my body to hide my face.

Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder and the familiar scent filled my surroundings, I flung myself into the familiar body of Alex while he wrapped his arms around me.

He's safe

I'm safe, Alex is here.

It's fine.

Alex is safe.

I pulled back a little to see Alex staring down at me while his hold still tight around me, "what's wrong, why are crying, Sara?" I did not respond.

I just looked at his face for a minute and buried my face in his chest "Don't leave" I mumbled slowly "who's leaving? Sara, what's wrong?"

What's wrong, I asked myself.

"I-I just fell down and-" Alex pushed himself away from me a little and looked up and down my body "fine now?" I nodded and made a random excuse "Yaaaaa, it was just a sudden sharp pain I couldn't control"

Should I feel happy that I tricked Alex or sad?

I don't know how I feel about myself anymore, I don't like how easily I'm able to lie nowadays.

"calm down, it's fine. We have to go to the saloon now, anyways"

"Did you like the dress?" Alex asked, eyeing the shopping bag, I smiled, "oh yes, it's very pretty, I've never worn- it's a very elegant dress. I love it" with that Alex lead me inside the saloon, which was a few steps away from us.

I took a deep breath and calmed down but unknowingly gripped Alex's hand.

It felt safe, he felt safe.

When we got inside the saloon, a guy came forward and shook his hands with Alex, they had a little talk while I noticed how Alex was stiff and was talking In a very- controlled manner?

Nothing new here.

After a few minutes, the guy finally noticed me and then eyed me up and down but said nothing.

That is uncomfortable.

I shuffled around a little, "Sara, remember me? We worked together last year for a photoshoot ?" The guy said making my eyes go wide, I gave a smile Instead of answering.

"you look so different !" The guy exclaimed again, I looked up at Alex who seemed to be enjoying how awkward I was feeling " ya-?" With that the guy made me sit on a chair and started his 'magic' as he liked to call it.

After almost three hours I was done with my hairstyling, now that I look at myself I really do look like Sara. Alex paid the guy and we finally headed out.

The driver who came with me had already left, which is why Alex and I got into the car he brought.

By the time we reached home, it was almost two-thirty , at three Mary should be here, I mentally did a happy dance and went to my room.

The next thirty minutes felt like thirty years when the doorbell finally rang and.

I ran out of my room to answer it but Maya beat me to it.

I wanted to win.

The moment Mary saw me she ran to me gave me a tight bear hug which almost knocked my breath off but I was just as happy to see her and had nothing to complain about.

"Sierra, my bub, how are you?" Mary asked me finally leaving me but I went back into her arms. I was like a sloth, clinging as though my life depended on it.

"Sierra?" Maya asked with a confused expression and then the realization hit me, "Sara, she said Sara" I told Maya giving her a small smile.

"Mary meets Maya she's just like you an absolute angle, she takes very good care of me just like you did!"

Mary left me and gave Maya a small hug "thank you for looking after my princess, she's like a daughter to me. she did tell me about you on the phone too!"

Maya smiled at Mary "oh I know, she's always talking about you too"

Mary came to my side again giving me a kiss on my forehead "She's very dear to me, she means more than me to myself. I've literally grown her up like my own child"

Maya looked me adoringly "you taught her well, and trust me I know, I have a small baby too and Alex is honestly the annoying little brother I always wanted"

Mary looked around "where is Mr. Taylor by the way, I wanted to meet him"

I frowned Mary did not know Alex as I did, she was expecting a friendly, happy-go-lucky person not a two side geek god who was rude but swam like an emperor penguin.

"He's busy with an online meeting in his study strict order to not disturb him." Mary nodded understandingly, "that's fine maybe some other time."

Finally, I took Mary to my room and told her about everything, how I have recorded three new constellations and how I went shopping for the first time and how I have also been sitting in cars regularly nowadays.

Marie's seemed to be very patient and let me ramble about each and everything " I'm so glad you're happy Sierra, that monster never deserved you. But like I said you're like my own child to me and a mother knows when her kids have cried her eyes out not even three hours ago. What happened?"

My smile numbed, "I got l-lost in the mall and did not know where to go or what to do and had a minor anxiety attack."

Mary pulled me into her embrace, "I've taught you how to handle situations like this, did you do as told?"

I shook my head, "Alex came by then and saved me, he's really good to me. He never beats but he's a little distant and cold anyways he's still very nice to me"

Mary smiled at me, "I am glad you're out of the hell hole Sierra, Mr. Vega did not deserve you"

I did not agree, "sir has all the right to be angry at me Mary, I deserve it after all the pain I have caused him" Mary frowned, "That's not true"

I smiled at her and let go of the topic and then showed her the dress that I got today.

"The dress is beautiful darling. It'll look amazing on you, but before you get too excited I have some news" this time it was me who frowned " what's wrong?" I asked her

" Mr.Vega will also be coming to the party."



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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