《Billionaires Tainted Love》E I G H T


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


Nervousness was getting on my nerve.

The moment I got out of the lift, my blood ran cold.

So many people.

I took a moment to absorb my environment but soon relaxed noticing how literally everyone was busy with what they were doing.

They all seemed to be in their own world

I stepped out of the lift and realized that this floor was much quieter than the first floor, I think it's because Alex's office is here.

The office surprisingly screamed Alex, the glass building with grey and black color coordination was very Alex.

Right in front of me was another receptionist's table, I walked over to the table and this, time around a guy was sitting there "excuse me?" the receptionist looked up at me and smiled "yes ma'am, how may I help you?" I stammered a little but continued, "I-I want to meet A-Alex. Alex Taylor?" The receptionist frowned but quickly nodded "to the extreme right, ma'am" he guided.

I walked up to the given directions and saw a glass door with 'Alex Taylor' written on it before I could knock another woman stopped me.

God, it feels as though I am going to meet the president.

"Excuse me miss, where are you going?" she raised an eyebrow and narrowed her eyes at me, I looked around a little uncomfortable "I need t-to m-meet Alex" I answered, and the women snorted "and who are you again, miss? I am Mr. Taylor's personal secretary and girlfriend" my eyes almost popped out at her answer, but I was not able to reply back.

Girlfriend, of course, he had a girlfriend!

Who was I to Alex, anyway?

"u-um, I am Alex's friend!" I replied and the women kept staring at me before replying, "How dare you to call Mr. Taylor by this first name? Get ou-" just before she could complete her sentence Alex stepped out of his cabin.

He seemed a little surprised to see me but quickly put on his void face again.

He's really good at that.

"Ms. Brett may I know what you are doing here with my fiancé ?" the moment Alex said fiancé I stilled, what?



From my limited knowledge about marriage and relationships, I've probably got it wrong but I think fiancé means a person who you are about to be married to.

I snapped out of my thought when I heard a gasp.

The woman, Alex's girlfriend that is, seemed scared to death "fiancé?"

She repeated.

"Mr. Taylor, I'm so sorry but she said she was your friend, and I thought she was lying to me!" she answered while Alex just shook his head, "Ms. Brett, this is my fiancé, and you or anyone in this whole office must not question her under any circumstances. Do I make myself clear?" Alex asked the women with a dangerous edge to his voice, which made me shudder.


The women- Ms. Brett nodded weakly and walked away from us.

Without saying a word Alex went back inside his office and I followed him like a lost puppy.

Which I probably was.

I closed the door behind me and stood at the corner of the room while Alex sat at his chair and continued working.

He raised an eyebrow at me, "do you plan to stand there all day long?" I stumbled but sat down on the small couch in the office and put the food bag on the table.

Alex took out a small remote from his desk and clicked a button and suddenly all the blinds opened, the room had a French-style window from where you could see the whole city! It was beautiful.

Absolutely breathtaking.

I've never seen anything so beautiful in my entire life!

The roads seemed busy and there were so many people a-and there was a train! I have never seen a train before, it was so fast!

The train ran at full speed.

"Sara!" I heard Alex call out and I turned to him, "yes?" he seemed a little irritated "how many times do I need to call you before I grab your attention?" I took a deep breath and answered, "I'm sorry" I mumbled while Alex gave a nod and sat on the other end of the couch.

I quickly arranged the food in front of him, "thank you" he said, but me? I had a million questions like-

Why did he just call me his fiancé?

Why did he call me in his office?

Does he really not know it is my birthday today?

And do I know the real meaning of finance or am I confused?

"A-Alex?" I called out, he looked up to me, "why did you call me here today?" I asked.

Curiosity did kill the cat.

I was comfortable questioning Alex, he never did anything to make me feel threatened like a sir did.

He never raised his hand at me in fact, he was very calm and collected.

I liked that.

"I have to take you somewhere after lunch, I will explain everything later, by the way, have you had lunch?" he asked, "no" I answered way too quickly and on queue, my stomach growled.


I looked up at Alex and his lips were on the verge of smiling but of course, the great Alex Taylor did not smile.

It was as though he was fined for smiling.

He came and sat next to me, opening up all the food boxes, and passed me a spoon to eat myself.

I ate as much as my stomach allowed and put the spoon down.

"You are done?" Alex asked, surprised, and I nodded

"I ate a little extra actually!" I replied, "you eat way too little." Alex commented, "well, sir hardly gave me foo- I, I mean as a model I have to control my diet." I reasoned quickly and scolded myself internally.


I was just about to spill the truth, if that happened, I can't even imagine what sir would do to me.

Alex seemed a little suspicious but then he shrugged, "it is really difficult to understand you." He commented, "just like you!" I answered before realizing I just said that out loud.


"I-I mean you are mysterious, yourself" I tried to explain, "you know you can be honest?" Alex said and I nodded, "your face is not very responsive, your eyes, well they seem off." Alex answered and kept looking at me, starring in fact.

His gaze always seemed to burn me.

Finally, after lunch, Alex took me outside his office.

Walking out of his cabin, I suddenly felt very nervous, unlike the time I walked in earlier people were no more busy with their work, in fact, all eyes were on us and moreover on me.

I absolutely hate this.

Unknowably my hands found Alex's and I tightened my grip on his hand.

Alex and I got into the lift but the moment I got in I realized my hand was gripping him in fear, Shaking my hand off his I stared fidgeting with them.

When we finally got to his car curiosity got the best of me, "where are we going?" I asked, "you will see." was all Alex said.

Unresponsive, like always!

Both Alex and I settled into his car but this time around he was the one driving, usually, his driver drove him to the office every morning.

After a short drive of twenty minutes, we reached a were finally in front of a jewelry shop, I have never been to a jewelry shop before!

Forget that I've never to any shop at all!

I felt giddy inside.

I got out of the car feeling super hyped and excited, "what do you have to buy and for whom, Alex? Can I help you choose, please!?" I requested and Alex looked at me as though I was the weirdest thing on the planet but I couldn't care less right now!

This was, after all, my first time!

We entered the jewelry shop and I saw the most beautiful sets ever, Alex took hold of my hand and we walked ahead. I was so excited to see everything that I did not realize I was holding Alex's hand in a very tight grip.


Alex turned his to me with and raised an eyebrow then smirked, I could tell he was finding my reaction amusing "goodness, you, Sara are a model you wear fancy stuff often why are you so excited?" I cringed internally at being called Sara.

But Alex was correct, Sara was after all a model and I am supposed to act like her.

I composed myself within seconds, "I know, I just like glittery things.....?" my answer sounded like a question to me itself but Alex did not seem to catch it and he shrugged, "hello sir, how may I help you?" a woman walked up to Alex and asked "ring, I want to see some engagement rings" the women nodded towards Alex and pointed to one corner of the shop "that side sir, you have the collection of the precious stone there."

Alex and I walked to the corner to see some very beautiful pieces, "Which one do you like?" Alex asked me "I don't know, it depends on whom you are taking it for?" I said while leaving Alex's hand and walking up to the glass shelf where all the rings were displayed.


You as in me?

I turned around, shocked.


A ring for me?

"What?" I asked, now confused.

"yes, for you. We are going to a party tomorrow evening and you will come with me." Alex said but I was even more confused than before now"party!?"

"Yes party, now take whatever you like, and let's leave." I nodded timidly, still confused, what is the relation between a ring and a party?

Without any more questions, I looked back at the rings and choose a simple one with a small diamond in the middle and carvings all along with it.

It was simple and pretty.

"Pack that one" Alex ordered "sir, that one is for $195,000," the woman said and I gasped.

Alex shrugged, "pack it" with that Alex went ahead and paid for it, after five minutes the ring was packed and both me and Ales were heading home.

We sat in the car within a comfortable silence before I broke it "that ring is very, and I mean very expensive."I whispered softly

"It won't put a dent in my pocket, in fact, it was quite cheap. I expected you to buy something a lot more expensive. I earn more than a mere about one hundred ninety-five thousand dollars every second"


I want to be like him, maybe then I can buy a Bakery for Mary, and maybe even Maya would want to join in?

Oh no, I want to make a special something for Mary and Maya both maybe a cafe?

I looked out of the window, finding the scenery outside really pretty.

I don't think I'll ever get over the beauty of the world.

"What is the connection between a ring and the party?"I asked Alex while he stared at me for a brief moment, "you will be introduced as my fiancé at the party."



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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