《Billionaires Tainted Love》F I V E


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


Rubbing my eyes, I looked around my room only to realize that it's 6:15.

wait, 6:15?

I dodged the blanket off my body and ran to the washroom.

Holly Molly, Sir is going to kill me today.

The breakfast is still not ready.

Oh god, no.

Looking into the mirror, I felt even more worried, great just one more thing to worry about.

I thought looking back at my reflection which clearly showed my left eye turning red.

Why does all this have to happen now?

I took off my clothes in a hurry to take a bath and the moment the water touched my body reality snapped back at me.

This is not the Vega House.

I do not have to make breakfast, Sara hardly knows how to boil water.

Taking a fifteen-minute shower, I calmed myself down and changed into a pair of jeans and top which Sara threw away and was later handed over to me.

My clothes are defiantly not the most beautiful piece of clothing articles you'll ever see, why?

Well, mostly all of my clothes are the ones thrown away by Sara and she is a model, which is why my clothes are hardly my size, Sara usually wears fitted clothing items and I am forced to wear the same.

But I never wear clothes with cut-outs or crop tops because my scars are the only mine to see.

To cry over and to look out for.

And they look pretty disgusting.

I took out my contact lenses and stared at myself in the mirror, time to put the facade back on.

Putting on the contact lenses again, I left my room now feeling a little more secure.

The contact lenses in a way, helped me build a wall because with them no one knows me and no one can see me.

Walking down the hall I looked around but Maya was nowhere in sight.

I shrugged and headed to the kitchen but heard some noise coming from upstairs.

Maya did tell me that the penthouse had two floors and the upper floor has a pool and gym area.

Heading up the stairs I realized songs were being played but the room was probably soundproof which is why it could hardly be heard.

The moment I reached the top floor I saw Alex lifting weight, shirtless.

The first thing that popped up in my mind was-

Why is he awake so early? If he's awake now he's hardly slept four hours!

That is definitely not healthy.

And how does someone look so good? Get a grip on yourself Sierra, you're a biology major, bodies do not affect you, or do they?

Unlike Sara, I have obviously never been a lot of men, but Alex was what I even Sara would call a greek god.

I thought about making my presence known to him but decided against it.

I went back down to the hall and just then the main door opened and Maya walked right in, She looked up at me smiled, and then frowned "why are you awake so early in the morning darling!"


Wasn't I late?

"I-I usually wake up by now" I explained, "oh that'd good, Alex likes to wake up pretty early too." I smiled at Maya internally laughing.

Like? I hate waking up at Six in the morning! Sleep is my everlasting love.

"Sara, darling your left eye is red and swollen, what happened?" I cringed at the name Sara but after taking in what Mary said I panicked.

Holly Molly, What do tell her now?

Why are my eyes red? insect bite!

I looked around the house only to realize it is probably impossible to find an insect in this house "ey-eye irritation! I was eating down my syllabus yesterday, remember? probably the laptop's brightness!"

Maya pulled me a little towards herself and blew lightly at my eyes.

She was doing it with good intentions but blowing in my eyes could result in my contact lenses coming off.

"Sara, wash your eyes, I am sure it will help," Maya said, but she wasn't really helping my situation at the moment "uhh- Maya I just have eye pain. Give me a minute and I will be back okay?" without waiting for an answer I ran out of the hall and went straight to the kitchen.

I took out a few ice cubes and went back to Maya.

"It will go away soon Maya, it's just swelling, it happens at times haha" I laughed trying to calm Maya down so that she wouldn't freat over it.

"Are you sure, Sara?" she questioned again and I nodded

"ok than darling, I am going to make the breakfast Alex will be down by eight and it is already seven!" with that said Maya went back and I looked after the swelling in my eyes.

I recalled how and where Mary would put pressure near my eyes when I'd have swollen red-eyes in the Vega House.

I took off my contact lenses and massaged the ice near my eye.

I wish Mary was here right now.

Finally, after twenty-thirty minutes the redness seemed to lessen, so I headed back to the kitchen and saw that Maya had almost finished making the breakfast, she is pretty fast.

There were toasted pieces of bread along with a sunny side up eggs and a glass of orange juice.

Just then Alex walked out of his room, he looked good as always.

He seemed to have changed and was now back to his three-piece suit.

Why am I always affected by his presence? I don't know.

I don't fear him though but I do feel uncertain, his penetrating stare always made me feel nervous. He seemed to be calculating every move that I make.

The one thing that I do understand is the clear message that Alex wants me to get that is to stay away from him, by me I mean Sara.

Or well both of us, haha.

He does not seem to like Sara, at all but I wonder if he'd be good to me if he would know that I was Sierra?

Probably not.

Alex seemed to be the type of person who wanted to stay clear and away from everyone, it felt as though all his moves were calculated.


He seemed to want to have everything in control, his control.

The problem is that for him or even the entire world I don't exist.

It's Sara, the supermodel, everyone knows not me and why would anyone even like me? I don't expect anyone to like or love me except Mary, but I like Maya too.

It's not self-pity, it's simply the truth.

I'm me, and I like to stay away from the limelight, unlike others, I want a normal life, not a unique one. Growing up reading books I never understood what normal was.

I think everyone's normal is different, my normal is probably different from yours.

Sara is a supermodel, while me? I am the reason my mom died, the reason my father lost his wife and Sara lost her mother. To be honest, I don't like myself to. With time I have learned how to act happy but not about how to put down my walls.

It's just that I want to be invisible, I like to be invisible.

I am pretty sure that if someone knows what I did to my mother, that she died giving birth to me and that my father lost his wife due to me, they would be disgusted by me.

To me, happiness will be the day I'll be able to go down to Central Park for a stroll without a single brush on my body and an ice-cream in my hand.

Alex greeted Maya looked my way and gave a small nod acknowledging me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Maya called out to me "darling, why don't you have breakfast with Alex as well?" I smiled and involuntary looked up at Alex waiting for his approval.

He kept staring at me "what? Sit down and Maya you to sit down and eat!" I took a seat opposite to Alex while Maya sat beside me.

I was eating my food peacefully when Alex called out to me "you know, you should increase your diet. I see you have really small portions of a meal all the time" I looked up at Alex.

I was just not used to eating a lot because, in the Vega house, I was not allowed to eat much.

"I-" I tried answering but Alex cut me off "I know you are into modeling and all but I still think you should eat more." I nodded "A-Alex..?" I called out and Alex looked up straight at me "can Mary come over today p-please?"

I wish he says yes.


"Mary?" Alex questioned me clearly confused "Mary works in Vega mansion, she is like a mother to me." I exclaimed suddenly feeling very excited at the thought of Mary "sure, you can but call me before she comes, I will have to ask the security to grant her entrance" for a moment I forgot that Maya and Alex were in the hall and literally did my happy dance.


A moment later I noticed Maya staring at my jazzy hands which were up in the sky and Alex raised his eyebrow at me.

When I finally realized what I just did, I looked down at the floor and pulled my hands back to me embarrassed.

I am pretty sure my face resembles a tomato right now.

Maya laughed out loud "s-sorry." I apologized.

I hope I did not make Alex angry.

If sir was in his place of Alex he would surely slap me.

But Alex did not do anything, he simply continued with his meal.

The rest of the breakfast went by dead silent except for random questions thrown my Maya at me but Alex was still silent the entire time.

After breakfast, I took all of our plates to put in the sink, when I came out to the hall again Alex was nowhere in sight but his phone was on the table "Alex?" I called out loudly instead Maya answered "he just left sweetheart."

Oh! He probably forgot his phone.

"b-but his...Maya, I will come back in a minute" I shouted and ran up to the lift in my home slippers not wasting any time.

I pressed on the underground parking button numerous times hoping I would reach Alex on time, the lift finally opened and I saw Alex opening the door to sit inside his car.

He had an amazing car, I really wanted to sit in this one again.

I ran up to him and knocked on the car window twice and finally, Alex rolled down the window, he was in the driver's seat.

"What are you doing here?" he questioned sounding irritated "y- you left your phone on the dining table," I said, now out of breath because of the speed I ran to reach Alex at.

Alex looked down at his phone and the back up at me, straight in the eye.

Why does he look at me as if he's trying to read me all the freaking time?

He then got out of his car and stood in front of me, finally taking his phone from me. "thank you, Sara" I smiled up at him "it's ok, I am used to it I mean si- father also keeps forgetting his phone." I replied back.

Finally, he responds back!

Alex nodded and stared at me for a moment, I shuddered without even realizing it, and then I felt Alex rub his thumb on my cheek, for a moment I was puzzled because I did not feel threatened by his touch.

Finally, Alex rubbed his thumb under my eye "why is there swelling?"

oh no, not again!

"I-It keeps happening, dust you know...?" I tried to act as calm as possible and Alex hummed "uh by the way you start your online college today right?" Alex questioned again and I smiled widely this time.

"yes! Is that not amazing? I am just so bored the entire day, now I will finally have some work." I explained happily.

I spoke a little extra, didn't I?

"Ok take care, I am leaving, and thanks for the phone," Alex said and got into his car. I stepped back and Alex drove out as I said a small 'bye.'



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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