《Billionaires Tainted Love》F O U R


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


The smile on my face did not seem to leave after I talked to Mary.

She promised that she'd come over tomorrow, around noon?

Isn't that just great?

Maya and I, sat in my room earlier going through anything and everything I'd need, she's an absolute angel.

I am a little nervous about meeting Alex later today though, would he want for me to call him sir, too? Would he beat me if he got angry just like sir used to?

I have no clue, but I was going to enjoy the time I have here for now.

Looking down at my notes, I yawned, I've been studying for three hours now and yet it seems as though I've completed nothing so far.

Deciding to take a break, I set aside my notebook and headed to the kitchen. I think I should go help Maya, she is probably making dinner right now.

Looking up at the time, I noticed it is exactly 7:00 pm, let's get started.

The moment I left my room the amazing smell of cheese devoured me, yum!

Just then, my eyes caught Maya while she was busy taking out the lasagna she made from the oven, the smell alone made me want to droll.

Am I even allowed to eat it?

Maya looked up at me and smiled "Hello darling, I saw you were studying and decided not to disturb!" I internally appreciated the fact she gave me a little time alone.

"Wow Maya, you've cooked already and it looks wonderful!" I exclaimed and Maya laughed at my excitement.

"Thank you, Sara, but I will be leaving now. Alex will be home early today but I have to go home a little early too because my little baby boy is waiting for me." I smiled and nodded "that's good, enjoy the evening and say hi to him even though I.. don't know him?" I said, giggling.

Why am I giggling?

"Someday, you will get that devil of mine, he comes over sometimes during the weekends. Alex likes it when he is here." Maya's words caught me by surprise, Alex likes kids?

"Sure, and then we can see a squirrel or a car maybe even a dragonfly!" I exclaimed, getting excited at the thought of going outside the house again.

"We sure can Sara, you seem as excited as a child on Christmas." I blushed Maya's words.

After Maya left, I was left alone with my thoughts, so I went to the washroom in the mud bedroom to and took off my contacts, I was used to them but at times they felt itchy so, I cleaned them up again and then wore it.

I wish I did not have to wear these; it's painful to wear them again and again. They cause a lot of irritation to my eyes.

Along with that, there is a set of rules to be followed when you wear contacts.

For example, not going near the fire, not rubbing your eyes and the list goes on and on, but I've been wearing them for more than ten years now!

I've got used to them but at times, they cause a lot of irritation.

Once I was done, I came out of the washroom and heard the main door open, so I walked out to the hall and saw Alex sitting on the couch.

His head leaned back on the couch and his eyes closed. He seemed frustrated and tired, I knew better than to speak from my experience with sir, so I kept quiet and went to the kitchen.


I set up the dinner for Alex and took it out to the dining area.

Oh god!

I have no idea what we like's to drink with his dinner.

What do I do now?

Quickly thinking back to the night he came over to the Vega mansion for dinner, I realized he took white wine with his dinner.

White wine was a safe option, right?

I quickly made a mental note to ask Maya what drink Alex likes with his dinner too.

I walked up to Alex only to find him in the same position as before.

The top few buttons of his shirt were now undone messily and his tie was loose, besides the couch on the table was his phone and cufflinks.

He must really be very tired.

"U-um your dinner is ready si-Mr Taylor." I had no idea what he wanted me to call him, hopefully, he won't get mad.

"Call me Alex, Sara, when I last saw you in Milan you did not seem to hesitate to call me by my first name, so why now?" I kept my eyes on the ground, what else did Sara do?

"Okay, Alex." I mumbled, "Let me freshen up, and then I'll come for dinner in case you haven't had dinner already."Alex said and went to his room.

I let out the breath I had been holding and finally looked up, seems like Alex will take time.

I headed back to my room and closed the door behind me, shuffling through my cupboard I took out my binoculars and sat by the window.

The view of the city was beautiful but right now I had to pay attention to the sky, today Mars was going to very close to earth hence visible in the dark night sky.

This occurrence rarely took place, I was quite excited.

After moving up and down the magnification of my binoculars, I finally sported the planet. I really needed a telescope.

"Sara!" I heard Alex's voice from the other room so, I put my binoculars down and ran to see where Alex was.

He was settling down on the dining table.

"I'm here," I announced and stood beside him, but not too close.

Alex looked up at me for a moment and then he raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you standing and not sitting and where is your dinner?" his question caught me off guard.

Firstly, he wants me to sit, and secondly, I GET HAVE DINNER WITH HIM!

Was Alex trying to be sarcastic or was he serious?

I am not very familiar with sarcasm because no one in the Vega house was ever sarcastic.

While I was trying to analyze the situation Alex went and set a plate for me to my surprise, I took slow calculating steps waiting for him to burst at me but it never came.

Looking down at my plate, Alex had given me a lot of food.

I was never allowed to eat large portions at a time.

Sure, I was given food three times a day but my food was different from what sir and Sara had.

I mostly settled on fruits.

This was new for me, having dinner with someone.

I quickly divided the huge amount of food Alex gave me into half and looked up to Alex and saw him roll his eyes while he mumbled something amongst the times of 'skinny models my foot'.

We sat there and had our food in silence until I finally broke out the silence "uhh, can I start my online course from tomorrow? Only a week of the course is left and after that, I'd be done with my course." I looked up at Alex doubtfully.


What if he does not want me to join my course again!?

I really want to get my degree; I've worked very hard.

"I thought you are a drop out of college? I mean that is what I've been told about you, that you dropped out of college and went ahead in your modeling career" Alex said, making me cringe mentally.

What was I going to do now? What excuse am I going to live now?

"N-No I mean yes! I just finished my college degree last week. I am now doing a one month course for in-depth knowledge, I m-mean, I dropped out of college but I am taking u-up my degree online...?" it seemed as though I was questioning my own self.

The frown on Alex's face did not fade away, at all.

"Okay, sure you can start your one month course, that's perfectly fine. You don't need my permission for all this after all everything is going to be fine until I destroy your father- completely" Alex spoke the second half of the sentence very softly; He looked up at me waiting for my expression to slip.

But I felt nothing, was it wrong that I felt nothing?

I know that right now I am Sara.


"W-what?" I questioned carefully "nothing." Alex said immediately.

"Why did you get wine for dinner by the way?" My breath hitched at his question, this was it.

Why did I have to choose wine? He probably prefers something else.

"I'm so sorry I thought you'd like wine with your dinner just tell me what you like and I'll make sure it's here tomorrow onwards."

Alex seemed to have no expression at all, he stared at me as if trying to read me. He is definitely going to kill me.

"I don't drink every day, only on weekends that too rarely."

I felt a little taken back, he did not drink?

I gave a small nod and smiled a little which Alex, of course, did not return.

By now our dinner was done so I took our plates to wash them, just when I was about to start Alex came into the kitchen "there will be a maid coming in tomorrow morning for that, Sara."

Nodding I headed to my room while Alex went to his study, at least that is what Maya told me that room was.

His study.

I took in a deep breath but the sudden pain in my rib knocked me down.

stupid, stupid, stupid.

Why do I always forget about my bruises again?

Slowly regaining my balance I got up and composed myself, I sat on the bed smoothly and took off my top.

Do not look in the mirror.

Do not look in the mirror.

I looked down at my body only to find it covered in bruises, one side of my rib had now turned purple.

Probably the broken rib.

I kept my eyes on my body and without looking around I put on my top again.

My only real fear was looking at my reflection, when I was seventeen I once looked in the mirror and to say I felt disgusted would be an understatement.

Like every other person, I like to think I look pretty, even if I don't. I like to believe I look presentable but that, for me is only possible until I don't see my body.

I always make sure never to look around when I'm treating my wounds simply because my reflection does not do me any good.

Mary always told me to fight my fears but this was the only one I do not want to fight.

I went back to my binoculars and wrote down all that I could understand in my book. After almost three hours I looked up to see it was now 11:30 pm.

So I went back to bed, it was good here. Alex did not beat me and Maya also liked me, but I miss Mary.

I took off my contact lenses and settled into the bed.

With thoughts of Mary in my mind, I went to sleep.

Hoping she misses me just as much as I miss her.

"I-I'm sorry sir, I won't ever do it again" I begged with tears running down my face.

"You better not do it ever again!" Sir roared and tore the piece of paper in his hand into small pieces and threw them at my face.

"you don't deserve this, do you understand?" Sir screamed and pulled my hair delivering a slap on my face within the next few seconds.

"This will never happen again, sir" I cried out but sir slammed the door and left me all alone.

I looked down at the small pieces of paper flying around and picked them all up.

Looking down at the paper bits in my hand I slowly said a small greeting "Happy Mother's Day mommy, I am nine years old now and I love you but

I can't make a card for you like Sara does I'm sorry but I promise I love you a lot"

I woke with tears freely falling from my eyes.


I really do miss you mom, I really do your twenty-two-year-old daughter misses you just as much as your nine-year-old daughter did.

After some time of composing myself self, I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror, and smiled, it took a few more attempts but soon my smile seemed real again.

I put on my contact lenses just in case and headed to the kitchen to get some water.

It was almost one-thirty.

I went to the kitchen drank some water but when I was about to return back to my room I saw that the light of Alex's studies light was still on.

Should I go and see if he was awake? Would he be angry if I disturbed him?

I took a deep breath and headed to the study.

You can do this Sierra.

I peeked in to see Alex typing vigorously on his laptop and from time to time scribbling something onto the paper kept beside the laptop.

A moment later Alex rubbed his eyes, he seemed to be sleepy. There were also a pair of glasses kept on the other side of the table.

He needs to wear his glasses otherwise he will have a headache, I thought.

Quietly I headed back to the kitchen and poured out some orange juice into a glass for Alex, if he'll drink coffee he won't be able to sleep the entire night.

I then headed back to Alex's study and knocked on the slightly ajar door, Alex looked up me and nodded but when I put the glass of juice beside him he seemed to have no expression on his face at all, I then went back to his table and got his glasses.

He'd look good in them.

"Wear your glasses otherwise, you will have to face a massive headache tomorrow morning," I said softly, as Alex nodded a little.

His eyes once again looking up at me, it seemed as though he was always calculating my moves.

I was about to leave the room when Alex stopped me "you know Sara, thank you for all this but I know what kind of women you are.

I have seen you throw yourself at any and every man who has a seven-figure bank balance, so don't even for a second, think that I am going to be fooled by all this you're doing.

I am sure this is what daddy dearest has taught you to get his company back, but it won't work on me."



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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