《Billionaires Tainted Love》S I X


𝘐'𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺.


Dead, I feel dead.

It's been so tiring.


The finals for my course will start tomorrow and I am so not excited, The amount of notes I have to go through is honestly insane.

Over that, we were asked to submit an online form of our expected Grades and went for an A- but my instructor is dead set on making me get an A+.

Which is why I've been working really hard the past few days. It feels good to know that someone is ready to mentor you and has expectations from you!

I mean, hardly does anyone confide in me and I just feel genuinely happy about it.

I groaned at the thought of reading more reports and looked at the time.

1:00 am.


I need a break but there's not much to do around here, my mind slowly drifted off to Alex.

Alex Taylor

He's been busy lately, and we've hardly talked at all, he has some big project coming up and therefore is mostly working day and night.

From what I understand, he has a very bad schedule and it's definitely not healthy.

If Maya wasn't around Alex, probably wouldn't be alive.

Maya and Alex seem to have a very-special relation, they don't talk every morning or night but they stand by each other.

Just the other day, Maya was feeling a little unwell so she called Alex telling him that she was going to head home a little earlier but the moment Alex came to know about her health, he came back rushing home and called in the personal doctor.

Turns out it was nothing serious, just a little food poisoning.

From what I understand, Alex doesn't like to talk or express his feelings but he does everything he can for the people he cares about, after Maya's result came out and everything turned out to be normal Alex decided it would the best if she took a little rest and the next morning when I woke up he was in the kitchen cooking.


When I came down, he had finished all the work and was setting up the plates, and just then, Maya came in because she was apparently very worried about who will handle the house.

She saw the breakfast was just as surprised as I was but Alex lied to her that he got the food delivered.


He seems to be very...


I shrugged off the thought and put my laptop aside, I'm so done with studies!

I need coffee.

And with that thought in hind, I walk out to the kitchen and make myself some cold coffee.

Do I make some for Alex?

I should make some for him right, common curtsey?

Finally, after everything was done, I walked up to Alex's room and knocked.

"Come in"

Alex mumbled and I, enter his room to see a bunch of papers on his desk which had different things scribbled on them, while Alex was looking through his laptop.

I swear he's always on his laptop and never puts's on his glasses.

Should I say something?

He seems busy.

Deciding against it, I place the iced coffee on the desk and left Alex's study.


I head back to my room and drowned in my notes again after about one hour I realized that I was almost done with everything!

Holly Molly, I finished everything!

With a content sigh, I put everything aside and jumped into my bed.

My beautiful bed.

The cheese to my red wine.

I giggled at the thought and laid down.

After shuffling around in my bed for almost half-an-hour and calling my bed the love of my life, I realized that sleep is not something on my list at the moment.

Why did I drink that much coffee again?

I got out of my room and roamed around the house.

Ghosting, that is exactly what I am doing right now.

I am so bored though, I stood outside Alex's room and thought for a second before knocking and entering the room.

Alex was clearing up his papers, clearly, he was about to go sleep too, when he looked up at me he raised his brow.

He does that very often.

"you are going to sleep.....I-I am sorry, I will take a leave," I said and practically ran out of his study.

What was I thinking?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, why did even I go there?

Of course, he was going to sleep...?

I went back to my room and took out my binoculars and notebook.

Time for some start grazing!

Settling beside my window I looked out for all the constellations when suddenly there was a knock on my door but before I could say anything the door opened and Alex came in.

Why does he have to look so good?

"h-hi, what happened?" I asked, clearly puzzled.

Alex never talks to me willingly over that he never initiates a conversation.

"You came to my room and ran out, is there some problem?" he asked, while I looked down at the floor avoiding his eyes.

"I u-um, I was not able to sleep and I thought you were awake but you were about to sleep and I..." My excuse sounded lame to my own ears.

Was I even making any sense at the moment?

"Nothing, I am just not able to sleep!" I finally answered while Alex just stared straight at me, burning a hole in my head with his gaze.

"Come on, let's go," Alex said and took my hand in his bigger ones dragging me outside with him.

"W-where are we going?" I questioned carefully, "the pool, now come."

With that said Alex practically dragged me to the pool.

It was absolutely magical.

The night sky was beautiful and the pool seemed to have a light around making it look breathtaking.

Alex pulled off his shirt and then his pants leaving him in his boxers!


I turned around the moment I realized he was only in his boxers.

"Come on Sara, there is no need to act so innocently, we both know what all you have done and plan to do." I cringed at Alex's word.

Right now, I feel like screaming.

I am Sierra, not Sara.

It's Sierra.


But I controlled my feelings and turned around.

"Come on, join in," Alex called out again while I thought over the fact if I should or if I shouldn't join him.


"It's ok Sara. Stop acting this way, you out of all the people are a model." I nodded

I am Sara right now!

I was about to take off my clothes but then I realized I was after all Sierra, and I did in fact, have black and blue bruises all over my body.

No one has seen me without my clothes, that would be a way to open for my comfort.

Deciding against it, I walked into the pool wearing my night suit which was basically a romper Sara threw away.

Alex swam around like a-a emperor penguin!

Yes- like an emperor penguin.

Those guys are really good swimmers, in fact, they are better than a lot of fishes too!

I've never seen someone swim before, I've read about but it seemed as though Alex was really good at it!

He seems to be really good at swimming, I walked up to his side of the pool and looked at Alex swim around but after a minute or two Alex swam up to me "why are you not swimming?" he asked me and I bit my lips "uhhh, I don't know how to......?"

This is so embarrassing, does everyone know how to swim?

I sound like an alien to my own self.

No one in the Vega house taught me.

'How am I supposed to know how to swim if I have come to a pool for the first time?' I mentally screamed, "so basically you model for swimsuits, but you don't even know how to swim?" Alex questioned, again and I nodded, what else am I supposed to do?

His usually controlled expression now gone and he was looking at me like I've grown another head.

"Well, then go ahead and drown," Alex said.


He really did not care, did he?

"W-Will you teach me?" I asked, to my own surprise "please? I want to swim like you too, just like a penguin- I mean I want to swim like you!"

I exclaimed not being able to hide my excitement and for the first time since I've met Alex, I saw him smile, well not smile but his lips curved a little.

Just a little.

He has dimples and he looks gorgeous like always, when does he not look good?

Well, technically speaking Dimples are formed because of tissue loss in the cheeks and, it is claimed that chewing gum might fade away from your dimples because your facial muscle will become strong!

Wait, this sounds like a useless fact.


"Were you about to call me a penguin?" Alex asked me, raising an eyebrow.


"Umm y-Yes, but in a good way. I mean like a, you know......" I tried explaining but failed miserably.

How do you call someone a penguin, in a nice way?

"Well, emperor penguin's are very good swimmers, the sailfish is obviously the best but you look like adonis and not sailfish, so penguins are better even though they are cute and not hands-"

Alex looked at me with narrowed eyes but amusement was clearly swinging through them.

Holly Molly, do I literally have no control over my mouth?

I cowered away slightly, but then all of a sudden the sound of his laughter filled the area.

It's a sight worth seeing; he seems much more happy and carefree, unlike his usual irritated and angry self.

Alex is- he is different tonight and I like it.

No wait, I love it!

It did come after you embarrassed yourself to no end though, my consciousness reminded me.

Finally, after Alex's laughing session was over he looked at me and smiled again, "so should we start the swimming lesson?" I asked, getting excited.

"Nope, not today, maybe tomorrow? It's almost three in the morning we can't stay in the pool any longer or else we will both be down with cold tomorrow morning." Alex said making my excitement vanish, but well he is right.

There goes my chance to learn swimming down the drain.

I smiled, sadly, looking up at him, and then started walking out of the pool but the moment I took a step forward Alex called me out, "hey, there is no need to be so sad about this Sara, we will continue tomorrow okay?" I nodded and gave Alex a bright smile.

"I understand, and well, you are correct!" I replied while Alex simply stared at me, he nodded back and took a step towards me.

I shudder under his intense gaze and look around, "tomorrow" Alex said and I smiled, "tomorrow."

Both of us got out of the pool and head to our bedrooms, I quickly changed into my night shorts and t-shirt.

Realization dawned on me like a thunderclap.

What was I thinking?

I can't swim without swimming goggles because the moment water will touch my eyes, they'll turn red from irritation or my contact lens will fall out.

Stupid, stupid Sierra.

I walked back to Alex's room, but the door was already open, so I invited myself inside but Alex was nowhere around.

"Alex" I called out and just then the bathroom door opened.

Just my luck.

There stood Alex, with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from his hair. "Yes, Sara," Alex called out and I snap out of my imaginary world.

"uh, I just came to uh say, g-good night.....?" Why do I always end up questioning my own decisions?

"Give me a minute," Alex said and walked into his walk-in closet, he then returned wearing simple a pair of cotton pants.

Did he forget?

"Alex y-you forgot to wear your shirt" I tried reminding him and he smirked in return.

"I sleep like this Sara, and stop acting so innocent you shoot with male models all the time!" my face turned red "r-right, Good Night and I am sorry for calling you a penguin but attest you won't explode like a whale or a Tod!"

Maybe I do have way too many fun facts to throw around.

With that I ran back to my room, now feeling sleepy.

Alex was different today, and I like different.



𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮- 𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪.𝘩𝘢𝘩𝘢

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