《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Worth
"I hope the kiss you shared with her was worth it."
Jungkook stared blankly at the small illuminescent screen resting in the palm of his hand, the words glaring angrily back at him, her words had stung painfully with the finality that arrived with them.
Lisa was done.
Casting his mind to the night before and the dinner date IU, he had enjoyed the evening and her company after they had settled into comfortable conversation. They had talked about many things which allowed him to see the softer and more vulnerable side of her which she had often kept to herself, because as an artist one can never leave themselves open to anything that could potentially return to harm them or their career.
IU had told Jungkook that her fans knew many things about her, but there were a few things that she kept to herself. She didn't tell him what they were, and he never asked because he himself understood exactly where she was coming from, and it made him feel slightly more closer to her as a person rather than a fellow idol.
The easy flow of conversation had made him sit straighter as he remembered the way her every word had captivated him with the way her lips moved, and he found them absolutely mesmerising and it had proved to be very difficult to turn his eyes in another direction.
He was not aware that during their intimate setting and the hushed tones of their discussion, he had somehow found himself sitting forward to hear her better. The softness in her voice equalled the beauty of her face, and Jungkook was hooked like a moth to a flame.
He hadn't meant to kiss her, but the overwhelming sense to protect her caught him by surprise when he took hold of her hand and listened to her speak her song. IU harboured the same qualities in songwriting as did he and the way she was able to convey every word through her impressive range of vocals never ceased to amaze him. It was what had drawn him to her as a teen, and perhaps even more so now.
The sweet delicate softness of her lips and the elf like features of her face made it especially difficult for him to look anywhere else but her face. If he was being honest with himself, he was glad that he kissed her because he no longer had to wonder what it would feel like, but at the same time he wished he hadn't, because their kiss could have potentially cost him not only his career, but he knew Lisa would never forgive him. Looking at his phone again, Jungkook could not have felt any more confused than he did at that moment.
He loved Lisa, he still does despite her initiating their break up, that he had not wanted in the first place, he loved her with everything in his soul. She had hurt him deeply when she broke it off saying that he needed to sort himself out, as if he needed fixing. He was younger than Lisa by a few months, but there were times where she was far more mature than her years, but he felt wronged when she left him, leaving him to find himself again and he could not help but feel a small amount of resentment for it. He wondered if that was why he had suddenly felt compelled to kiss IU, that all the pent up emotions with Lisa and her blatant disregard for his feelings.
Jungkook felt himself fall deeper into his lost confused thoughts as he unknowingly began to roll his phone around his hands in a grip so tight the whites of his knuckles appeared.
Everybody expected so much of him every single day and sometimes he felt their expectations were drowning him and all he'd want to do is rebel and do something out of the ordinary for him, something unexpected that would make people see that he is human with feelings, just like them, he can't always be the maknae that excels in everything he does.
Everytime he closed his eyes he would see Lisa's beautiful face, her soft plump lips curled into a large smile as her round expressive eyes crinkled into their own type of smile, and her bangs making slow whispy movements brushing her long lashes as she bent forward laughing. He could hear the sound reverberating through his mind before hitting him in the chest.
Her image disappeared just as soon as it arrived, replaced by long dark hair, porcelain white skin that tinged with a slight pinkness on her cheeks when she blushed and bright red lips resting against the milky white softness of her face. Her small eyes turned up to his, an innocence emanating from them making him smile, but just like Lisa as soon as IU appeared behind his closed eyes Lisa would return.
It tore at him to feel so far removed from reality and his feelings for both women, that he was so confused about the entire situation, that it hurt his head to think about it. He wanted to turn everything back to a time where everything was simple and he didn't have to choose which of the two women made him feel whole.
He was certain of one thing, and that was the deep love he felt for Lisa. The undeniable ability she had to calm him in any situation where he may have felt propelled to defend himself. The way she waltzed into his dorm and made breakfast for him and his members every Sunday before leaving a note for his members to keep their inside voices to a minimum so he could sleep in a little longer. He especially loved how Lisa would plonk herself into his lap and watch movies with him and his hyungs, not even caring if she was crammed into a small bundle if he was unfortunate enough to be left with the single armchair.
Jungkook much preferred the smaller armchair anyway because Lisa never could stay awake through any of their movies if it wasn't Disney animated related in any way. Her small body would somehow wrap itself around his own as she snored softly against his chest, her small faced pressed to him leaving small wet patches of drool when she snored. The sound always made him smile happily as he'd tuck the blanket around her shoulders, drawing her closer to him still.
By the end of the movie it would be just him and either Jimin or Jhope, with one of them switching off everything as he carried his precious cargo to his bedroom.
The others didn't mind Lisa sleeping over, they were all aware that they had not taken that step as a couple. Jungkook would always leave his bedroom door slightly ajar so his members, as well as Lisa would never have to suffer the embarrassment of looking at Lisa and silently asking with their exchanged glances if she and Jungkook did or didn't take that step.
The memories were becoming nothing short of torturous and he missed Lisa terribly, he wished he didn't feel something for IU. As much as he tried to deny them, the feelings were there, he just needed to know if they were on the same level as the solid feelings he had for Lisa or if they were more or less. The thought alone made him raise both hands, his phone to the floor with a loud thud as his began to run both hands through his hair, grabbing fistfuls hoping the pressure would set him straight. But it didn't.
He could feel the eyes of his members piercing him from all angles, their voices blending as one as they all attempted to overtalk each other, trying their best to snap him back to attention until the commanding boom of RMs voice brings an uncomfortable silence into the room, but he didn't care.
All he could think of was how much he had screwed up any chance he had of getting back with Lisa, and the reason was laid out before him and for all of South Korea and the world to see. It was set in stone, printed on paper and distributed to every news paper agency across the country, to every gossip website and SNS.
Jungkook had admired IU for many years and for such a long time he did not have any grandiose thoughts of being with her let alone kissing her; but the evidence didn't lie and he was absolutely powerless to do anything other than to wait and ride out the biggest scandal to hit the South Korean music industry and their careers as idols.
He felt an immense amount of guilt towards IU and for what had happened. Kissing her was not his intention but it had happened and he didn't regret it at the time, but reading Lisas messages that morning had filled him with something much more than regret.
Jungkook felt a loss so deep it reverberated through his entire body, and it only magnified when he tried to reply to her. Lisa had blocked him on all social media platforms he knew that she used. His emails had bounced back as did his texts, Lisa had blocked those too, effectively cutting all forms of contact with him. She didn't want anything more to do with him, and she was making it perfectly clear she had no intention of leaving him a thin chance of getting a hold of her, other than to visit her dorm which she knew he wouldn't dare do. Jisoo would sooner see him cut at the knees than to step within a centimetre of her baby Lisa.
Jungkooks elbows were still resting on his knees, tufts of hair tightly enclosed in his fists he looks at his phone laying at his feet and releases a broken sigh as droplets of tears fall onto the screen, landing haphazardly on her words. He felt helpless, lost and confused but mostly discarded, as if he was no longer worth her time anymore. Lisa had essentially cut him out of her life, like he never existed and he didn't like the pain that came with that knowledge.
Jungkook begins to cry harder knowing that because of that one kiss, he had lost the one thing he loved wholeheartedly. That what he had done with IU had broken her enough to the point where she no longer considered him as a man who she once shared her life with. A life she no longer wanted with him.
Feeling an immeasurable amount of pain in his chest, he falls forward, his head hanging low as his sobbing continues. He feels the weight of a presence beside him as Jimin throws an arm around his shoulders, offering Jungkook the strength of a brother to lean on and a few words of comfort. He had always treasured Jimins advice and guidance, even if he was a shitty brat at times, the older male would always forgive him without pointing out the obvious reasons why he was such a clout.
His members had fallen silent as he sat crying in front of them, tears streaming down his face and running off the tip of his nose, he thought of Lisas words running through his mind like a movie he wished to rewind and never play.
Do not text, call or email me.
Do not look at me or look for me.
Yoongi sat directly opposite Jungkook, and for all intents and purposes, his heart went out to the young man who's sobbing seemed unending. He could tell that Jungkook was hurting, but he had no words of comfort for him, besides, Jimin was doing a pretty good job at comforting him.
He loved their maknae like the younger brother he never had. Sometimes Jungkook did the most outrageous things that often took their breath away; like when he sprinted in a baton race, blitzing the 100metres with so much ease that he past several idols only to come first place, completely flabbergasting the sports presenters.
Jungkook threw himself into anything he did and had little problem coming first place be it a choreo, school test or a game, he always gave 100% of himself into all of them. That is except in the game of love. When it came to love Yoongi knew Jungkook was onto the best thing he could ever ask for his young maknae when he started dating Lisa.
Yoongi had borne witness to the love and care Lisa had showered on Jungkook, she took better care of Jungkook than Jungkook himself and to say he wasn't affected by the scandal plastered on the front page of the daily newspaper would be a lie. He could only imagine the pain Lisa was suffering at that exact same time as his maknae, and he struggled with the decision to let Jungkook and the others know of her hospitalisation.
Yoongi hadn't said anything for fear they would barge to her dorm and fuss over her like a mother hen without realising that Lisa had some very over protective eonnies; especially that Jisoo.
As much as he loved Jungkook, everything that he and Lisa were suffering at that moment was entirely his fault, and he had to know that if he had any real intentions of trying to get Lisa back. Though judging by what they were faced with, Lisa was not going to have any bar of it. If there was one thing that Yoongi could say that he truly admired about Lisa, it would be her immense and unwavering sense of loyalty.
From the little time he had known her, he had seen her being taken advantage of in many situations or let down in some way but she always forgave people and despite Yoongi telling her to not extend the proverbial olive branch to half the people who used her for whatever reason, Lisa would laugh it off and tell him with her fairy laugh to,
"Stop being silly oppa. Everyone deserves forgiveness, right?"
And with a wry smile he would always reply,
"Yes munchkin, so long as they haven't fucked you over in a really bad way."
To which Lisa would roll her eyes before lightly whacking his arm for cussing. He really admired that Lisa almost never cussed. One time on a Sunday he had woken to the tell tale aromas of Lisa making breakfast, when he heard her drop the F bomb. Hastily making his way to the kitchen he saw Lisa holding her hand under the cold tap, she had burnt her finger while trying to make crispy fried bacon. It was the one simple thing she could never do without burning the rashers into a thin strip of dried meat that was blackened around the edges, but they ate it heartily long after she had left.
It was then that he realised they hadn't had a Lisa made breakfast in a while, and that made him feel resentful towards Jungkook. It wasn't that she was no longer there on Sunday mornings to make them breakfast and leaving before they woke; but that it was because Jungkook had hurt Lisa one time too many and a girl so genuinely innocent like her only came into your life once.
Yoongi knew of IU and who she was and how Jungkook felt about her, it was all over social media as well as the few occasions Jungkook had referenced her verbally on variety shows, so there was no way she couldn't have known about his crush. But not once had she approached his maknae or made any attempt to greet him at awards shows, whereas Lisa made herself known to Jungkook in the most innocent of ways; by greeting Jungkook first.
Their relationship had eventually fallen into place and Jungkook had almost changed instantly. He had become a lot more settled, he smiled when he ate breakfast, at lunch and dinner, he even smiled when they watched horror movies making him appear maniacal.
In short, Jungkook had become even more happier, if that were possible. Lisa had brought a sense of home about her when Jungkook was with her. She would take his hand and lay it in her lap before absentmindedly playing with his fingers, wrapping them around hers and playing with his rings.
Yoongi missed seeing them being a couple at the dorm, they all did. They missed the home it had become with the sunshine Lisa often brought with her. Yoongi took another glance at the newspaper laid out on the coffee table which they were all sitting around. RM dared not to look at the picture much like Taehyang whose eyes were hidden by the over large hoodie concealing him and his sweater paws. Jhope, their own brand of sunshine was looking at Jungkook with a concerned look of concentration as Jimin still speaks soft words of comfort to him.
Jin for the most part had remained quiet, his eyes hadn't moved from the floor where it had been fixated since he had called them all into the lounge after returning from the store with freshly baked bread and a dozen tray of eggs. Breakfast long forgotten, their appetites taking a back burner since the drama before them had unfolded.
Yoongi had every intention of keeping Lisa's hospitalisation a secret from his members. She hadn't asked him to, he just knew that Lisa would've appreciated it at that time, as would her YG oppas who had no qualms about not making him feel welcome.
Taking a deep sigh Yoongi pressed on, hoping that he was doing the right thing by Lisa and Jungkook and if his knowing was going to make the younger male see what he had all along, then perhaps all the pain of heartache that their golden and royal maknae was suffering would come to an end.
"Jungkook, I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't feel it was my place to say anything, but this is all your fault." Yoongi kept his voice low, he didn't want the others to think he was berating him.
"If you hadn't gone to Han River Park that night, you wouldn't be in this predicament right now." he finishes.
"Hyungk, not now." RM intercedes
Yoongi looks at RM before responding, "If not now, then when?"
Pressing forward and keeping his tone neutral and quiet, Yoongi looks at Jungkooks hunched over form and continues, "That night, with IU at the park, she saw you.....Lisa saw it all."
He watches as Jungkook raises his head, a questioning look on his face as he rubs his red puffing eyes with the arms of his sweater and answers Yoongi, "What?"
"Lisa saw it all. JB took her home though but they were caught in the downpour that night."
"You came home just before the rain settled remember?"
Jungkooks heart dropped as the memories of that night returns to replay itself in his minds eye. The shy smiles he and IU had shared, the blushes, the obvious stares. Lisa saw it all?
"Lisa was there?"
"With who?"
"She was caught in the rain?"
"How did she get home?"
"She gets sick easy hyung." Jungkook says with worry in his voice.
The concern and frightened tone in Jungkooks voice didn't make Yoongi feel anybetter for telling him. He had to know the direct implications that his obsession with IU had on Lisa and her health, both mentally and physically. Even if he had lost her, he still felt that Jungkook needed to know even if there was no chance of Lisa forgiving him.
Yoongi took a quick glance around the room at his members, their eyes shifting between Jungkook and himself with waiting for the right time to bombard him with the same amount of questions that Jungkook was firing at him.
"Yes she got home fine but she did fall sick with pneumonia and was hospitalised for a few days. She was in a bad way with an extremely high fever but it broke after a couple of days. She woke a few hours after that."Yoongi finished.
He didn't want or like having to remember how deathly pale Lisa was at that time. She looked so weak and helpless, like a wee little kitten caught in a storm drain. Lisa had an uncanny ability to look after people really well as well as make others want to put her in their purse and take her home.
"Hyung, why...." Jungkook began.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jin finished for him. Genuinely puzzled because Lisa was to Yoongi what she is to all of them bar Jungkook.
"Because I knew as you all do too, that you'd all cram into her hospital room and act like mother hens. Do you think she would feel comfortable with you all being there after witnessing what she did at the park?" Yoongi reasoned to Jin.
He reply was met with silence.
Until Jungkook asked the inevitable, and Yoongi was confident in many things, but answering Jungkook was going to be difficult because the answer would make him jealous, Yoongi knew without a doubt that he barely liked his hyungs looking at Lisa.
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3 Ninjas Kick Back (Part 3)
Decided to change her model since her character is getting older changed it to Margaret Qualley instead of Julia Butters Younger model: Julia butters Older model: Margaret Qualley 3rd book! Her new name is Zoey and BlazeHope you all enjoy this series can't believe how many people actually view this. I grew up watching 3 ninjas it's what actually inspired me to do karate and I got back into it. All credits to owner besides my character and lines!
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