《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Want
IU had great difficulty in removing from memory the kiss she and Jungkook had shared the night before. The feeling of his lips pressed against her still lingered hours after.
Her manager had camped himself outside her door since the breakout of the "Dinner Date Scandal", as some websites had dubbed it, and was now sitting beside her, both of them reading the article a million times over before muttering the occasional "humpf" and starting over again from the first paragraph.
The newspapers in circulation were no better with their own headliners like;
She had never not once in her entire career become embroiled in a scandal that had threatened to either end her career as an idol, or head in the opposite direction and boost her popularity amongst the general public and fans alike.
IU understood the game, how to play it and she was very good at it. She was also quite aware that not everyone was going to like her music, or her as a person and she was ok with that. What mattered most to her was her fans and giving them the best of herself that she possibly could through her music.
Her manager had never needed to advise her on what she should or shouldn't do as an idol because she had always conducted herself professionally, as a woman and as a public figure. There were articles in the past regarding her dating life, but nothing to the magnitude that was laid out before them printed in black and white underneath a coloured picture of her and Jungkook locked in a kiss.
Her manager certainly did not expect her to be very calm about the situation and it threw him off that she wasn't making any demands to have the news agencies formally apologise on what is evidently a very private moment between two adults.
IU had woken up that morning feeling blissfully content and happy as she lazily made her way around her large apartment preparing herself for the day. There wasn't any pressing engagements or schedules that required her immediate attention and she had planned to stay indoors to continue the song she had told Jungkook about the previous night. The lyrics were all set, she just had to lay down the backtracks, fine tune a few lyrics here and there and finish by composing some of the music. It was the lengthiest part of song writing but also the most rewarding and by far her favourite.
Jungkook had told her about his own studio where he wrote his own music and at the time she had made a mental note to search YouTube for any videos that show him in his studio at Bighit and their dorm.
He had fascinated her beyond any measure of her expectations. She had thought of him as a fanboy, someone who admired her for her appearance and her music, but during the short time they have conversed, she was beginning to think that perhaps she had him pegged wrong the whole time.
She was used to men admiring her beauty and she revelled in the fact that men looked at her in that way, because she knew she was beautiful and it made her feel good. She just hadn't expected Jungkook to look at her with such admiration and if she wasn't wrong, maybe with something a little more as well. The thought made her giddy as a familiar warm feeling rises from her neck, and moves up to settle on her cheeks.
IU could feel the raised eyebrow stares of her manager piercing her all over, and turns to face her manager with a cheeky smirk. Her manager only shook his head in a silent warning, he knew what that look meant and if Jungkook had half a brain, he would keep his wits about him when it came to IU.
Nobody knew her best like her manager, who also unfortunately knew and bore witness to the many broken hearts she had left in her quest to finding her version of 'real love'. He also knew that Jungkook and Lisa were an item at some point, that itself was not unknown news to many idols management team. Idols were allowed to date, the only stipulation was to not get caught, and unfortunately for Lisa, his client was set to take what she so clearly craved; and that was Jungkook.
When IU wanted something, she would step on anything or anyone to get what she wanted, and she didn't care who she had to get out of the way in order to succeed. To her, Jungkook was as articulate as he was humble, very intelligent, sensitive and extremely sexy as any grown man could be, along with all the boyish charms that he possessed. He blushed when she stared at him for too long and had noticed with great delight that he blushed even harder whenever his eyes grazed from her eyes to her lips.
Lifting a hand to rest a forefinger on the pad of her lower lip, she felt pleased that she was able to make him flustered with her lips alone. It was her best feature and she loved the reaction she elicited from him even more, and it made her want to try other ways of tempting him.
Lost in her thoughts and against her managers advice, she ignores the constant alert notifications pinging from her phone in favour of switching on her tv, curious as to how the scandal had played out in real live news broadcasts. The general consensus was that fans and non kpop people thought they made a good looking pair, their comments drew a happiness deep within her stomach as the old familiar flutter of butterflies begin their waken.
Against her better judgement and that of her manager, she stood and hastily making her way to the study and sat behind the large oak desk, waiting a few moments for her laptop to complete loading up.
The short legs of her manager runs after her scolding IU lightly to think carefully before making her next move because the whole country will be hungrily waiting for either of them to make the next move. The wheels had been set in motion and now the eyes of the nation will be fixated on their every move, regardless of there being no statement from either of their agencies.
IU scoured the pages of Naver, Daum and several other websites that had their scandal plastered on their home pages. Her forefinger working nimbly on the mouse as she began scrolling through several pages of comments and images and to her pleasure almost every single comment was in support of their apparent ship. Their fans were celebrating with their supporting hashtags for Twitter and a huge amount of URLs to fanfictions; pages and pages that seemed to have no end.
Her eyes suddenly stopped at another image that wasn't printed in the newspaper. It was of her reaching out to Jungkook pulling him in for a deeper kiss and she remembered that moment because she had savoured it.
For her it was magic, particularly when he did not attempt to stop or move away when her hand wound itself behind his neck. His lips were warm, soft and inviting and she remembered she felt an urge to bite his lower lip and taste him because her insides had already turned to jelly and her core wanted more of him.
He had ignited a fire and she wanted him to fan the fire and let it engulf her desire. She wanted to make the fire bigger and to swallow them both whole in a deep passionate kiss. She wanted him to feel her desire for him and open his mouth to accept her tongue and feel her sincere passion she wanted to give him.
As she sat in the chair reminiscing about his unbuttoned shirt that would flap open at his chest exposing his deliciously smooth skin when he leant towards her to better hear her, and the thick thighs hidden under his trousers, IU felt something that she hadn't felt in a very long time. She was not ignorant to not know what the inexplicable pull of desire felt like in her lower core, and thinking about Jungkook and his hard taut chest was having an extraordinary effect on her body downstairs. They say that all is fair in love and war, and she was determined to claim him and his body.
To hell if he had a girlfriend.
Unbeknown to IU, her manager was eyeing her with a look of disappointment and something that read, 'no don't do it, not Lisa'. He had met the young Thai girl on the occasions they were at an awards show and she had left a good impression on him as he watched her taking care of other idols around her, and not necessarily those from her own group.
The girl was as sweet as cotton candy off stage, but during their performances she stood out from the crowd with her overwhelming stage presence. Lisa possessed the unattainable x-factor that so many idols wish they had and for all intents and purposes she could have been born with that 'IT' factor that made her a force to be reckoned with, and he found it completely unbelievable that the girl was absolutely unaware of the pull of attraction she had.
He was not blind to the eyes of numerous male idols that followed her not only onstage, but also when she walked off stage, or when she stood from her seat to bow to her seniors or even to visit the bathroom. Lisa had the kind of pull that IU did not possess but so badly wanted, and thought she had. He knew that he would have to keep a close eye on her, because given her track record, affairs of the heart was not a game.
Returning her attention back to the monitor and scrolling down further in the comments section her eyes continued to gaze across the overwhelming support for their kiss. It excited her to think that their fans were pretty much cheering them on, it meant that it would make her plans easier to execute.
However, her eyes caught something that piqued her curiosity and she paused at a name that had the familiarity of a ship. The butterflies in her stomach paused mid flight and she mouthed out the word.
There was only one other person of whom she knew of whose name came close to the first part because she know for certain that 'KOOK' was Jungkook in short. Her suspicions were right when her eyes landed on comments that seemingly appeared to cheer for another woman with close ties to Jungkook.
Lalisa Manoban of Blackpink.
It irked her to some degree that there was another woman connected in a ship to Jungkook, and a younger woman at that. Lisa was younger and extremely beautiful with exotic doll like features.
She had seen the younger woman at awards and to be truthful IU was mildly jealous of Lisa's amazing body proportions and the wide smile she used to unknowingly hypnotise those around her. It made her envious that male eyes would follow the younger woman as she walked past their tables, her destination unknown.
On one occasion Blackpink were walking past BTS who were seated in front of her and she watched as each of their heads seemed to automatically follow her path, Jungkooks included. When they were performing As If It's Your Last IU remembered she had taken a quick look at the large screen when Lisa was rapping and the young woman floored her.
Lisa has beautiful round eyes that draws you in when she looks at the camera for a mere few seconds, her hypnotic gaze mesmerizing her audience. IU was not one to deny that Lisa indeed had a magnetic stage presence, something she herself had trained for years to learn and sometimes IU could felt that she herself was lacking in that area.
Insecurities took hold and she knew it was a bad idea and she could very well come to regret what she was about to do, but for IU she was more or less sizing up the competition. If Lisa was in anyway connected to Jungkook, she would have to change that. Lisas feelings aside, IU knew she'd have to take her time if she wanted to take man like a Jungkook, because he was worth it.
As she began scrolling through some comments for the Lizkook ship, it wasn't long before IU felt the hot green claws of jealousy taking over her mind.
"I'm sorry but IU is too old for Jungkook, what is she? 30?"
"Lisa and Kookie for ever"
"My Bunicorn couple are real. Kookie only likes IU as a senior."
"My sweet Lalisa is far more beautiful than IU."
IU could see the support for Lisa and Jungkook was out there, and that the fandom for their ship was real, and that it wasn't something small. That it wasn't just about IU and Jungkooks admiration for her since the early days when he joined BTS, it was more than that. LIZKOOK was big and hundreds of fans believed in their ship.
Her attention was suddenly disturbed by the closing of the door as realises that her manager had left. The steaming cup of coffee sitting on a coaster the only sign that he was there. Grateful for his uncanny ability to sense her need for caffeine at that time she returns her attention to her monitor and quickly opens a tab to Youtube, and did a search for Jungkook and IU. She was very happy to see the fancams of them and even more so with the fan edited videos of herself and Jungkook.
The edited images looked so real and she wondered what it would feel like to lay back against his strong broad chest as his arms wrap themselves around her waist. There was one particular video that caught her eye as soon as she saw the picture of herself and Jungkook locked in an embrace, both of them were clearly not wearing tops and were in bed with sheets wrapped around their sleeping forms.
Although they were images taken from a selection of music videos, it amazed her that fans went to such lengths to see their idols in such a position, but, if anything, she wasn't complaining. She bit her lower lip as she took in his naked chest pressed against hers, his arm thrown over the sheet that had wrapped around her waist, his hand tucked tightly under her holding her body firmly to him. The sight made her insides heat, her core feeling the pull again as the edited image plays on her want of the young man.
Shaking her head and without thinking her fingers moved across the keys and within seconds she was looking at the hundreds of videos focused around Lisa and Jungkook as Lizkook. There were videos of moments caught between Lisa and Jungkook as their fleeting glances towards each other stole the limelight of the intended idols on stage. She watched as Jungkook pretended to hug another male idol in her direction but his eyes were trained in Lisa before nodding to her as she approached.
There were videos of Lisa watching Jungkook on big screen during his lines only to turn her eyes elsewhere when he wasn't singing. Their fleeting glances seemed innocent enough but that therein is where the romance laid and she wondered if they had a history; past or current she was going to find out.
The more she watched, the more she felt compelled to throw the offending gadget against the wall. IU had always considered herself to be a very confident woman in everything that she did, and she had a great business sense.
She could sing, dance, write her own songs and people generally loved and admired her for her beauty and vocals. There was nothing that Lisa could do that IU couldn't do either, if not better. She knew the younger woman didn't sing. Admittedly she had seen a video of Lisa singing a few lines of Paper Hearts, but she didn't think much of Lisas vocals, thinking Lisa should stick with rapping and dancing.
If she was being honest with herself she would admit that Lisa was a good singer, but she wasn't about to say so. Lisa had something that IU wanted and it was evident in the many videos posted on Youtube, with some of them racking up over 1M views. She wasn't happy with just having Jungkooks lips on hers, she wanted him whole. She wanted his eyes to look at her and only her, essentially, IU wanted his undivided attention.
IU took one last glance at the still image on the screen. Jungkook was hugging a young platinum blonde male but rather than look at his friend, IU could see his gaze was directed at Lisa who was approaching their direction. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see whom his attention was focused on.
Closing the laptop with a frustrated thud she stalks into her bedroom and stands in front of the full length mirror assessing her body from head to toe. She takes in the way her chest is far more developed and curvier than Lisas and how milkier her skin is compared to that of the young Thai woman.
IU thought to herself that she had something that Lisa didn't and it was the one thing she had over her, and that was that she was Korean and for a man like Jungkook who had a traditional Korean family, his parents would prefer their son to be with a Korean woman. At Least she hoped she was right.
Yanking open her wardrobe she pulls out a form fitting sequin black dress that had an extremely low cut back with a thigh high split that undoubtedly would leave little to the imagination. It was a strapless piece with a princess cut bust and she'd purchased the item on an impulse buy hoping that the right opportunity would present itself, allowing her to wear the dress.
Ripping off the tag and tossing it aside she untied her robe and slipped on the dress, enjoying the feel of the slightly heavy garment against her skin. Turning her back towards the mirror she saw the low cut back ends just above her bottom; it was a risque dress indeed but rather than feel afraid to be seen in such a barely there type of garment, she was excited.
Running her hands down the front of the dress she decided it was the dress she was going to wear when she finally gets the chance to seduce Jungkook.
She wanted him.
There was no question about it, and for IU, she was at a point where her body was craving him after their first kiss, and it wanted more. SHE wanted more.
She was going to take him from Lisa.
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