《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Constant
"You heard me." JB whispers into her ear.
Lisa sat cradled in JB's arms where she had fallen into him, using his body as a pillar, a source of strength for her to lean against as her sobbing had quietened to small childlike hiccups. Her hands releasing the vice like grip she had on his forearms, but not willing to let go just yet. Lisa's head lay resting against his chest, the erratic beating of his heart settling as Lisa took comfort in the sound, his heartbeat steady and strong, easing her frantic nerves and counting herself down from the edge of an invisible cliff.
Lisa had lost herself in the prison she had created with the tortured thoughts that she felt had were imprinted in her mind's eye, refusing to remove themselves, they had burrowed into the depths of her heart and rejoiced in her immense sorrow.
The valiant efforts of her members trying to break through to her went unnoticed by her unseeing eyes, however, trapped in her misery she heard the faint quiet murmurs of a deep husky voice breaking through the fog in her head, and she fought herself trying to fight her way closer to the warmth of the voice.
Slowly like clouds breaking apart after a heavy thunderstorm, the murmurs became clearer and the muffled words begin to make sense as her body reacts almost immediately to the effects they were giving her. Lisa's vision no longer blind and unstaring, she comes face to face with JB, his hushed singing now clear, his gaze unwavering and steady, reassuring her that he was present and he had her.
"Hey." he whispers to her, his thumb wiping stray remnants of tears.
"Are you ok?."
"Hmmm", Lisa responded with a small nod of her head, before closing her eyes, leaning back into him.
Lisa felt JB tighten the hold he had around her small body, he had placed a hand on her head cradling her closer, willing her to absorb some of his strength, and she used the opportunity to burrow herself further into his chest, her ears sought the comfort of his heartbeat, consciously aware that the warmth and safety of being swallowed in his strong arms were not lost on her as the slow rocking motions he had them locked in was lulling her into a dark peaceful rest. The last words she heard before sleep took hold of her tired weary body filled her with a welcome sense of relief.
"I'm here, rest now. I got you Lisa."
It wasn't long before JB felt Lisa's body grow heavier in his arms, he hoped she was warm enough as Lisa had somehow burrowed herself deeper into him when he held her closer. Strands of her hair clung to her forehead and cheeks, her impossibly plumps lips, swollen and red, were turned down in a slightly sad frown and he wondered what Lisa would look like when she slept with a trouble free mind, picturing her to look nothing more than an angelic cherub.
Smiling to himself at the thought and locking the imaginary image away to his memory, JB pulled his jacket tighter around Lisas smalls shoulders, taking care to not make sudden movements least he wake his sleeping charge, before looking over his shoulder to their audience, unsure of how her members would react to the effect his presence had on their maknae. They had gathered behind him, their eyes showing an appreciation for the older male and for what he was able to do for Lisa, and the ability he had to calm her.
Bam stood in the middle of the girls, his own eyes sad and staring back at JB with a quiet pity, before mouthing a muted thank you. Bam could see his friends eyes, they were wide and shining with fear. He had never seen the older male look that way in all the years he had known him, the older male was normally cool and bright.
Bam willed for his friend to not fall for Lisa, because as much as he was pissed at Jungkook, Bam knew, as did everyone else that Lisa belonged to Jungkook just as Jungkook belonged to Lisa.
Bam looked at the newspaper and wished for something, anything, to knock a little sense into Jungkook because if he didn't sort his shit out sooner than later, then the wider idol community was going to see another scandal, this time involving the two people in front of him.
Jungkook had never responded to his text, and Bam now knew why or who, Jungkook was preoccupied with, and even though he was friends with JK, his Pokpak was and always will, come first, before all of his other friends in his life.
JB turned his attention back to the young woman sleeping in his arms, her small hand had found its way to his, and while she slept, Lisas fingers wrapped themselves around his forearm again as if seeking comfort in his steadfast presence.
Although Lisa sought comfort in him, he admitted to himself that he was scared for her when they he and Bam arrived. He had never seen eyes so wide open but blank and unstaring. It jarred him that she was at that point, and all over love.
JB had almost forgotten the others and would have if Jisoo hadn't quietly asked him to place Lisa in the comfort of her bed. He nodded and carefully maneuvered Lisa into his arms as he stood, feeling Bam and Jennie place a hand each under his elbows as leverage, allowing JB to stand without disturbing Lisa.
It was then that JB thanked them, his knees having gone numb on the cold patio but that didn't bother him, he was just glad that Jennie had called Bam for help and even more grateful that he happened to be at the dorm with Bam at that time. They had just returned from the recording studio, having laid, down the backtracks for a new song they had been working on when Bam received the call, and JB did not hesitate to grab his jacket and running out the door with Bam.
Turning with Lisa secure in his arms, he was just passing the newspaper with Jungkook and Iu when he glanced down and with a disappointed tone he asked Bam to throw it in the trash, and he stopped short of telling him the necklace could follow suit. JB knew it wasn't his place, so he refrained from saying so and walked past a quiet watching Jennie to follow Jisoo into Lisas room.
The strong aromas of Roses alert his senses to the bouquet of flowers he had bought for her at the hospital were now sitting in one of her own vases, the sight added to his own feelings of bewilderment. Many people leave hospitals without taking flowers gifted from visitors, but Lisa had taken his home with her. He and Bam had originally planned to visit her a few days after her return to the dorm, wanting her to settle in before receiving guests. It saddened him that the unfortunate events of the night had forced them to meet sooner than they expected, and not under normal circumstances.
Moving towards the large bed in a dimly lit corner of the room, JB waits, Lisa cradled safely in his arms as Jisoo moves a large brown stuffed teddy bear to the side of the pillow and turns the black and white Bunny printed blanket down, ready and waiting for Lisa. It didn't take a genius to know the reference behind her choice of print, JB thought but he wasn't concerned about it at that moment as Jisoo removed the leather jacket off Lisas body and moved to the side, making way for JB as he leant over Lisas bed.
With as much care as he could muster, JB slowly places Lisa down onto the soft downy sheets when he hears a soft hiccup fall from her lips, the sound catching his ears as his eyes take in her sleeping face. He was trying his best to not wake her, however taking his arm from under her proved to be far more difficult than he expected, as Lisa in her unconscious sleep reaches out in protest by holding onto his arm with all her strength pulling JB down to her level.
JB wills for the butterflies in his chest to stop their erratic fluttering as Lisa pulls on his arm, essentially drawing him down and closer to her as she herself moves towards him. He could sense that even in her sleep, Lisa was still seeking the comfort of his arms and the thought that she was looking for him even when she was asleep made him confused, but happy. He couldn't decide which emotion was stronger or appropriate, but he did know that he was feeling something for the young resting woman.
JB waited a minute or two for Lisa to stop moving and tried again to remove his arm. His back had become uncomfortable as he remained standing over her body, and with Jisoos hesitant permission, provided Lisas bedroom door was left halfway open, he was allowed to stay with Lisa until she had fallen into a deeper sleep, allowing him to remove his arm and then he could return to his own dorm. It was well into the night and he had not eaten, the protesting grumbles from his empty stomach wanting the fullness of comfort food.
Bam returned to the room with a chair in tow, placing it as close to Lisas bed so that JB wasn't too far put out by the distance. JB thanked the younger man for the thoughtful gesture and takes a seat, edging it a tiny bit closer to Lisa, the slight discomfort of having his arm turning numb not bothering him at all. JB instructed Bam to return to their own dorm incase their group members sent out a search party. Both men knew that Jackson in all his overdramatic tendencies would most likely be the one to do so.
Jisoo and the girls had left the bedroom earlier waiting for Bam in the lounge and JB could hear them each thanking Bam for such a quick response to Jennies call and farewelled him. A few minutes after the front door had closed and JB looked up at the soft knocking on Lisas door as Jennie and Rosie silently filed into the room. Both girls inform JB that Jisoo will be in the lounge to see him out once Lisa has released his arm, and he smiles as they all wish each other a good night.
It wasn't hard for JB to see why they were considered one of a very few idol girl groups who referred to themselves as family rather than idol members. The girls displayed the qualities of tight knit blood sisters who cared for each other equally as those of full blooded siblings, and for that he was happy that Lisa was surrounded by her loving older members.
After the girls had left the room JB checks on Lisa and is pleased that the pressure of her grip is still firm and strong on his arm. Tucking the blanket around her shoulder he turned his head and admires the layout of Lisas room, the quirky touch of colours in every corner and the large collection of soft toys; most likely gifted by fans, sat huddled on top of each other on a corner sofa seat. Above the seat was a large cork board where Lisa had obviously pinned all her favourite pictures and he could see they were mostly of her members, her parents but very few of herself.
He marvelled at the collection of cameras sitting on shelves beside a dresser, looking well taken care of and he couldn't help but smile that it was yet something that they had in common. Eyes moving to her dressing table they landed on a photograph encased in an antique golden frame of a young couple, joined at the hips, cheeks pressed together and smiling into the camera. JB guessed it was taken at a time when they must have been at their happiest, Lisas wide Californian smile nearly bursting from the photo and Jungkooks famous bunny smile equal in its brightness.
Looking back to Lisa, he would never have guessed that the young woman lying asleep in front of him, who cried in his arms as someone she cared deeply for had kissed someone else, was the same person the the antique frame. The woman in front of him, asleep and completely unaware of the effect she had on him, of the butterflies that fly like crazy when she needs him, or of the confusion he was in because of her.
JB knew he liked Lisa, but he also knew he didn't know her very well, only what he knew from Bam and YouTube, but he could no longer deny that he wanted to get to know Lisa as Lisa the person, not Lisa his fellow idol.
Feeling a slight movement from her hand, he looked down and smiled to himself. Lisa had wrapped both of her tiny hands around his forearm again, trapping him further to her desperate need of his comfort. Humming to himself JB reaches out to tuck strand bits of hair out of her face, pulls the blanket closer to her chest and lays his head on the corner of the mattress, making a mental note to leave the small table lamp on when he leaves. He didn't want Lisa to wake in the middle of the night and feel like she was left alone in the darkness of her room.
Lisa could feel a warm breeze touching her forehead, it came in small soft waves. One of her hands was tucked under her chin, the other resting flat on something solid, her head resting on a pillow, and her neck comforted by another warm firm object. Her body was warm and relaxed, rolled into the blankets she was warm and secure as she felt the warmth running down the entire length of hers. She remembered the nightmare she'd had, and the warm tears that were beginning to well behind her closed eyes.
Lisa also remembered feeling her bed shift slightly and the feel of sudden weight beside her as the mattress dipped, and the soft cooing and humming of someone soothing and lulling her back into a dark slumber within minutes.
At this thought Lisa slowly opened both eyes only find she was facing a wall of a hard but warm black fabric. Lisas watched confused as the fabric began moving up and down in slow motions, where every exhale from the fabric blew hot warm air onto her forehead. Only then did she realise the black wall of fabric was emanating tell tale hints of a men's cologne, and every so slowly Lisa held her breath and raised her eyes to stare at the sleeping male beside her.
The sun had risen and behind him the sun was shining a soft light onto his back, and to Lisa he looked like a dark sleeping angel with a halo glow around him. His eyes were covered by his long hair, the bridge of his nose manly yet partly hidden by the dark veil of his hair. His skin clear and shining under the glow of the halo of the sunlight and his lips slightly parted as he snored quietly.
He was the voice Lisa heard in her pain, and his was the voice that kept her sane when the nightmare hit her.
He was the weight beside her that Lisa had felt when the nightmare came to her.
He was her rescue, every single time.
He was her constant.
He made her feel safe.
Moving her eyes away from his mouth, she raises her eyes to see JB awake and looking back at her they continue to stare at each other, both hesitant to move. Lisa feels an overwhelming sense of gratitude growing in the pit of her stomach for his steadfast presence and without thinking Lisa laid both hands flat onto his chest, and tucked her head under his chin before closing her eyes as she felt his other arm reach over and draw her warm body to his, keeping her locked and safe.
It was mid morning and the dorm was eerily quiet and quiet Jisoo woke to find she had fallen asleep on the sofa. Standing to make her way to check on Lisa her eyes take in the sleeping couple and the way JB has Lisa locked in what appears to be a tight embrace, the image telling her that things were only going to get much worse for Lisa and Jungkook.
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