《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Fall
Lisa was grateful for his quiet presence. He never tried to force her into talking about the cause of her distress, but rather he sat himself beside her on the dewy grass. He listened to her not so silent tears, the small hiccups she didn't bother to conceal, her tears landing onto her dark sweater making black splotches at random places on the fabric. She tried so hard to hold it all in but the damn was far too strong having gained its strength from her turmoiled emotions.
Time was not important, she had plenty of that she knew as she sat frozen, head bowed and long gentle fingers playing with a loose thread on the hem of her sweater. She knew it was getting late but she had no will to move just yet, the quiet ambience of the park and the distant lapping of the water against the shores of the River were lulling her senses and all she wanted to do was wind back time to when her life had revolved around the dance studio and her cats. Before there was a Jungkook and Lisa or a Lisa and Jungkook.
In the middle of her messed up thoughts she heard soft humming coming from her quiet companion. The tune was recognisable after a minute, the verse held so much meaning to her. Jungkook had come to her at a time when she had contemplated returning to Thailand when she was receiving hate and racist comments. Albeit those thoughts were fleeting, they had immediately disappeared with the appearance of Jungkook in her life.
Lisa sat quietly listening to his melodic humming, the mixture of soft and heavy tones all played well together as her hands stilled and the loose thread now lying idly on her leg of her pants. Her lower lip caught between her teeth as a battle between her head and heart went at it both trying to hold back all thoughts of the scene earlier from drowning her in a sorrow so deep she feared escape would be as futile as her having the strength to stand and run to confront him. No, she had no strength, and no willpower to do that just yet.
She missed his arms wrapped around her small frame locking her in a warm bear hug, his strength holding her still as she would try in mock attempts to escape from his embrace and shrieking in delight as Jungkook pulled her closer to his chest one arm trapping her to him and the other reaching down to her sides tickling her ribs, both lost in their small bubble for two as their members would roll their eyes begging them to either be quiet or exit the room.
Lisa missed the way he would brush stray tendrils of hair from her face, tucking the loose hair behind her ear before leaning in to plant a small kiss to her temple allowing her a whiff of her favourite men's cologne that she had bought Jungkook for Valentines.
Closing her eyes she listened to her companions humming turn into words, enveloping her in a blanket of emotions that did little to stem the flow of tears from her now puffy eyes. Words playing on her heart strings she silently sang along with him, mouthing the lyrics but not forming any sound. Everything fell silent as she continued to sing mute words, but what she hadn't realised was that as she sang from her heart, her words slowly formed into sound essentially harmonising along to his singing.
He wasn't surprised at all at how well she harmonised to the lyrics having seen Blackpink videos online and their music videos, however he was surprised when she began to sing, he wasn't expecting that. He paused for a few seconds when she started to sing but he let her continue and joined her in the next verse.
She was so caught up in the moment that she didn't realise she had begun to vocalise. At first she started out smooth and somewhat strong only to falter on a hitched breath catching her companion off guard. He waited for her to catch her breath listening carefully incase her tears turned into hysterics just as he saw on movies; but it didn't happen. He watched her silently cry uncaring of the tears now making the patterned splotches on her sweater larger.
Edging a little closer to her not wanting to scare the sad girl he quietly spoke to her,
"Lisa-shi, are you ok? I think we should get you back to your dorm, it is beginning to rain"
"Lisa-shi? Come, let us go back. I will take you back to your dorm now. Ok?"
He was beginning to worry about her possibly getting sick, he knew her emotions were running high. He could hear them and see them and he knew very well that emotions did not fare well when coupled with rain as quite often the saddened person showed little care for their own well being, exactly like what Lisa was doing right now. He felt the first few drops just as she began to sing, as though the weather was joining forces with her state of emotions. He wanted to get her home before the weather worsened.
"Lisa-shi come, lets go now before it rains and we get caught. I'm sorry I don't have an umbrella but I would like to take you home safely" he beckoned waiting further for the unmoving girl.
Extending an arm he reached out towards her, palm facing upwards letting her see that his gesture was being made in an unthreatening manner. Lisa nodded her head in compliance not really caring about the weather, she welcomed the rain. He watched as Lisa moved with slow purpose and slipped on the mask he'd handed her earlier pulling her hood lower and stared at his outstretched palm before taking a hold of it to use as leverage as he helped her to stand. Her fingers were as cold as they were delicate and he wished that he'd had the foresight to take a small hand held heat pack before leaving for his evening jog. Holding her hands a little longer and not wanting her to fall sick, he mentally tried to extend and transfer some of his body heat to her icy fingers.
He felt the loss as Lisa let go of his hand making it a point to look up at him under the darkened veil of her hood and mumbled a soft Thankyou.
"Thankyou sunbae", "and sorry" she whispered.
Surprised at her delicate voice he nodded in return and turned his body slightly indicating to Lisa that it was time to leave Han River Park lest they get risk getting drenched in a sudden downpour. Making sure she was steady enough on her feet he watched as Lisa turned once more to the empty seat in the distance before turning back around taking slow small steps past him, and he followed the young girl keeping his distance at what he felt would be comfortable for her.
Taking one last glance at the wet unoccupied seat Lisa moved past him with slow careful steps. Every step she took felt like a step towards a dark abyss. Every step she took away from the last spot he occupied felt like a step further away from Jungkook and his heart. Every step she took she felt her heart and soul crumble beneath her feet disappearing in the freshly made puddles. Every step she took her heart threatened to fall out from her chest to join the trampled pathway under her feet. She had to get home, to the safety of the dorm where she could return to her bed and bury herself under mountains of blankets.
Lisa could feel the drizzle turning into big fat drops of water landing with a heavy pound against her body, but she didn't care. No one understood her, no one could possibly understand how she was feeling, the gut wrenching pain of seeing your boyfriend with his first real crush giggling and blushing as they talked for what seemed like hours. Watching heartbroken as you witness him getting shy and if it were possible; making love hearts with his eyes. The mind numbing pain of witnessing first hand the beginning of the end of what was your entire world.
With a strangled cry Lisa paused her knees almost buckling she reached out to grab hold of a store window not wanting to fall. She had fallen once tonight, a second time would be proof enough how weak she had become how weak her love for him had made her. She didn't know if she could make it home without wanting to die in a pathetic mess on the side of the road, but she had to try, if not for her sanity, then for her heart.
She felt him suddenly reach out to support her with an arm holding her elbow and the other bracing her from behind he encouraged her with small nods and careful words of comfort.
"Come on Lisa-shi, you can do it, we are almost there. Just keep moving and you'll be home before you know it ok?".
His usually strong voice masking his worries as he felt her body tremble under his touch, her clothing now completely drenched and weighing her down he wanted to get her home as soon as possible, knowing that her small frame may not be able to handle the cold and her drenched clothing could make her fall sick. He had a much stronger immune system and was known amongst the group to never have fallen ill despite some cold winters in South Korea. Lisa heard his concern but paid little attention to the hints he was dropping to move a little faster in an attempt to get her home to safety and out of the rain.
There was a sudden edge to his voice upon noticing Lisa had become slower taking a few more stops to rest against his side before suddenly falling. He quickly crouched in front of her shaking her shoulders slightly to get her attention. Without much debate from Lisa he pulled down her mask revealing blue tinged lips quivering from her now cold temperature. Pulling her hood back he took in her red rimmed eyes half closed and the way her breath took on a raspy whistle. He knew it was even more important now to get her home and into dry clothes.
"Lisa? Listen to me ok? Come on Lisa open your eyes"
His voice broke through the haze of fog pounding against her temples threatening to bust her head wide open. Struggling to open her eyes she couldn't help but squint at him, strength leaving her weary body to its own volition and her mouth unable to respond. She was so cold and her thoughts were jumbled, nothing made sense to her right now.
"That's it, good girl. Listen carefully ok? I'm going to turn around and you will need to hop onto my back ok? I will take you straight home, I know where to go. All you need to do is hold on until we reach your dorm and your eonnies will take very good care of you, I promise Lisa. You'll be ok".
He hoped with everything he had that Lisa had enough strength to hold onto him until they reached her dorm. He knew where to go, having been to the building once. He reached back and managed to help her onto his back and felt the wet fabric of her hoody and trousers stick to him. A clatter made him turn and pick up her phone that had fallen out of her back pocket and placed it into the pocket of his hoodie. He could only imagine how cold she must be with her frame being small and fragile and knew he had to act quickly. Using the wall as support he stood and began to take long careful strides towards the direction of her dorm.
"Jungkook?" she whispered
"No Lisa, I am not Jungkook, but I will take you home to get dry and warm ok?"
"Sing for me Kookie"
"Please?" she begged
He knew a few BTS songs, but none seemed appropriate at that moment and he only knew the lyrics to a few of their slower songs. He didn't want to send her further into her downward spiral of despair so he thought of the next best thing. He was a fan of Sam Kim and admired the husky tones of the vocalist possessed and he really hoped that he was about to do the artist justice with one of his favourite songs.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Dream..... of..... me" he heard whispered close to his ear, the three words sending the once dormant butterflies in his stomach into a small frenzy. Squashing down the frenzy he walked a little faster, Lisa was very light and it wasn't long before they reached their destination.
Carefully he placed Lisa onto her feet waiting as she entered the passcode to the building entrance. As the door opened he lifted her into his arms and carried her into the building and entered the elevator waiting again as Lisa entered the floor number to her dorm. The door opened and he exited holding a cold weary Lisa close as a hand reached out to knock on the door Lisa had identified as being her dorm.
After a few more knocks the door opened revealing a very concerned and equally worried Jisoo.
"Lisa!! Oh my god please bring her in!"
"Follow me please, and be gentle with her"
Leading the young man down the hallway and entering the room of the door which Jisoo threw open he gently placed Lisa on the bed as Jisoo made her way to Lisa's feet removing the rained soaked sneakers and socks her nimble fingers working hard to rub some semblance of warmth into Lisa's frozen toes.
"Where did you find her? Is she ok?"
"Who was she with? Did she eat?!"
Jisoo cast her teary eyes up towards the young man who had yet to answer her barrage of questions and inhaled a surprised gasp at his identity.
"Sunbae!! I am so sorry and I am very grateful to you for bringing her home. She left hours ago and I was beginning to worry when the sun set and the weather changed" she rambled off.
"Please do not repeat anything she may have said or done. Lisa is in a delicate situation right now and I don't want her to be involved in any drama or scandals. Please do her this small favour, I beg of you Sunbae" Jisoo cries with a bowed head.
Feeling a little awkward he nodded and removed Lisa's mobile from his pocket holding it out to the worried young woman.
"Sunbae please leave your number, I am sure Lisa will want to Thank You herself for taking care of her tonight" she said and smiling to herself as he entered his number into Lisas mobile once Jisoo had unlocked it. He surprised Jisoo by calling his mobile from her phone wanting to message her later to check on her condition. Handing back the device he was positive he caught Jisoo smiling at his actions.
Jennie and Chae had just returned to the apartment dorm and quickly made haste to Lisa's room following the wet trail of footprints. Standing in the doorway both girls raised their hands to conceal their surprised gasps at the young man standing over Lisa handing what looked like Lisa's mobile phone back to their eldest member. Turning his head to greet the other members he awkwardly bowed and moved towards the front door as the girls followed him from behind walking him out and offering their thanks along the way.
"Thankyou Sunbae for bringing her home safely. We will make sure she is ok, please don't worry" Jennie said with a soft tone belying her worried eyes. He couldn't help but feel thankful that Lisa was surrounded by such caring members, much like he was with his group.
"No it's fine. I will go now. Goodnight" He turned his head and took in Lisa's pale appearance feeling hesitant to leave for a second as she looked so small in her large bed before heading out of Lisa's dorm.
Making a quick exit pulls his hood over his head, pulls up his mask he takes one more glance back at the building before taking up a slow jog eager to get home and into a hot shower.
The girls returned to Lisas room quickly set about removing Lisa's wet clothing and changed her into a thick pair of winter flannel pyjamas covered in tiny hearts and unicorns. A purchase made online from Amazon and Lisa's favourite bedtime wear. Placing a beanie onto her towel dried hair Jennie switched off Lisa's bedroom light and closed the door with a soft click. They were worried for her well being and decided it was best to wait until the following day before approaching Lisa about what had happened for her to return to their dorm in a sorry state and in the arms of their Sunbae.
It was almost 10pm when Lisa emerged from her slumber. Blinking a few times adjusting to the darkness of her room she reached out a unicorn clad arm to grab hold of her phone sitting cold and dark on the dresser beside her bed. Fingers moving slowly across the keyboard she typed out a message for Jungkook. Her mind made up she knew what she had to do next, broken heart be damned.
"Jungkook, can we meet tomorrow? Our usual cafe around 3pm"
Her decision was resolute.
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