《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Oppa
Lisa awoke to the deafening sound of silence. The absence of laughter from her members preparing breakfast, the clattering of pots or the loud clinking of plates and cutlery being placed on the table stacked with a healthy serving of French toast and a side of fresh strawberries hinted that the girls were out; and for the small gift of peace and quiet, she sent them a mental note of thanks.
Turning onto her back she stared at the ceiling trying to make sense of what happened the night before. Hands running down to her stomach her fingers gripped onto her pyjamas top churning the fabric in her palms further adding more creases to the already wrinkled material. Looking down she grabs a fistful of hearts and unicorns marvelling at how her sisters managed to change her into warm dry clothes without waking her from sleep, they had always took the most care of each other if one of them wasn't feeling very well.
Snaking a hand under her pillow to pull out her phone curiosity takes hold as she sees a message from an unknown number plastered on the lock screen. Swiping to the left to activate the keypad she unlocks her phone to read the message in its entirety.
Lisa was surprised to see more messages from the same unknown number, but she suspected she may know who it was from.
Without thinking twice or with hesitation she saved his number and replied with a short text.
He was indeed as people said he was; as kind as he was handsome. Thinking back to the day before she realised that he would have witnessed her falling apart up close and if he saw Jungkook & Iu then he may have an idea as to why she was picking up the pieces of her broken heart scattered on the pathway. Not many of their idol counterparts outside of their own groups were aware of Jungkook and Lisa's relationship status however there were the odd few who knew the signs and just knew they were unofficially official.
Placing her phone back under her pillow she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood dragging heavy feet making her way to the bathroom pausing to lean down to scratch Leo on the head on her way. Grabbing her robe from the bathroom door she slips the garment on and pads out to lounge in search of the others. Seeing no one in the lounge Lisa made a beeline for the kitchen for a cold glass of chocolate milk that Jennie had kindly purchase for her a few days before. Placing the empty glass into the sink she pulled the robe tighter against her body trapping any loss of heat as she still felt unwell.
Deciding to return to bed for the next few hours before meeting Jungkook she saw a note sitting on the dining table with 2 Advils sitting on top of the paper.
Taking the pills with a warm smile Lisa headed back to the kitchen downing the pills with a glass of water before making her way back to her bedroom. Leo was now curled into a ball beside her pillow and gave a sleepy meow as Lisa laid her head down to rest a bit further, her body still recovering from being caught in the rain she could still feel the slight thumping behind her eyes and temples. Silently praying for an immediate recovery after another nap she closed her eyes and eventually sleep took over her weary body.
Lisa was pleased to have the extra few hours rest and even more pleased that the dorm was still silent her eonnies having yet to arrive home from their weekly Saturday visits to their family and friends. She wasn't ready for a firing line of questions. Not today. Her head was still humming from the constant throbbing behind her eyes but she had no choice; she had arranged a meeting with Jungkook and she couldn't afford to not go. It's been well over a week and if she didn't see him now it would only make their damaged status worse.
Grabbing her phone from under her pillow she checked the time and pleasantly surprised to see it was just a few minutes past midday. Opening a browser to check the bus timetable her eyes grew wide at a link that led to an idol celebrity gossip site. Squeezing her eyes shut as hard as she could she blew out a breath she was holding and moved her forefinger to open the link.
The biggest mistake she'd made in a long time, a regret that she was unable to draw back from as the headliner on the gossip homepage flared out to her in big bold capitalised letters;
Everything she felt at the Han River Park rushed back to haunt her, drowning her already turmoiled emotions in more drama than the day before. There were images taken from an unknown source, their faces uncovered and their masks sitting below their chins, both Jungkook & Iu were wearing wide shy smiles. Iu's hand tucking her hair behind her ear and Jungkook looking up at what looks like his lover with a soft expression of love plastered on his features.
Lisa's eyes immediately began to struggle her tears threatening to fall. Scrolling down the page her eyes take in every picture taken, every pose and every shy smile. She saw the way their body appeared to be in tune with the way how the female stood infront of the seated male almost in between his legs. Ofcourse it may look that way but the angle in which the picture was taken made the couple appear far more intimate than they were.
Her mind began to run rampant with thoughts of the two possibly cheating behind her back. She knew it wasn't true but she couldn't stop such thoughts from flooding her tormented senses. Jisoo always said to her that nothing good would come from reading the comments of any posts of which they were involved, but it was too late. Although the article wasn't about Lisa nor did it mention her name she couldn't stop herself from scrolling down further to the comments section.
The dam bursts and her tears are unstoppable. No amount of reasoning would be strong enough to stem the flow of tears now making a steady flow down her cheeks landing on the screen in quiet thumps. She only has enough strength to read a few comments before the thumping on her temples turn into pounding thumps.
Quickly closing the browser she tossed her phone aside and gripped her temples with pale cold hands as her head began to throb as hard as her fractured heart was. She didn't know what to do, how to stop the unending grind of noise clouding her judgement making her see nothing but white noise.
Laying down in a broken heap of tears Lisa pulled the blankets above her head blocking out the daylight and feeling like a lost cause. Swallowing the sobs and hiccups falling from her mouth she jumped out of bed and grabbed a few items of clothing heading to the bathroom. She did not stop crying the entire time, her emotions staging a war within herself causing her to move with slow purpose as whitelight blinded her from behind her eyes everytime she felt a pounding a thump the pain almost causing her to faint a few times while in the shower.
Lisa knew she had to see Jungkook, it was pointless to try and hold off any longer than she already had, afterall, look at the mess she was now in. Taking her phone from the bed she saw it was 2:15pm, moving to her closet she threw on a Yeezy hoodie, grabbed a mask and walked out the door, not caring that she was beginning to feel lightheaded.
It was almost 2:45pm when Lisa arrived at the cafe located 6 blocks away from her dorm. They had discovered the quaint little eatery when out on a night stroll, one of the many things they enjoyed as a couple; a walk along the stores their identities hidden, it made them feel a little closer to normal and a lot less famous, the latter coming with an arsenal of rules and restrictions.
Walking past the barista she nodded a greeting to the manager and offered a soft smile, grateful that they had established a friendship where he had kept their identities safe from customers prying eyes or questions. Lisa moved to the back of the cafe and sat at their usual table tucked away in the corner hidden from the view of other people.
Placing her phone on the table Lisa sat motionless letting her body get adjusted to the soft melodic tunes emanating from the cafe speakers.
She was so lost in her thoughts she didn't realise Junkgkook had arrived and already seated opposite her wearing an apprehensive bunny smile. She swallowed a gasp upon noticing his presence after he said her name a couple of times, and she tried her best to smile back, but nothing happened, she couldn't even muster a smile.
"Lisa!!" He whisper shouted
Pleased to finally have her attention his eyes roamed over her body and eventually her face. He had missed her so much he was holding himself back from jumping the table to take her into his arms to never met her go. He was saddened to see that she had the hood from her sweater pulled so far forward he couldn't see her face, and his fingers were itching to pull it down, he missed her large doe eyes the most.
"I've missed you Lisa, how are you?"
"I....I'm ok thankyou, you?" She replies head still looking down playing with her fingers as her hands laid on her lap
"I'm ok too."
"Where have you been Lisa? I've been trying to contact you for days now, are you hiding from me? Are you avoiding me?" he asked not really wanting to hear the truth incase it wasn't what he wanted to hear.
"No Jungkook I haven't been hiding away and I am deeply sorry that you even felt that way, it wasn't my intention." She answered quietly and as truthfully as she could.
The use of his name did not go unnoticed by him, she only ever used his first name when she was gearing up to either scold him for doing something unwarranted or when they talked about marriage and the possibility of one day having a family of their own; both of which Jungkook was dead set against whereas Lisa wanted both, they've had this discussion several times before.
"Then what's the problem Lisa. If you're not hiding away from me and you're not avoiding me, then please enlighten me, where have you been?" he pleaded, he needed to know what not to do next time.
This wasn't meant to be so hard and Lisa didn't expect Jungkook to fire questions at her so soon, especially seeing that he had only just sat down. Hands wringing in her lap she raised her eyes to look at him from beneath the hood, she needed to take control of her emotions and finish what she set out to do else she runs the risk of falling to pieces before his eyes.
"Jungkook, I need to ask you something and I need you to be completely honest with me and yourself." She breathed.
Not wanting to delay things any further Lisa took a small breath and continued.
"Yesterday I went out for a walk, I didn't have a destination in mind, I just kept walking as though my feet had a mind of their own." Her breathing hitched as she whispered, "And before I knew it, I looked up and I found myself at the Han River."
Jungkook looked down before casting his eyes to Lisa's hands, he could see them wringing themselves into a quiet frenzy, his heart dropped at the thought of Lisa possibly seeing him with Iu and getting mixed signals.
"Did you um...did you see anything?" Jungkook questioned. He needed to know that everything was ok, that she didn't see anything that he would have to explain. Jungkook wasn't afraid of confrontation, he just didn't like it.
"Yes, I did."
"I saw you Jungkook, I saw you and I saw her. I saw you with Iu." She let out with a quiet breath, the pounding behind her eyes taking on a steady slow beat.
She could feel the heat emanating from Jungkook, his energy giving her strength to continue. The saying goes that to let a scab heal it is best to rip off the head and let it heal slowly. The quicker it is done, the quicker the wound will heal.
Lisa continued, "I saw her approach you when you sat a few meters ahead of me, I was there Jungkook behind you on the grass."
"I didn't stay very long but I saw enough."
"I saw enough Jungkook!" Lisa cried, her eyes no longer able to hold off the tears.
Jungkook heard every word, and he could hear the pain laced into every syllable as Lisa spoke. He had no idea Lisa saw them, he couldn't move, his mind a blank mess and he couldn't speak as Lisa continued.
"Every time you spoke of her my heart would die a little, but I never said anything because to me at that time; it was merely admiration for an idol I thought you respected, right?"
"But you never stopped, and it became the norm for you to speak about her and it became the norm for me to sit and listen to you speak fondly of her each time," taking deep breaths through the pain she whispered brokenly, "but you never realised the pain I was going through having to sit quietly and listen to you talk about her like a raging hormonal teen!"
Jungkook didn't know how to approach this Lisa, the emotional Lisa which he had never seen before. This Lisa whose emotions were running on high. He couldn't speak, the words were there in his head, they were just sitting in a jumbled mess unable to form a proper sentence.
Looking down at the table he noticed the pool of water gathering in front of Lisa, her tears landing in a hazard manner making patterns of all shapes. Jungkooks heart leapt into his throat as the level of pain Lisa felt made itself known.
"I saw the pictures Jungkook, they are all over the Internet" she whispered so softly he almost couldn't hear her. She didn't mention the hurtful comments, he would see those himself in time.
"Pictures? What pictures Lisa?" He truly had no idea what pictures she was speaking of. He hadn't checked his phone all day being far too excited to seeing Lisa he slept till after noon before getting ready and exiting BTS dorm without his mobile.
Lisa wasn't surprised that he wasn't making any attempt to defend himself or Iu further adding to the guilt she suspected he was feeling.
"You were seen at the River by someone who took photographs of you both", her hands had stalled and now sitting sitting motionless in her lap and she spoke again, "They took pictures of what looked like a young couple in love, and I can see why they would think that."
Jungkook didn't like the direction Lisa was going but he still couldn't say anything in his defence; he felt guilty he should have just listened to Jimin and gone straight to her dorm and he mentally kicked himself for being so stupid.
The guilt he felt gathered momentum from Lisa's tears and broken words continued to torture him as she continued and her broken heart leapt out to bare itself to him when he heard small hiccups coming from the sad hooded figure sitting opposite him.
"You look at her in a way one would look at his beloved Jungkook.....with love......" Lisa cries, her heart shattering as she spoke the words to a silent Jungkook.
"I think...I think that..."
Taking small breaths to calm her tormented soul Lisa continued with a tortured whisper,
"....that you love her and .....l...."
He couldn't speak, his mind had shut down. Is this what Lisa really thought? That he loved Iu?!
"I can't do this anymore Jungkook, the pain that I am feeling HERE..." he watched sadly as Lisa holds up a small fist to her chest, her heart, "I can't handle the pain Jungkook, I can't go on in a relationship where the other half does not have me in their heart 100 percent, it's not right," she cries.
"I don't want to do this anymore, I can't!"
"Do you love her?..."
No no no this isn't meant to happen, this is not what he wanted to hear. He wanted to see her and hold her to feel her warm breath on his face as she leant in for a kiss, he wanted to play with her fingers as they talked about what they had been up to during their absence and he wanted to sort out their issues and make up by spending time together at either dorm and waste an evening watching movies and eating pizza with chocolate milk; like they used to.
"What are you saying Lisa?" He whispered.
"I...I don't think I can be with you Jungkook. I don't think I am what you need, I don't feel like your girlfriend I feel like a stand in, like a stocking filler, someone who is just there until that person you really want comes along and stands in front of you telling you she is ready, only to realise it's time to stand aside as the real couple get together. That is how I feel Jungkook, I am a filler in, the stand in but I deserve more than that." The pounding is now unbearable and Lisa finds it harder to speak but she needed to do this.
"No! You take that back Lalisa Manoban, take that back!" He said with an edge to voice that Lisa had not heard before.
"What gives you the right to make that decision without talking it over with me first? We are a duo Lisa, you and me like Tony Stark and Pepper Potts." He could feel the change in her demeanour, rolling off her in huge waves of emotional turmoil.
"Why didn't you come to me, approach me at the River. Why didn't you interrupt us and let me know you were there! I have missed you so much and I have been calling and calling you trying to see you but you never responded and now you want to break up with me Lisa!"
"No! Not going to happen! I love you Lisa!"
"Don't you love me?!" Jungkook let out in a strangled whisper.
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