《missed calls | fezco》ryan



"and this is the last of everything." fez placed my last bag in our room. he had been acting funny since a couple night ago, but i figured it was about the drugs i told him about.

i had big plans for that.

my goal: beat michael at his own game.

i was going to become a bigger and better drug dealer than he could ever.

"baby, come lay with me." i requested wanting to play with his beard and feel his touch. "what's up, mamas?" he replied.

he laid on my thighs holding me around my waist.

"you haven't been that nice to me in a few days." i brought to his attention. fez glanced at my tummy then made eye contact again, "i just been thinking about everything going on."

"am i getting fat or something because if i am it's your fault." i joked. all we've been doing is eating, having sex, and making sells.

he lifted himself off of me.

"you're pregnant?" he asked concerned. "what no? why would you think that?" i begin to worry.

he turned away, "i just thought since you-" "you saw the pregnancy test? i can explain. that was from the first few times. i wanted to make sure the plan b worked that's all." i reassured him.

"let's get our minds off of things." fez winked as he unbuttoned my shorts.

"we really need to unpack." i said knowing my words went through one ear and out of the other.

he clasped my boobs with his hands with a tight grip making me feel stuck in place. "no bra? that shit turns me on, ry. you know that."

fezco pushed me on my back ripping my pants off of me. he slipped my panties off leaving my relaxed body to get tense the minute he softly licked my clit.


he played around with his two fingers inside of me continuing to use his tongue in all of the right places.

my moans became louder and louder after i came he licked it up then inserted himself inside of me sliding right in.

fez's stroke game was astonishing. "call me daddy." he muttered as his thrusting became faster. "d-daddy." i stuttered.

"i love that shit, mamas. i'm about to cu-cum." he slowed his pace falling down next to me. "also, don't waste your money on that plan b shit, it's expensive." he grabbed his clothes after a sweet kiss on the cheek and went to the shower.

i decided to fix something to eat for dinner since we had been eating out lately. i knocked on ashtray's room. i heard a girl's voice before he opened his door.

"tacos or pasta?" i asked trying not to be nosy, but his phone was on his bed on mute.

"tacos for sure." he rubbed his freshly new face tattoo. "hm, okay. i'll text you when it's ready." i walked away from the suspiciousness.

making my way to the kitchen fez was looking at the three boxes at had gotten from michael. "you can open them if you want. it's no secret what's in there."

he didn't think twice about looking.

"YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING ME." he screamed at the variety of drugs and guns i had been carrying around. "you plan on selling this shit? you think you can do it?"

"yes. i can't kill someone, but i can definitely sell the fuck out of some drugs." i said placing my ingredients in the pot.

fezco came around to the kitchen with one of the guns in his hand. he placed his other around around my waist. "i'll teach you how to shoot. i'll teach you how to be ruthless." he kissed my soft spot.


i felt nauseous to my stomach as if something was happening, but it was most likely from the smell of raw meat.

"what are y'all doing tonight?" fez asked me and ashtray both at the dinner table.

"friend's house." "homework." we said at the same time. "damn, so what i'm supposed to do?" he asked us like we cared.

"get a job." "make friends." "smoke weed." "sign up for school." "buy something." "go shopping." "take an anger management class."

we went back and forth.

"i like the last one, go do that." i agreed with ashtray even though it was a joke.

"that's how we doing me now? that's a bet."

after we finished eating dinner we all went our separate ways. i decided to go to starbucks to do my homework because i really needed to get things done.

everything in town was so new and different. i had kinda forgot we moved away but it's nothing ugly or boring about it.

i ordered my usual and took a seat outside. "hmm, what do we have for today, ooh only two more chapters before i'm done." i said quietly to myself.

"are you ryder?"

i turned around to face the starbucks employee. he was a really handsome guy he looked older, but not too much older.

"yes, that's me." i smiled taking my coffee from him.

"very beautiful name. i'm ryan obviously." he pointed at his name tag.

ryan had short, brown curly hair and blue eyes. he was attractive nonetheless, but i wasn't interested.

"that line is pretty long you should get back to that." i pointed inside reminding him that he was still at work.

"oh, right. my shift ends in like an hour will you still be here?" he asked me with a huge smile on his face.

it was so cute it actually made me feel bad for rejecting him.

"actually i have a boyfriend."

"i was just going to give you the answer to your homework. i graduated from the same program like six months ago."


"i think i'll be okay, thanks though."

he waved and went back inside.

damn. damn. damn.

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