《missed calls | fezco》i chose you • pt 2


it was 3am and i was still awake.

ryder had practically cried herself to sleep, but i had still felt her jump from time to time. i'm sure she'll have nightmares for the rest of her life.

or she'll be breaking up with me soon after seeing me kill someone.

ryder hadn't said one word truthfully i couldn't blame her considering the fact she was stabbed.

her phone begin ringing waking her up.

her eyes barely opened from almost being swollen shut. after being quiet for so long she raised her voice and started going off.

she aggressively hung up the phone turning to me, "get your shit. we're leaving." she stood up wincing in pain but managed to go to her room.

i heard drawers opening and closing.

"ryder, what's going on? you're hurt you shouldn't be doing this." i peaked in her room to see her packing her things.

"fez, please we need to go like now and get ashtray let him know we're leaving for good." her voice was firm there was no other decision.

i immediately begin to panic and think the worse, but she was using the word 'us' so i didn't think she would be leaving me anytime soon.

we had packed our entire lives in less than an hour.

"now what?" i asked after we placed the stuff in her car. "you're going to drive to a hotel, far away okay? here's some gas money and here's extra for other stuff." she gave me clear instructions.

she popped a sleeping pill and was out like a light.

after driving for five hours and finding a hotel, i was out too.

by the time i woke up it was late at night and ryder was still pretending like nothing had even happened. "i went looking for apartments today. i found one that's really nice so we should be moving in two days." she took a sip of her water avoiding my eyes.


"ryder, don't you think we should talk?" i tried touching the subject by being sensitive.

"there's nothing to talk about, okay?" her leg was wrapped in a bandage i still seen blood seeping though. "but i-" she cut me off, "no buts."

ashtray then joined the chat, "i think we should at least know what's going on. it's no more than right." i knew he was still upset at me, but i knew it wouldn't be for long since he was defending me.

"wanna know what's going on? huh? okay, well let's see, fez killed someone, michael was shot and nearly died now he wants to kill fezco. i ran away with a shit ton of drugs that he gave me so yeah." she sounded as if she was going to cry.

i was still stuck on the fact that he was going to kill me and she ran away to protect me. i asked ashtray if he could give us some time alone to talk.

"ryder, you didn't have to do this for me. i don't want to put you in a situation with your brother. you need to go back home. i can handle myself and ashtray." i told her and held her tight.

i heard a few sniffles, "he's going to kill me too." she didn't look scared, but more so tired of being hurt. "what do you mean he's going to kill you?" i knew she wouldn't lie, but at the same time michael loved her more than anything why would he kill her?

"i chose you." ry closed her eyes taking deep breaths.

honestly i didn't know what to do or how to react. i didn't expect for her to chose me over family especially when she only has her brother. i had someone else other than just ashtray on my list now.


"promise me i didn't make a mistake." she whispered laying her head in my lap. "i got you always, baby girl. i promise."

i continued to rub ryder's back until i heard light snores.

"oh shit, my bad." ashtray accidentally knocked over ryder's purse reaching for his phone charger. we both looked at each other then back down at the spilled items.

"what the fuck." i remained quiet.

ashtray opened the box, "there's only one left in here. you think she took the other one?" he asked placing everything back inside her purse.

i couldn't answer. i was still caught up in the fact that she had bought a pregnancy test without even telling me.

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