《missed calls | fezco》family meeting


i glanced over at my phone then went back to focusing on my laptop. wednesday's are for doing my homework in advance to leave my weekends for work.

family dinner actually means family meetings. meaning he was leaving for out of town soon.

i dreaded them honestly.

we've grown apart, but i know it's just because of the business we're in. i try not to take it personal so i mind my own.

surely enough 8pm was here and i was late to the shit even though it was hosted in our own house.

i put on a hoodie and left my shorts on. it was nothing special since it's just us two.

i made it to the last step before hearing him whisper to someone that wasn't visible to my eyes. "oh hey, my ryder."

mike walked over for a hug. it had been a few days since we had last seen each other. i was just thankful he wasn't being a drunk asshole tonight.

"hey mike, who's this?" i asked looking at the boy.

he was taller than me, with a low haircut and red beard. he smelled like a pound of weed, but it was something i was used to.

"this is my homeboy, fezco and his lil bro, ashtray." mike sat down in his usual spot grabbing a couple slices of pizza. "come sit down." he ordered.

they discussed a few things before he talked to me.

"my favorite sis," he wants something i thought to myself. "you know i love you right?"

"i'm your only sis, now what do you want?" i tried to speed things up because i still had like four more chapters to get done.

he gave me a cheeky grin, "how's school, work, and your art going?"


i rolled my eyes smiling he knew what he was doing man, "i should be graduating earlier than anticipated, work is going just fine considering i need a re-up, and art? i don't know. i haven't had inspiration yet."

"my sister is a bad ass painter man." michael boasted reminding me that the two were still here and obviously here for a reason.

silence passed by for a couple minutes before he said what he had to say.

"fezco and ashtray will be living with us for awhile. his grandmother died and needed a place to stay. you know i never turn m-"

"your back on those you love." i finished his sentence.

i glanced at the older boy. his striped shirt, jeans and black shoes were all clean and fresh. his gold chain was also real by the looks of it.

the younger boy was dressed similar to him, but he had a couple face tattoos which was surprising since he was so young.

"that's cool with you?" the boy, fezco asked me. i smiled, "of course. just no stupid bitches and guys coming in and out. not trying to get caught up, but you should know the rules already."

i blew my kisses to michael, said my good nights and went upstairs.

i pulled my laptop and blankly stared at the screen. i should give him a chance now that it won't be just me in the house.

distancing myself was something i was good at.

truth was, i didn't want to be so lonely. i wanted a friend, actually a boyfriend. it's just so hard bringing someone into this lifestyle. i don't want anymore people to leave my life.

i heard them moving fezco and ashtray things to the rooms across and down the hall from mine. i had the master room with a lovely balcony.


the other rooms were big ass hell too, but michael thought it'd be best to have the only downstairs room.

i often miss my old room from our old house. so many memories of our mom there mike just couldn't take it.

i heard a soft knock at my door.

placing my laptop down i went over to open it.

"fezco, hi." i spoke to the boy who was there with a straight face.

"i just wanted to know if you was cool with us moving in with you. ion want no problems or nothing especially with my supplier's lil sister." his words were slow and calm.

i respected his respect for me.

"i know what it's like, y'all are good."

he reached out to shake my hand. i completely froze up not knowing what to do. "i'll let you get used to me first. goodnight shorty."

he went to the room across from me closing the door with a small smile on his face.

i closed my door and was smiling hard as fuck.

he was cute, but i got so nervous. i squealed in my pillow like a little fucking girl.

this was going to be fun.

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