《Real Horror Stories》26: The Strange Man from My Childhood


"As more years pass and as I keep finding more and more things from my childhood, I begin to remember more and more strange things that I experienced as a kid. Honestly, one of the strangest had to be the experience I'm about to tell you.

It started when I was 5 years old. One night, once I knew both my parents where asleep, I snuck out of my bedroom and went into our reading room which was where our front door was. While I was out there, I couldn't help but to just stare out the window. I don't know why but I just got this strong urge, that completely came out of nowhere, to look out the window.

Once I looked, I saw a man standing in our front yard. He had to have been at least 8 feet tall and he wore a black suit with a black top hat and his hair was silvery-white colored. I could tell right away that he definitely wasn't human just by his skin and his teeth. His skin was pure white. Every time I saw him, he always just stood there, smiling at me.

His smile revealing rows of yellowish-white, razor sharp, jagged teeth. I could remember staring at the man for a bit longer before walking towards the front door and sneaking onto the front porch. The next thing I know, I'm laying on the sidewalk in front of our front yard. I seemed to be fine. I looked towards the front yard again but the man was gone.

A few seconds later, all I see is our neighbor looking down at me. He knocked on our door and told my parents about where he found me. Ever since that night, throughout my childhood, I've seen the same man.


The strangest thing is that he only ever appeared to me before something bad happened. He'd appear to me before one of my relatives would die. When I was 12, he followed me home from school just an hour before my friend came to me and told me someone almost kidnapped her. When I turned 14, he seemed to have stopped appearing to me. To this day, I still haven't seen him and I always wonder if I'll ever see him again."

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