《The Love That Binds Us》Twenty Three


Maddox did eventually have to get up and attend to some work, much to my dismay. Our fathers had apparently called a meeting with some of the allying Alphas, and now that his rank was officially elevated, there was no way he could get out of attending.

That meant I had to face the pack without him, and it was just as embarrassing and awkward as I imagined. Thankfully I at least had Lennon's support, someone to talk to and distract me from all the nosy glances and whispers.

She was surprisingly comforting to have around, far less inquisitive and pushy than I expected her to be. Of course she was burning with curiosity, I could feel it radiating off of her, but she held her tongue and made sure that I was okay and happy before jumping into the dirty details of my night.

After she left to meet up with Thomas, I was once again left to my own devices. Maddox is still in and out of meetings by lunch time, so I decide to meet up with my brothers and go for a run.

Occasionally he'd mind link me something funny that one of the older Alphas would say, or to tell me that he missed me. A couple of times he'd think of bending me over his desk and beg me to come interrupt them all again, which of course has me blushing as I get dressed in some workout clothes.

It still feels a little weird having him in my head like that, but it's also oddly comforting being able to check in with him while he's working.

I take my time making my way to the meeting spot Elm texted me. It feels like forever since I've been on a family run and everyone is still here while our dad is helping out Maddox and Odin- it's nice to have everyone together again, even if it is temporary.


I see them all standing around waiting for me at the line where the pack property meets the forest. Willow and Basil are standing off to the side, leaving plenty of room for Ash, who currently has Elm in a headlock. I shake my head at them- nothing new for those two.

"There's our sweet, innocent baby sister. Have a good night last night?" Elm winks at me from under Ash's arm.

A low growl escapes my throat and I pout at them as they all laugh at me. Even though we were no longer technically part of the same pack and they wouldn't have been able to sense what happened last night, I was still nervous they'd overhear others talking about it.

Of course I was right.

"Do mom and dad know?" I groan as I take the last few steps to reach them.

"Apparently dad hasn't made eye contact with Alpha Maddox all morning," Basil grins.

I quirk my eyebrow at his use of the title "Alpha," weird for someone not in our pack. Not to mention the only way he'd know that about dad is if he could mind link August, which he could only do if he had also consummated his relationship with my pack's beta.

I narrow my eyes at him and reach out to him mentally. I could feel his bond to this pack and instantly I know that I'm right.

You fucked August!

Yeah, and you fucked Maddox. Good for you, by the way. Took you guys long enough.

This is so exciting! This means you get to stay here with me and- wait, does anyone else know yet?

August told Maddox this morning before their meeting, but I haven't told the family yet. I guess I'll have to before they all leave to go back home tomorrow.


The same look of worry from when he first told me flashes in his eyes and I reach over to squeeze his hand reassuringly. I notice that Willow is looking on at the exchange curiously, but he doesn't say anything to us.

Just remember, you're still our brother and we all love you no matter what. We all just want you to be happy.

He gives me a small smile and squeezes my hand back before we turn to the rest of the boys. Ash and Elm have already shifted into their wolf forms and are darting off ahead of us. The three of us left behind work ourselves up into a light jog, just enjoying being out in nature together.

It's been this way since we were kids. Even though we couldn't shift like them, it was still nice to go out and spend time with them and get a little exercise in when we did. The two of them would race ahead of us, whipping through the trees before circling back and nipping at our heels to hurry up.

It's one of the things I miss most about being back home, but even in all the laughing and yelling, I find myself wishing Maddox was here to experience it with me.

No harm in just checking in with him, I tell myself.


Hey, baby. Having fun?

I suppose. Please tell me this mess with your brother will be over soon so you can actually have some free time and come run with me.

I'd love nothing more. You know how much I enjoyed chasing you through the woods last time. Will you wear that little satin dress again?

A giggle accidentally escapes me and everyone turns to look at me in confusion, except for Basil who just looks slightly nauseous.

"You two are gross," Basil whispers out loud as soon as the rest of them are distracted again.

"Oh please, I had to sit through a whole dinner with you and August eye fucking each other across the table the entire time," I whisper back.

We spend several minutes bickering back and forth amongst ourselves, completely distracted, until I slam right into something hard and unmoving.

"Fuck, Willow. No wonder you were named after a tree, you gigantic..."

My voice trails off as the scene in front of me registers in my brain.

My brothers, standing still in front of me, too in shock to even notice that two of them are bare naked. The smell, the unmistakable scent of charred, burning flesh.

My eyes follow hesitantly to where theirs are glued, across the scorched patch of grass in front of us, up the length of the three wooden spikes in the ground where, to my absolute horror, I see what I can only assume used to be people.

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