《The Love That Binds Us》Twenty Two


The next morning, I'm surprised to find a warm pair of arms still wrapped snugly around me. I turn around slowly so that my face is against Maddox's chest and let out a sigh. Last night was incredible, but even better was that he stayed.

He didn't rush off to attend to pack business or lock himself away in his office. The bond between us feels stronger than ever, and I notice our heartbeats are synched, the rise and fall of his chest a steady match with mine.

I want to stay here like this for as long as Maddox is willing, but of course my bladder has other ideas. I move gradually, inching my way out from under him so I don't wake him up, but he just curls further into me and wraps his arms even tighter around me.

"Maddox?" I whisper.

I'm not sure why, but my cheeks warm and I grow self-conscious as he begins to stir.

"Hmm?" He grumbles back sleepily.

His thumb starts to trace lazy circles across my bare back, sending a wave of shivers across my body. It's almost enough to convince me to stay here, if not for the pressing need in my abdomen.

"I have to pee."

Maddox groans softly in my ear, still half asleep, but releases his hold on me. I thank him sheepishly and wrap the comforter around me, leaving him only with the top sheet. He mumbles something in protest, something about me being a "devil woman," but I just smirk and make a run for it.

My confidence from last night is long gone now. Even though he's seen it all already, I feel better being a little covered up.

When I come back, he's leaning against the headboard with his hands propped up behind his head, bare naked with no more top sheet to cover him, and grinning at me. I make sure to keep eye contact, no matter how badly my curious gaze wants to travel south.



"You might want to call Lennon before she explodes. She's called you at least twenty times."

I sigh and make my way back to bed, dreading the idea of talking to Lennon.

Might as well get it over with, I try to convince myself as I snuggle back into Maddox's side.

He hands me my phone and I thank him shyly, despairing at how many missed texts and calls there were. I dial her number, praying she doesn't answer.

"It's about fucking time! There's no way Alpha Maddox lasted that long, why didn't you call-"

"Lennon, shut up!" I squeak.

Maddox snickers into my hair as he nuzzles his face into my neck. He reaches over wordlessly and presses the speaker button on my phone, though I know he can hear her anyways. My mortification grows, knowing full well she's only going to get worse from there.

"Good morning, Lennon," I grit out from between my teeth.

I can only hope my tone deters her from saying anything too ridiculous.

"I just woke up, so sorry I didn't answer back right away. Is everyone okay?"

"Tired you out, huh? Tell me, my darling best friend, how big is our Alpha's-"

"Hey, Lennon," Maddox interrupts her this time, having the decency to at least look a little embarrassed now.

I wish there was a way to properly warn him that she has no off button, or that she won't stop until she gets the answer she wants.

"Oh shit," she laughs, unfazed. "How the hell are you, Alpha Maddox?"

"I have a feeling you already know the answer to that question."

And just like that, the embarrassment is gone and he's back to his normal, cocky self.

"Oh my god! I hate you both!" I cry, burying my face into my pillow.


He pulls the phone from my hand and takes it off speaker. They continue talking for a few minutes but I tune them out as I plot my revenge on them.

When he finally hangs up, he slides his hand along my body until it rests at my hip and presses his chest to my back as he peppers soft kisses across the side of my face.

"Did you two have a nice conversation?" I mumble into my pillow.

I can feel him grin against my jaw before my pulls my face slightly to meet his.

"I just got you out of having lunch with her today. Really though, you have nothing to be ashamed of, Poppy," he says quietly. "We're mates. Honestly, I'm sure everyone thought it was weird that we waited as long as we did."

For once, the color on my face drains completely as realization sets in.

Everyone in the pack house knew what we did last night. If their acute wolf hearing wasn't bad enough, they all could sense when an Alpha completed their bond. It signaled the rise of a new Alpha, of Maddox officially taking his father's place as pack leader.

"Oh my god!" I wail again.

"Hey, I promise you it's fine. We're going to have to get use to this anyways as the new Alpha and Luna. Nothing about our life is private anymore."

Of course he's right, but I can't shake the horror of everyone knowing I lost my virginity last night.

"And you call me the devil," I sulk.


"You called me a devil woman when I stole the blanket."

"No I... oh," he furrows his brows at me.

I mirror his expression, waiting for him to explain.

"The bond. I completely forgot, but I suppose it makes sense. I only thought that, Poppy, I never said anything. You heard it through the mind link."

"Fuck. I didn't even think about that," I admit.

I briefly wonder if I would have changed my mind about sleeping with him if I had considered the mind link.

I knew they happened. My parents had one and it was nauseatingly cute the way they'd silently communicate. Still, I don't know if I want someone else in my head just yet.

"Are you having second thoughts about what happened?" He questions, his face scrunched in concern.

"No, no. Not at all," I reassure him. "I guess it's just weird. I know it will make you stronger, it's just odd to always have someone in my head."

"It will make us stronger. And it will take some getting used to, but I don't mind. You're the one that has to deal with me picturing you naked all day," he leers.

I smack his chest playfully, but I can't help but giggle.

He'll learn soon enough that my thoughts aren't much better.

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