《The Love That Binds Us》Twenty Four


"Oh my god," I whisper, choking back the sob caught in my throat.

I place my hand over my mouth and turn my head into Basil's shoulder, desperate to diffuse the smell assaulting my nostrils.

Poppy? What's going on, why are you panicking?

Waves of calm crash over me at the sound of Maddox's voice, even if only temporary.

Please, Maddox, I just, I need...

I can't find the words to describe the scene in front of me, so I just show him instead and tell him our location.

I'm on my way.

"Poppy, you need to tell Alpha Maddox to get down here. This is still technically on his pack property," Basil says quietly into my hair.

His voice sounds as shaky as I feel.

"I told him. He's on his way," I look up to see the concern in his eyes, a mirror image of my own.

Willow takes a few steps closer to investigate the circle while still trying to keep his distance. The pile of ash surrounding the stakes is still smoldering and the puffs of smoke start to make my eyes water.

He turns back to face the rest of us, total despair etched on his features, just as the sound of several paws running through the dirt reaches our ears.

"They were witches..."

I can only nod in response. They were words I didn't want to hear, but had suspected. Their life force was still present in the clearing, their magic a thin, weakening veil surrounding us. My heart contracts painfully when I realize why I can still feel them.

"They cast a protection spell while they were burning," I mutter as I look up at the pyres.

"A last ditch effort to protect the pack and the coven," Basil agrees.


"Do you guys recognize any of them?"

I knew the reinforcements were close by, but I hadn't realized Maddox was right behind me until he spoke. His scent must have been masked by the smell of the bodies, but the sound of his voice still sent a thrill down my spine. When I turn to look at him, I see August and five other soldiers are standing closely behind him, each of them equally as grim as the next.

I immediately close the distance between us and bury my face in his chest, inhaling my favorite scent in the world.

"They're too burned to tell, but I don't recognize their magic," Willow tells him. "One of your witches could probably tell a little better."

"I've got my mother coming out to investigate and the rest of my soldiers are inspecting and securing the borders. You guys should go back to the pack house until we know it's safe."

"No," I shake my head, pulling away slightly to look up at him. "I won't leave other witches like this, and there's strength in numbers. We can help your mom."

He takes a deep breath and finally looks me in the eye. He's obviously torn on what to do, I can sense that much. A part of him, the Alpha part, wants to let us help- he knows it will benefit his pack and he knows that I'm right about strength in numbers. The part of him that's my mate, though, wants to do whatever it takes to protect me, no matter the cost.

He shuts off his connection to me when he finally makes his decision, though that action itself is enough to tell me what he's thinking, and fuck it I'm pissed.


"Poppy, you need to go back to the pack house and-"


"You need to go back to the pack house and as soon as I know the borders are secure, and the property is safe, I'll let you help as much as I can. I won't keep secrets from you, I want you to be able to help the coven, but right now I need to know you're not in danger so I can focus on this."

"No, you need me here. I won't go back to the pack house."

I fold my arms over my chest and stand my ground. I'm sure I look like a toddler throwing a tantrum for not getting my way, but I won't budge on this one.

"Actually, you will. Look, I can't force you three to leave," he looks at Willow, Ash, and Elm. "Even though I strongly suggest it. But I am Poppy and Basil's Alpha, and I'm commanding you both to go back to the pack house until I give you the all clear. August will escort you both."

The power in his tone is undeniable- I couldn't disobey even if I tried and that only pissed me off further.

Oh, I'm kicking your ass when you get home, Alpha.

Well, at least I'll know where to find you.

"Maddox is Basil's Alpha? Since when?" I hear Elm ask Ash quietly.

Willow looks between Basil and August as the pieces begin to come together in his head.

"I fucking knew it!" He shouts across the clearing. "Good for you, man!"

I roll my eyes at Willow and laugh at the look on Ash and Elm's faces, oblivious as ever.

"It appears I'm the only triplet born with any brain cells," I remark loud enough that only Basil and August could hear as we turn away from the pyres.

I can see that Basil's blushing, but he's wearing a small smile of relief.

"See? I told you they wouldn't care."

"Thanks, sis. You're alright sometimes, you know that?"

I notice August tugging at Basil's hand out of the corner of my eye and grin to myself.

"Don't tell the others that or they'll start expecting stuff from me."

We pass by Eira on our way back and it has me feeling angry all over again. We should be going to help her, not walking away from her. She furrows her brow in confusion when she sees us, but stops to hug us all anyways.

"What are you kids going back to the house for? Shouldn't you be helping with the bodies?"

"Thank you!" I shout before I can stop myself.

Eira's lips twitch at the corners from my outburst but she manages to maintain her composure.

"Alpha Maddox wants to keep them inside until we secure the property," August tells her.

"Oh, please."

Only she could make an eye roll look so graceful.

"I'm not sure exactly what his command was, but I'm sure I can use all the witch help I can get. If you find a way to disobey my son's orders, you know where to find me," she winks at us before turning to leave.

I'm sure my mouth is hanging open but I'm not quite sure how to close it in this moment. The former Luna just told me to disobey the Alpha's direct orders.

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