《The Chairman's Assitant》chapter 6



I hear the door locking, indicating his departure. I head for the living room in boredom and turn the TV on once I'm comfortable on the couch.

I switch through the Channels in an attempt of finding something interesting. After many thump marathons, I settle for CN. They had The Amazing World of Gumball playing. I note exited.

I focus on the show for about five minutes, before I zone out.

Gabriel has never brought a girl to the office. He has always been against bringing people that have nothing to do with business to work, so seeing that young lady today was abnormal. Or maybe just new?

And then, even though I had a guess there's a thing going between the two of them, I was surprised when I felt a sting in my chest at the mention of the word girlfriend. He's always blabbing of how's 'bros before hoes'. In this case, I'm the bros, If he breaks that rule I'll break his dick. I smirk evilly at myself, that would be fun.

I turn the TV off losing track of what was happening. I turn my phone on and scroll through Instagram until I fall asleep with it in my hand.


The alarm is ringing!

Well yeah, I know I can hear it.

Then turn it off it's hurting my ears.

I argue with my inner self suffering in my misery. I turn it off once I get tired of hearing the same song over and over again.

I sit on the bed and stretch my back and hands while Examining my surroundings, I realize, I'm in my room. I doubted the couch was that comfortable anyway.

A smile takes place on my lips, knowing exactly who took me back to my bed. I rise, change my clothes, and head to the kitchen.

Bringing back memories of my mom's cooking, I make an Italian bruschetta with a caffè latte. I put two plates on the table and do the last touches. When I finish, I take a step back and observe my masterpiece in satisfaction.


Time to wake bestie up. I enter his room tiptoeing my way to the curtains and throw them wide open allowing the morning sun to slap his face, hard I hope.

"Rise and shine, lover boy" I sing being too bright for a morning. Gabriel groans covering his face with the bedsheets "let me sleep, it's Saturday for God's sake"

"Tututu, you don't disobey momma, plus I want to know how the date went so wake up I made breakfast," I say going to the door.


"So Gaby, tell me how did it go?"I ask between my bites.

Gabriel takes a sip from his shop and answers "it was nice, we talked a lot. The more I know about her the more I get involved with her. She's pure and sweet like a candy". Wow, he's fantasizing.

I feel a lump in my throat, but ignore it and take a sip from my latte a bit sharply before I speak smiling "that's so cute Gabriel. Who thought you were the romantic type? I seriously thought your heart is a stone" I smirk but add sweetly " But for real I'm happy for you. if she makes you happy, that's all that matter"

We finish our breakfast, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and sit in the living room, feeling bored as hell, At least I do.

"Gaby, I'm bored" I complain turning to look at him and snatch his phone from his hands. He eyes his Mobile, sighs and asks "Okay, what do you want to do? "

"Let me think" I put my hand on my chin, then when I get it I say " Oooh, let's go see a movie"

Gaby gets his keys and declares "let's go"

We reach the cinema and park.

"What do you want to watch? " He questions. I answer walking slowly to the box office to buy tickets "avengers end game". He states looking at me annoyed "Andy, you watched it like, 5 times ". I smile innocently at him" When did I ask? "

"Ask for what? "He talks confused. And I remark pleased with my comeback " When did I ask for your opinion? "


He groans but doesn't protest. That's right boy, know your limits! We buy popcorn and soda and go to see the movie.


We exit the hall where the movie was playing, after 3h and 2 min, and Head to the exit.

I glare at a laughing mess Gabriel, wanting nothing more than to take that perfect toothy smile out of his face. He calms himself and looks at my bloodshot red eyes, and I'm sure, puffy face, with his blue eyes. "Oh please, shut the fuck up" I spit my patience almost ending for his rubbish.

"Okay, okay. I'm gonna stop. But for real Andy, you saw that movie for the 6th time and you're still crying" He says not stopping.

I put my hand on my chest and speak wiping a tear "I can't help it, I'm too sensitive". He snorts " You sensitive? Sensitive my ass, you scare everyone at the office" He then adds opening the car's door "you only act like that around me, and somehow it makes me feel special" Gabriel finishes smirking and gets into the vehicle.

I get into the passengers' seat ready to shoot my comeback "don't flatter yourself, amor. It's just that, casual me and work me are two different personalities. I need to be ruthless at work for you to be successful"

"Sometimes I forget that you're Italian" He confesses smirking. I was hoping he argues back.

Gabriel drives and offers, not taking his eyes off the road "what do you think about visiting that café? ".

"You mean the one across work's street? "I ask looking at him. He nods and I murmur a quick sure playing a song into the car's radio.

The car ride didn't take long, since the coffee shop wasn't far from the cinema, and I have listened to two songs only. The moment I walk into the café, I spot a certain blondie and look at Gabriel with a smugly smile on my face "now I know why you love coming to this café". He whispers smiling at bailey "shut it, don't embarrass me"

We take seats and order ourselves drinks. "Hey, guys," Says bailey cheerfully smiling at the two of us. I answer her greeting and wait for them to talk but The blond girl keeps looking everywhere with an awkward smile. well, a girl knows when she's not wanted.

"I'll sit at a near table to give you two love birds some privacy," I tell them moving to another empty table.

I make myself comfortable and open TikTok to pass time when I hear my name slipping out of Bailey's mouth. My focus goes to their conversation Unintentionally and hear Gabriel saying "sweetheart, come on, me and Andrea, that's the last thing to happen on earth, not to forget, she's older than me. It would never work". That was bitter! He could've just declined. That was mean and it's hurting more than it should, but he isn't wrong though we could never work.

I see my drink being served on the table, I take it declaring "I'll walk home, I need some fresh air". immediately, Gabriel protests " You can't go by yourself, the penthouse is too far from here and it's already past 6"

"I'm not a child Gabriel, I can manage on myself" I argue back keeping a straight face. I look at bailey and spare her a smile before departing.

I know why it hurt, I never thought of that douchebag as more than a friend. The fact that he talked about me as if I'm a disease hurt my ego.

I walk Absent-minded through the streets of Chicago, the breeze playing with my light brown hair. That's by the way, turns blond in the sun.

I smile to myself.

After a 30 mins walk, and I'm not kidding. I go up the stairs and into the penthouse. I throw myself on the bed and think.

When was the last time I went into a club? That's it I'm going to have some fun tonight.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

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