《The Chairman's Assitant》chapter 5


"we're done. The board meeting will be held at 3 o'clock," Says Andrea checking the agenda we just finished that is sitting on my desk with the rest of the mess. We've been sitting in my office since 9 in the morning discussing the meeting for straight an hour and making sure everything is well done and in place.

"Did you make sure every committee member received the documents and reports regarding the meeting? "

"Mm-hmm," she hums

"I'm going now. I need to amaze our new client with my speaking skills. Don't miss me too much," She says leaving to the door, but not before blowing me a kiss in the air. I make a gagging face then smile at her which she responds to by sticking her tongue out and scrunching her nose, closing the door in the process. I always thought that boys are the childish ones, not girls. Maybe she changed her gender? Is that why she hates being called Andy?

Or maybe you need a cup of coffee? My mind argues smartly.

I spin one time in my chair then agree with the last suggestion.

I enter the elevator and press the button to the first floor. Since for some reason, we don't have a cafeteria in the building I'll have to visit blondie at her work.

Well, It's not like I'm complaining. And I've been waiting for her text since our last meeting but got nothing, I wonder if she changed her mind. Or maybe thought I'm some kind of creep? maybe I am.

The doors open and I exit the elevator heading out of the place. On my way, I hear good mornings which I respond to with one of my own.

I look at the receptionist's desk at the entrance and stare in astonishment as I see blondie arguing with Ashley, the secretary.

"I'm sorry miss, I can't let you in without an appointment," that was Ashley speaking politely. I could hear their voices clearly because the desk is near the entrance, it's weird how they didn't notice me yet. I mean come on I'm not small.

"Look I told you, I know Gabriel. Just...just tell him Bailey is here," I walk slowly and stand behind blondie. As soon as the receptionist notices my presence she stops talking and says " Good morning sir"

Blondie turns around and smiles "hey". I smile back and get my attention back to Ashely "I'll take it from here now, thank you, Ashley," Obviously I won't be screaming at her when she's doing her job, I was the one that said I don't like being bothered while at work.

I tell Bailey that we'll talk once we're in my office and lead her way. Once we're in, I ask "So Bailey, how can I help you? Is everything okay? "


She avoids my gaze wandering everywhere with those mesmerizing green eyes "Well this is embarrassing. I kind of lost your phone number?" She talks or more like asks biting her lower lip.

"That's not a problem, but how did you find me?" I ask wondering.

"Googled your name, it wasn't hard at all," She answers forgetting her embarrassment.

Being famous makes you lose your privacy. I sigh and shake my imaginary Head.

"Since you're here," I start but stop when Andrea breaks into the room, literally breaks into the room. Saying," Hey bitch, I'm back"

How professional Andy.

Andy stops at her tracks once she sees blondie and talks, smirking "ooh, I'm sorry I didn't know you had company," Meanwhile Bailey keeps looking between the two of us.

"What do you need Andrea?"I asked glaring at her. She answers pointing to the papers in her hands" I need you to sign some papers,"

"I'll wait outside," Blondie offers with a smile and gets out after I smile back with acknowledgment.

I take the papers from Andrea's hand and wait for the question "Who was that?" She asks sitting on top of my desk. I could say crush but I'm 24, maybe love interest will be good "could be Future girlfriend," Not what I expected to say...

It took Andrea some time to react. She turns toward my face and starts pinching my cheeks "oh! I can't believe my gabby grew up and finally is going to have a girlfriend" she continues wiping an unexisting tear with one hand and putting the other on my shoulder "I'm so proud of you little guy," I swear this girl can get super annoying at times.

I roll my eyes at her and say "are you done? I have a date to prepare?" then smirk. She smirks herself and replies "Okay lover boy,"

Andrea exits the room smiling at blondie telling her that she can go in now.

She sits in the chair across from mine and asks "I wish I'm not bothering you,"

Well technically I got plenty of time to pass until the next meeting, so you're not. I answer smiling " No you're not"

"So love, about that date we're having. What do you think about a dinner tonight?" I ask praying that nothing interrupts my speech. She thinks then speaks "Sure, it can work," then smiles sweetly.

"I'll pick you up at 8. Is it good?" I ask again and she nods smiling.


I check myself in the mirror for the last time before turning around to Andy, standing by the door wearing her green pajama shorts with a matching shirt and watching me get ready.


"Damn, Gabriel is going all out for that pretty girl, huh" she teases playfully. I answer getting a bit nervous " Yeah I kind of like her. She's intriguing "

She drops her playful acts and tells me kindly "don't be nervous dude, just be yourself. I'm sure she'll love you" Well, that was something new. I look at her smiling and ask " Should I bring her roses? "

" Roses are red, I'm going to bed " She smirks and then leaves the room. And ladies and gentlemen Andy is back.

I exit my penthouse and get into my sports car then drive toward Bailey's apartment.

Once I arrive I text her that I have arrived. We exchanged numbers this morning before she left and made sure we both saved them.

I lay on my door's car and wait for her to come down at any moment. She appears through the building door dressed in a lovely flowery dress that complements her body and her hair had beautiful blond curls.

I walk toward her and compliment "you look stunning". I offer my hand for blondie to take then guide her to the car. She stands while I open the door and get into the vehicle as I jog into the other side, get into my seat and take off.

We chit-chat a bit then stop talking. We remain silent for the rest of the ride and enjoy the comfortable aura around us.

We arrive at the restaurant. After I park and open the door for blondie to descend from the vehicle like a total gentleman, we go in.

"Hello Mr carter, please follow me to your table," The server says and we follow him into a private area of the restaurant where calm music was playing.

I sit once I made sure I did all those cliché things Andrea said if a guy did to her she'll fall in love, like taking her chair back.

"Tell me, Bailey, I want to know more about you" I mutter putting my hands on the table. Blondie chuckles probably chocked from how much original I'm being, and questions "what do you want to know?"

"Tell me about you, how you grew up, about your family, your likes and dislikes anything about you would be perfect"

She keeps eye contact when talking and her expressions get sadder with every word "As a start, my childhood wasn't the best. my mom died when I was 8. After her death, my dad hated me and blamed it on me when I don't even know what has happened then" then laughs at the end trying to brush it off.

I feel bad, maybe I pushed her too much. " I'm sorry I didn't..." " ... Know" she Cuts me off and continues my statement "it's fine really, there's no way you would've known" She adds smiling sadly.

I reach for her hand that's sitting on the table and squeeze it with mine in reassurance saying "the past is the past, let's focus on the future"

She nods smiling brightly again "what about you? Tell me about yourself"

I take my hand from hers when realizing I've been holding it for too long and recount my story " well, my mother died when she gave birth to me so I don't have any memory of her, but I have a pretty good relationship with my dad. He did his best raising me to be a good man and I'm thankful for all the blessings I have"

The waitresses bring our food at the same time the music changes. They walk one by one in union and put it down at our table.

Blondie smiles warmly before indulging in her food.

When we get into the dessert I talk again breaking the comfortable silence "what about college, you said you took biology how is it going? "

"it's going well. I'm working hard, I want to work in a laboratory as a biochemist but it needs an advanced degree, so I'm doing my best to make my mom proud" she answers her eyes glittering.

I run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to fix it and speak my mind " I'm sure you'll manage, love" Then add smirking " You know? people who are passionate really fuel my interest"

I high-five myself in my head and pat myself's back, bro, that was smooth.

She grins and says " Oh really? " Well, look at that, blondie is getting comfortable.

"Yeah really" I answer still smirking.


I unlock the door of my apartment slowly trying to be quiet. after the date finished, I drove Bailly back to her house, and now here I am sneaking into my own house.

It's around midnight, so I'm guessing Andrea is probably sleeping. I throw my keys on the couch then look back to find Andy sleeping there. She's hugging her legs and laying her head on the sofa. I get close to pick her up and move my hands in the air trying to find the right position. When I find it I pick her up and head to her room. She can be cute when she's not talking. I notice.

I tuck her in her bed and throw a blanket on her thin body, then head out to my room.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

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