《The Chairman's Assitant》chapter 4


Gabriel's pov:

I lay on my bed at 10 pm after taking a bath, wanting nothing more than sleep.

I look at the ceiling not focusing on anything in particular, as I start recalling the day that was spent at work. I had three meetings in a row this morning and had discussed our next project with Andrea after lunch to start executing as soon as possible.

I get frustrated thinking more about work therefore I push those thoughts back and start wondering back to bailey. Throughout the day I kept thinking about her, her cute smile and smooth voice.

Blondie's image gets stuck in my head as I feel myself drift off to sleep and get knocked out.


I wake up early and wait in my bed for Andrea to burst into my room noisily like every morning.

I check my alarm for the time and read 6:30 am. I raise from my bed confused about where she is.

Usually, at the time it's 6:10 am she's already in the room.

I head to the kitchen as soon as the smell of the delicious food hits my nose. I find her sitting at the table with her bacon and omelet dish in front of her. I search for my plate but find nothing, she didn't spare me some breakfast?

I get lost in my confusion still standing next to the doorframe, facing Andrea's back.

She was talking to me professionally yesterday too. Not a single joke or tease was heard from her. Then it suddenly hits me, she's mad because I called her fat! This is her revenge.

I stand next to her with a smirk on my face "good morning, I can see you're in a good mood" I tease and she glares at me then goes back to her food as if I didn't say anything.


I tittle my head, look at her face and say messing her hair "owww, is my little Andy mad at me? "

"Your little Andy is going to rip your hand off if you don't move it in 5 seconds," She threatens annoyed.

I take my hand off her hair mumbling "okay, jeez!"

I make myself comfortable on the chair across from hers then try to get a smile from her "you know? You look cute when you get all angry and stuff" Still no reaction.

After minutes of heavy silence, I surrender "okay Andrea I'm sorry, this time I'll buy you food for real I promise"

"And?" She says with raised eyebrows.

"And I apologize for calling you fat,"

That's when she smiles " FINALLY!! " She finishes.

"You're not getting breakfast though"



I walk into the crowded café and glance at the cash register, at a certain blondie. When she catches my gaze she waves with her hand and smiles shyly then goes back to work.

I note that I must talk to her after I order the food. Andrea would kill me if I forgot again.

I order two sandwiches, one salad, and a cappuccino once it was my turn and wait for my food.

15 minutes later Bailey brought my food after switching her place at the register with some other girl.

She leans on the table and asks casually " So, what are you doing here? "

"Getting food " I answer pointing to the food. She smiles sheepishly while murmuring "right".

"Why? Where you hoping for something else?" I smirk.

Blondie's face turns a bit red and answers trying to seem cool " No, just asking"

I change the topic asking about her injury And she dismisses sitting on a nearby chair "it's fine "


I ask again trying to break the awkward aura around, not enjoying it a bit "what time is your shift finished?"

"I'm done actually. I was going to go home"Bailey states.

" In that case, I'll walk you home if you don't mind" I offer praying that I don't get rejected for a silly thing like taking a girl home.

"Sure, let's go" She accepts my offer and takes off to the door with me following near behind.

We exit the café and walk While chit-chatting. I ask her about herself, every time she answers I get this feeling that the information I'm getting isn't enough as if something is pulling me to know more about this girl that I find intriguing, and I know it's not a passing phase.

She stops in her tracks, looks at her shoes and asks politely "can you wait a minute, I'll tie my shoelaces real quick"

This is my time to show my forgotten flirting talent!

I get on one knee not to propose, before she could tie them, and say "let me tie your shoes I don't want you falling for anyone else," Then finish the job with a perfect butterfly knot. I catch her blushing when I stand up again then blondie starts laughing.

We keep asking each other about casual things like hobbies, work, college... Meanwhile, I try to remember another pickup line I read on Pinterest once.

Who thought it would get handy? When I try it in my head a couple of times I ask randomly "do you like raisins? " She looks at me confused but answers regardless "yes?" I add with a normal face "how do you feel about a date?"

Bailey starts laughing while I'm waiting for her response patiently "You're smooth in this. Why not"

Thank you Pinterest.

I'm going to ask about the date when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I grab it and see that I have a message from on my lock screen. NO! Her food, I still have her stupid food!

Terror washes over me as I'm about to open the text message, I click on it quickly and read slowly.


If I don't have my damn food in 10 minutes I'm gonna burn this whole fucking building.


"Are you okay? " Asks Bailey snapping me out of my horrifying imagines of Andrea laughing an evil laugh while walking through the fire that she made in the building.

Okay, maybe I exaggerated.

I answer the girl that's looking concerned "I'm fine, I just have to go now, you'll be okay on your own? "

"Yeah, I'll be fine don't worry. I'll text you to talk about the date" she says, I nod and start heading to the office as fast as I can in hopes of saving myself alongside the innocent lives in that building.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

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