《Sold to my Mate (COMPLETED)》Chapter 18


Kai's POV

'Bro, get down to my room'

I know what that means. She never wants me in her room, she like "privacy".

I open the office door and jog down the hallway. I open her door and there is my Amara laying on the floor holding her leg, almost crying. I run over to her and kneel in front of her, worry spreading over my face.

"We were shifted laying on the pier and then I smelt rouges and we ran and she tripped on a tree root", Kat says

"Are you ok", I ask Amara

"I'll live", she tries to smile

"I called you because she needs to get it wrapped and she cant walk. I'm not strong", Kat said

I nodded. I pick Amara up bridal style as she winced

"You ok", I asked

She nodded, clearly lying

Every step down the stairs she winced and I felt horrible. We finally got to the pack doctor and I set her on the examining table. She held her ankle again, so it didn't hurt.

The doc wrapped it and gave her crutches

"Thanks doc", I smiled and shook his hand

We went back upstairs to our room and she laid down on the bed.

"I want food", she whined

"What kind", I asked

She started thinking, god she's cute

"Spaghetti-Os", she smiled looking innocent

"God, your a kid", I rolled my eyes and she giggled

I went down and made her Spaghetti-Os. I brought them up to her and she was sleeping.

Staring at her I think 'how did I get this lucky?'

I set down the noodles next to her and I go to my side and get under the covers. I pull into my chest and rest my head in the crook of her neck

"Night sweetheart", I mumbled

"Mmh", she said

I soon feel asleep, until something woke me up

"What are you doing here", I say getting mad

"She's mine", he said from the corner.

Hey guys!

I'm sorry I'm getting really slow with updates, but school :( Also my friend's cat died recently and she gave me an idea for a book, so I'm writing that in memory of her cat. It's called "The Angel's Demon". It's not up yet, because I only have 3 parts. I'll try to be more quick with my updates

~Stay you

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