《Sold to my Mate (COMPLETED)》Chapter 17


Amara's POV

"I'm not wearing that", I said and crossed my arms

"Yes, you are. I didn't spend $50 on your for nothing. Wear one of these", she said and pointing at the clothes in front of me on her bed

"Fine", I roll my eyes and grab the blue bra

"YAY", she smiled jumping up and down clapping her hands like a child

I dragged my feet to the bathroom and put it on. I slowly walked out after putting my shirt back on

She grinned "You can totally tell a difference", she grinned

I rolled my eyes and put my flannel on

"Where are you going", she asked

"To Texas, obviously", I said sarcastically

I went downstairs and out the door with her on my trail

"Where are you going", she asked again

"On a run", I said and went behind a bush and took my clothes off and shifted. I came out of the bush and she shifted into a brown wolf.

We ran through the woods and when we got to the edge of the border and laid on the cliff and just stared at the view and the clear water reflecting the sun.

'We have to go like now', Kat says and leaps up

'Why', I ask


I leap up and we sprint back. I of course trip with my paws and yelp. She stops and grabs the back of my neck with her mouth lightly and pulls me up. We run as hard as we can and run in the door to the house as wolves and run up to Kat's room. We slam the door shut and lock it.

"That was close", I said once I shifted back

"Yea", she said

I tried to move but yelped/

"Klutz", she laughed

I flipped her off


I know this is super short but I have homework

Stay lovely


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