《Sold to my Mate (COMPLETED)》Chapter 19


Kai's POV


I soon feel asleep, until something woke me up

"What are you doing here", I say getting mad

"She's mine", he said from the corner.


Kai's POV

"Last time I fucking checked, she's my mate", I said getting up slowly

We went outside the room and went downstairs

"Who are you anyways", I said sitting at the bar

"Her mate", he said in a duh tone

"What makes you think she's yours", I asked getting a little pissed

"I can feel it", he said

"Well, she's not"

"Maybe she has two mates", I said

"I mean, its happened before, you ever hear about Liz and Cade, Fay and Carter", he asked

"No", I said

We stood in silence

"What are we going to do", I sighed

"Easy", she can come with me and you will deal", he said and nodded

"Fuck no", I said

"Why don't we let her decide", he said

"Ok, but come back later, she's sleeping", I say

"Oh fuck no", he said walking into the living room

"Where are you going", I asked

"The couch looks comfy", he said going on the couch

"Fine. Just don't steal anything", I say

"I'm from the Silver moon Pack", he said "I'm loaded"

"Whatever, just don't die", I said

"Thanks", he said sarcastically

I headed up the stairs and back to my beautiful mate. How could she have two mates. It only happens to wolves that either got rejected, or never got accepted.

I stopped

I never accepted her the proper way. That's why there is another mate, just incase they get rejected.

A sigh of relief flashed over me. I'll just accept her tomorrow and this will be all over

I got into bed and snuggled back up to Amara. I'm not going to do it like some rouge, I'm going to take her on a date, lay in the back of the old pickup and watch the stars, just talking and laughing. It will be perfect. I started planning every little detail out will I waited for to sleep to welcome me like an old friend, As almost as if on cue, right when I was finished planning, my eyes drooped shut and I welcomed sleep like an old friend.


It's been awhile since I last updated, and this time I have no excuses. It's short, because its 12:18 in the morning and I was suppose to be in bed like yesterday. Anyway I'm trying to make them longer but I'm not James Patterson, Stephen King, or the famous JK Rowling. I hope you enjoy and more updates soon. If you feel like it, comment anything you think I should add or have something happen, because tbh I'm running out of ideas.

"Things change, friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody." ― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower


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