《System Holders》Chapter 6


Everyone woke up bright and early, at 6am. This was pretty standard for everyone except Carl and Jill mainly because Jack has always woken up at 6am because of school. Matt and Adam usually wake up at 5am anyways because of work. If it wasn't for their systems Carl and Jill wouldn't have woken up.

"Before we head off, go in the back garden and use your abilities so you know what they do". Zeon aimed this at specifically Jack, Jill and Adam since they got their magic done late, excluding Jill but she didn't feel up to it when she got home.

Whilst Jack, Jill and Adam went in the back garden. Carl and his Dad sort of just hovered. Unlike the other three they didn't have magic type abilities. Because of this, Matt felt extremely out of place. Not only did he not have any cool abilities, he had an ability which his own system disagreed with. When he was trying to sleep at night, he couldn't help feel useless. He tried his best to cast aside his emotions but he isn't a robot. It wasn't that easy.

"I guess I'll go first since I'm curious". Jack wanted to get this over with because the description didn't give him hope.

Jack stood there and casted 'Barrier'. Because he learned Mana Manipulation, this came easy to him which was strange for him, especially since he struggled so much beforehand. As Jack casted Barrier a purple circle popped up. It wasn't exactly small, but it wasn't large either. Jack played around with it for a while and he couldn't change the size of it at all. Nothing he did mattered. He gave up and thought it would come natural overtime, and moved on to 'Fireball'. A small fireball shot out and to his surprise it was actually quite fast and seemed like it'd do decent damage. Because it was fire based Jack shot in the air so he couldn't accurately guess if it would do a lot or not.

In addition to this, Zeon mentioned how certain elemental abilities don't actually need that type of manipulation, like fire manipulation for example. Although, if an ability which seems to be fire based doesn't require fire manipulation, it's safe to say that it won't be worth investing huge amounts of time into. This was the case with fireball as it was essentially a starter ability.

Jill and Adam went next but there wasn't much to showcase. Adam was only able to produce electricity and that's about it. His 'Electricity Manipulation' is nowhere near high enough to even think about creating new abilities for himself. At the moment it was just there incase he stumbled upon an electric type skill. For Jill, she had two abilities: Crucify and Rejuvenation. Because Rejuvenation required someone to be injured she didn't want to use it as she wasn't fond of the idea of her children getting hurt for her sake, but she did use Crucify. As expected, it was a spear made of water with quite a blunt end. With this, it's speed wasn't on the high end, although it would still be hard to dodge. Jill could only shoot one out with around 2 second intervals. Overtime she slowly gets exhausted when her mana depletes. Actually, this goes for everyone who uses mana, not just Jill.


With their magic showcase being done with, they moved towards the teleporters.

"Are you sure this is safe? How are you sure this is safe, and also don't you think we're moving a tad fast? It hasn't even been 24 hours and we're already planning to go into the towers. Shouldn't we just wait for the government to make a decision?". Jill asked fair questions. She didn't care how important it was to get into these towers first, her families welbeing will always be above others. It may be a selfish outlook on life but her family is very important to her.

"Of course it's safe, if you die I die too. Frankly, I don't care about the government. They probably won't even make a move anyways". WIth this, Zeon urged them in. Matt went in first and the rest followed suit.

They stood there for a solid minute. Everyone, going from Matt to Carl was in complete awe of the sheer size of the Tower. It was fucking huge. The black colour made it ominous aswell, they had no clue what to expect walking in, if anything, they didn't want to. Looking around the Tower there were a few people staring at us as we appeared out of nowhere, but they didn't come for us. They came to take pictures of the tower. People were treating this as a tourist attraction, until a family of 5 appeared out nowhere. They were wearing casual clothing, however 3 people were equipped with "weapons". A slingshot, a twig, and a fire axe.

"Oh my god, do you think they're going to go in?". A girl whispered to her friend as they were taking selfies infront of the tower.

"They're probably psycopaths or something, look, they're even bringing a small child in. I'll livestream it to make people aware, this is completely disgusting. Also look! They have a dog with them too, absolutely vile I'll call the RSPCA too". She stared at the family in disgust, although she most likely couldn't give a shit about the child or the weird looking dog. The sheer thought of her using him as clickbait made her excited.

Those two girls weren't exactly quiet and the family could hear them, but that just made Zeon impatient.

"Okay now, hurry up and move". Zeon ushered them in. Nobody knew what to expect.

As they walked in, they were met with disappointment. To say the least, it was bland. It was just like the outside, black brick walls and black brick flooring with a few torches. The only thing that was strange was that the inside seemed much bigger than it was on the outside. This is the first floor. This is where their adventure begins.


"Guard up". Zeon commanded everyone and expects everyone to listen as this could be life or death. Well, that may be a tad dramatic since it was only white rabbits on the first floor. The only thing that was different about them is that they had red eyes.

"Adam, Matt infront, Carl and Max in the middle, Jack and Jill at the back". With this everyone paid attention to Zeon's next command.

"Progress forward, to the right there's three rabbits on their own. Matt use taunt on one of them and whilst he does that Max and Carl go at him. Adam aggro two at a time and Jill and Jack target seperate ones".

"Wait what? Why am I aggroing two?". Adam was furious because he didn't understand why he was getting a harder task.

"Just do it, ask questions after". Zeon was not prepared to answer that because at the moment he was focused on the rabbits running to them.

"Do as I say!"

WIth Zeon's last shout. Everybody focused up. Carl was commanding Max and as soon as Matt used Taunt and took aggro Max ran behind the rabbit and used 'Shadow Cloud'. This ability is basically a AoE ability which does damage overtime, although this will not effect people who Max perceive as allies, so Matt was in the clear. As soon as Max did this he lunged in to take a bite out of the rabbit. Like clockwork, Carl shot his slingshot which hit one of its eyes, and Matt did the finishing blow. To say they had no clue what they were doing, they did pretty well, Matt even forgot to use Strengthen.

"Should we join them or not?". Carl asked Lamb because his Dad and himself finished quickly.

"No, leave them be they need to grow too. Just be on watch for any other rabbits coming forward".

Adam ran up to both of the rabbits and hit one of them with his sharp twig, but he used 'Slash' so the rabbit took a hefty hit and now has an open wound across his belly. With this, Jill took the opportunity and used Crucify, although it literally did nothing and just melted as it reached the rabbit. Jill was shocked and shot another one to see if it did anything, and again, it dispersed on impact and didn't impale the rabbit in the slightest. With this occurring, Jack was worried and used 'Fireball' on the already wounded Rabbit even though Zeon obstructed it and the rabbit went down with a second swing from Adam. However, there were two rabbits, not one. The rabbit bit Adam on his arm and it seemed to be quite deep.

"AAH, Mum please help me!". Adam shrunk back in pain and cried to his Mum. Jill looked at him in shock, despite it only being rabbits which were maybe a tad oversized, she was overwhelmed. She thought she was gifted because of how quickly it took for her to learn Mana Manipulation however she was not. She was weak, and had to rely on others.

The rabbit came to bite Adam again but he was in no position to block the attack as he was shocked by the pain. Jack took the initiative and used Barrier and it blocked the rabbit from biting him. However, this made the rabbit look towards Jack and Jill. These were its targets now.

Jill used Rejuvenation and a bright light applied on Adams wound, and the light stayed there until his wound disappeared. With this, the pain was gone. He ran behind the rabbit and activated Electrical Manipulation and slapped the rabbit with it. Adam expected it to do more but the rabbit maybe flinched for a half a second, if that. If Adam was experiences this would be a great opportunity, however it took Adam a second to realise he could just hit the rabbit with Slash. Which is what he did when the rabbit snapped out of his mini flinch, he should've done it during.

"Fireball incoming!". Jack shouted towards Adam so he would move out of the way.

With this Adam jolted backwards narrowly avoiding the Fireball, and it hit the rabbit and the rabbit died.

With the fight now over, they won. Although it was hard to call it a win since they came to the conclusion that they were bottom barrel dogshit. They realised they have work to do, however this ignited passion in all of them.

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