《System Holders》Chapter 4


"ZEON!" Jack screamed out in hopes to find an answer to what is going on with himself and his Mother and Adam's abilities.

"W-what do you want?". Zeon seemed more annoyed than anything as he wasn't the type to get scared easily.

"None of my abilities are working, aswell as Adam's Electrical Manipulation and my Mums Crucify and Rejuvenation, please do something".

Zeon seemed confused for a moment. "Ah, I know why. None of you have the skill Mana Manipulation. More specifically for Adam and your Mother due to the fact they have a specific element. For Jill it should be pretty simple due to her system type being a mentalist, however it's probably going to be a bit more challenging for Adam and yourself". Zeon took a breather and carried on.

"I recommend Jill going near a pond with your system and they'll explain how to do it, they probably know more than me about Mana Manipulation, and for Crucify to work they also need Water Manipulation since it's a water type. For you Jack, you just need mana manipulation for Barrier since it doesn't need a specific element, although for 'Fireball' to work you'll need Fire Manipulation". After Zeon explained he turned his direction towards Adam.

"Now, for you. I'm also a tad confused why you already have Electrical Manipulation before you even have Mana Manipulation so I think there's something more to that. These Manipulation type magics are not fighting type abilities. These abilities make sure you can even learn those elemental type abilities in the first place, and you may be able to make your own abilities when these are a high enough grade. Adam you just need to learn mana manipulation since you already have electrical manipulation. When you do have mana manipulation I suggest focusing on electrical manipulation to atleast E+ so you can create your own abilities. Honestly, I think you'll struggle the most since your system is a physicalist so they know minimum things about mana, and unfortunately everyone learns mana different so Evie wouldn't even be able to help you.". Zeon finally finished his long explanation and looked like he was done.


"I guess I'll go to the local park with Evie then, see you later. I'll bring my phone with me so message me if you need me for anything". Jill left almost instantly. She seemed to be a bit down as she thought she was useless, however after Zeon's explanation she seemed hopeful.

Life has never treat me well. I was abandoned by my Father after my Mothers death due to my looks. I was never the overly pretty, I was just average. Until I found Matt. He treated me well, and would always let me do what I wanted and never forced anything upon me. Life was getting better - until the towers occured. Instead of being a housewife and working part time. I'm now expected to fight against monsters inside a tower, and this is only the beginning apparently - this is just the tutorial. According to Evie, I also play a large role as being the support. I'm okay with being underpressure, although I'd rather not.

I reached the pond and nothing happened. I looked at Evie and it seemed like she understood what I meant.

"For now, we'll focus on Mana Manipulation as you need to use Rejuvenation at the minimum." The Ribbon stopped talking for a moment and carried on.

"Everyone inside them has mana, focus on the bloodstream. Inside of the bloodstream there are small particles known as mana. When you realise that mana is inside of you, you should be able to learn it, close your eyes and give it a try".

This didn't make much sense to me as how am I supposed to see inside of my body. But I tried anyways since Evie must be knowledgable on this topic. My eyes were closed and I saw black. I focused in on what a bloodstream would look like. It was red, nothing but red. Gushing, until I saw little crystals inside of the blood. They were blue, red, green and purple. Different colours were everywhere, I honed in on them and suddenly I felt, different. I don't necessarily feel stronger. I just feel - better.


"Congratulations you are the first person in England to open your mana stream - also known as mana manipulation. With this I will allow you to choose an element of your choice to learn manipulation with."

Although Evie seemed ecstatic, I wasn't bothered. I mean sure it was great, but I really didn't care as much as she did. I think it's because I don't fully understand everything to do with the Towers or even magic itself.

"I guess I'll choose water".

"Mana Manipulation(F+) Unlocked".

"Water Manipulation(F) Unlocked".

I flinched at the site of their grades, but with these notifications popping up, Evie the Ribbon was moving around. If she was a person, it seems like she'd be jumping around.

"You probably don't understand why this is a good thing, but usually when you learn a new skill they will be F-, meaning for Mana Manipulation you already went up two subgrades - thats great! For some reason it seems that you already understand mana and magic".

"To add to that, you picked Water which isn't a bad thing but because I'm a mentalist I can check what your aptitude for magic is, however I'm not a high enough grade for that yet, so lets hope it's Water, and it would make sense since your Inherited ability is water based".

"Uhm, why did Zeon not mention that then, the things about aptitude?". Jill asked as she was genuinely curious.

"Because he's an Informatant, he doesn't know the specifics about magic like I do, or about weaponists or physicalists for that matter. He just knows the basics thats why his information to do with us systems shouldn't be relied on. In the future and this goes for your sons and your husband aswell, ask your own system rather than Zeon as they know much more about your aptitudes and things like that".

Without realising, I was focused on my bloodstream for a few hours, and it was already getting a tad dark due to it being winter time. I should head back. This journey to the park was quite useless since in the end I didn't even need to learn Water Manipulation on my own.

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