《Rigor and Mortis》Chapter 6


I returned to Barum's house, I knocked while I was not sure how it would come out I had grasped the heart of my answer.

As he opened the door I decided to start off as honest as I can "I know what I want to do with my new life. I have fostered a life long love of adventure, the source is a story by a man named Tolkien. I was inspired by words about 'feeling the love of beautiful things' and the desire 'to wear a sword instead of a walking stick.' Since then, I have been chasing swords to switch with walking sticks."

He seemed somewhat enthused by my answer.

"You were impacted by story while young. The same could be said for knights raised on tales of chivalry and daring." Barum summarized in a way he might more naturally understand.

"Sounds about right, magic was not a real force in my home world, magic tricks and slight of hand are synonyms. So I indulged in stories while living my life, but I wanted to fell... Enchanted by the world, there is a degree of power fantasy in there too, its not all power though."

"The sword part of your guiding star. Why do you think that is?" He prods me to think deeper.

"Well, in games I played chasing the power fantasy... Well I played a few characters, hmm no. I guess I can start by saying I never cheated. There was a solo game and someone I knew cheated that for their own enjoyment."

"A sense of fairness or respect to the experience?" He attempts to conclude the thought.

"Yeah, if there was no chance I could fail, that doesn't make it a game. Its win or lose, not win or win less." I was not in love with the idea that I would be held hostage by bad die rolls, but I don't like the idea its assumed I win.


"Would you say these statements reflect your personality and beliefs?"

"No, I've been lying about the life I lead before I died, desecrating everything dear to me." I remark sarcastically.

"Alright, turnabout is fair play. But I am the one you want help from so try again." With a grin they flip negotiate a proper response.

"Well, you fundamentally can't sum up what a person is. A full person's values and sense of identity is a complex personal negotiation of values versus contradictions. But if we are to have anything close this century, I believe what I said, until the world deems fit to correct me."

"At least you conclude yourself like a Mage, you'll do. We have work to do."

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