《Free》Chapter 3: Milk Delivery Part III


He looked at me with confusion and frustration. His arm was bleeding a lot, his face was red, and my face was covered by his blood.

I couldn't move, it was as if I was in a cage, in a box. He stood up. Then suddenly he jumped, heading right in front of me.

I couldn't move, how much I tried. He punched me, he punched me hard. I felt my face becoming numb, his arm was completely blue.

I fell down.

Just when he was going to kick my head, I slashed my sword on his leg.

"HNGH!" he screamed.

I could barely see, but I stood up, and kicked his head.

My breathing was heavy. My head was very hot, and so was my body. I was sweating, bleeding, and tired.

No talking, just pure fighting, hand to hand combat. We were both barely standing at this point. He had blood running down from his head, his eyes were half open. He went in for a punch.

I quickly dodged, grabbed my sword and attacked his face with my katana. Blood was spurting everywhere, I hit his eye.

"GAARGH!!" he screamed.

I looked at him, he opened his eyes. He jumped back from the platform I was standing on.

I could feel my breathing. It was hot, very hot. We were both damaged, only one more.

I only need one more hit on him, and he's finished.

I looked at him, he was holding a stick.

I jumped down from the platform to him, but he punched me, he saw through me. He placed his foot on my head, it felt like my head was going to get crushed any second.

He pushed the stick into his arm. I could barely see all of the blood spurting out of his arm, thanks to the angle I am in, but I could hear it clearly.


His screaming was terrifying. It hurt to hear the screams, but he made sure to keep me on the ground.

I kept trying to get loose and eventually i succeeded. His leg turned blue and kicked me, I crashed into a boulder. I couldn't get my self to move, is this it?

Is this the end?

Then he said something, his eyes were wide open. Then suddenly his cut arm was back on his body. He had teleported it back, but its shaking.

He put the hands together in a weird way, his index and long finger pointing upwards and the rest pointing downwards. While holding his hands together, he put the fingers pointing up in his mouth, and started whistling.

He was bleeding everywhere, then I heard a powerful crash above me, and light was spread everywhere. I looked up, it was..

..a crows beak?

Then it looked in with its whole head, covering almost the whole roof of the mountain.

I looked back to the guy I was fighting, he was laughing and looking at the crow.

"It was close this time" he said.

He kept laughing in a weird way. "But next time you won't be this lucky".

He slowly walked towards the crow, I drew out my white katana.

Then I heard a voice.



"Shoot me" I heard again.

I looked at the sword.

"Do it, trust me on this" It said.

S-Should I do it?

"Don't worry Katsura, I will come back" It said.

Alright, I'll do this.

I didn't have much energy left, but I waited.

I waited for the right moment to hit him.

As soon as I was going to make the shot, a big shadowy figure appeared from our original entrance.

"HOOAH!!" it screamed and jumped towards the crow.


I decided to make my shot before he runs way.

I shot my sword, and I hit his shoulder.

He didn't scream or say anything, but ran away with the crow.

"HURRY SATOSHI!" someone screamed.

I could feel my eyes slowly closing, the last thing I saw was the big figure.

I suddenly woke up, I saw an ugly, big face in front of me, and a gorgeous woman's face looking both at me.

"Satoshi, he woke up!" the woman said.

I looked around, I didn't have my bandanna on, and..

..My sword is gone!

I rose up.


They both looked at me with fear.

"H-Here it is sir" the woman said and put it in front of her.


I looked at both of them.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"W-We are news reporters from Xous, we heard that some kind of incident happening here" the woman answered.

"Well, nothing happened, you can go away" I said.

"We can still help you" she said.

"You can't, I have to go now" I said.

I walked towards the entrance holding my sword with one arm and my bandanna with the other.

''H-Here take this" she said and handed me some kind of stick with a hole going through the middle.

I took it from her.

She had glasses on her, black hair.

I walked away, not saying a word.

I have to finish my battle!

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