《Changing Monster》5.Silence


I liked how the beast-kin hid, so I tried to hide like them in the green bits. While I was trying to hide, I heard a scream that felt very close. I immediately crouched and became still. Later I saw a new creature move close to the broken body, and it started eating the broken body slowly while making low sounds. The new creature was dark and had a tail that was larger than itself. Later it did something unusual. It circled the body and slowly started moving away from it. I could not see it, but I knew it was there as it was still making some sounds.

The place was getting quieter by the movement to the point that there was no sound, even the humming. It was puzzling; Was this related to the decrease in light. How are light and sound related? As I was thinking about the lack of sound, I felt a pull from my broken arm. When I turned, I saw a dark creature pulling it.

After registering the attack, I immediately struck it with my blade, and it pulled harder. In retaliation, I started hacking at it. Finally, it released me. Then it opened its mouth wide, so as to make a sound. I connected the dots with my previous experience with the Beast. I had lost my hearing again. The dark creature in front of me was definitely making sounds, but it was not moving away from me or towards me, It was relatively still.

Sounds are made by creatures, and sound might attract some creatures here. As soon as this thought formed, I started running away from the creature as fast as possible. I ran for some distance then slowed to look back, to see if there were any creatures present behind me.


When I saw no creature in my vision, I moved to a tall pillar near me. Just as I stopped, I saw something.

కొత్త శక్తి: పరుగు పరుగుతో వచ్చే సారాంశం ఖర్చు బాగా తగ్గుతుంది

I immediately understood that the scribbles should mean something, But I understood nothing after staring at them for a while. The scribbles were on top of my vision, Which felt weird as I could see what was behind them. I decided to ignore the scribbles and survey my surroundings. But wherever I moved my head, the scribbles would follow. That was getting me irritated, so I repeated strike at the scribbles. The strikes did nothing as the scribbles seemed immune.

After a while, I reaffirmed my decision to ignore the scribbles as they were not actively harming me. I tried to get my hearing to return. I repeated the expansion method to my hearing, and the humming sound returned immediately. I decided to get my hearing back whenever the humming noise stopped. Now I felt a bit more secure as I might be able to hear creatures that get close to me. As if to affirm this notion, I overheard a low sound from a faraway creature.

With my hearing sorted, I moved to my next problem: how to deal with the scribbles? They might go away on their own. I did not have confidence in that happening as the scribbles proved to be quite persistent. This was my first time trying to lose something. That made me feel a bit weird. I started this by examining my body, and I felt that there are no differences between now and the last time I checked myself. I looked at the scribbles and tried a different approach. Instead of trying to understand the scribbles, I tried to get how the scribbles felt. The scribbles only felt annoying, As that was not much of a help. I tried this again, but this time with each individual part of the scribble. Most of the parts felt like nothing. Some felt indescribable like the feeling of inside or legs.


That reminded me of what happened when I was running to the light. And that the scribbles only started appearing after I stopped running. I tried to recreate the experience by running. When that did not produce any results, I returned and sat down. I tried to remember the experience: it felt like spreading no, like expansion from my inside to the rest of the body, mainly to my legs. This time I tried to recreate the experience by only concentrating on the experience. When that did not yield, I reversed it and tried to feel the inside, and I felt what I could describe as my inside.

As I examined it, It felt like my core, A cornerstone of my existence. The scribbles have still not gone. So I continued the inspection of my core until I perceived something had happened.

The previous scribbles have gone and transformed into what I see in front of me.

పేరు: ____ జాతి: ఎముకల మనిషి స్థాయి:3 జీవిత సంక్య: ౪౫ /౬౭ స్థితిస్థాపకత: ౯౪% శక్తలు: పరుగు. ????

I immediately went back to messing with the core again, After seeing the new scribbles. After a while, I had success in removing the scribbles. By pushing in the core deeper, I can remove the scribbles. And repeating this will make the scribbles appear again. I had finally conquered the scribbles.

As time passed on: I noticed that it was starting to get a bit brighter and that more creatures were making noise. Maybe there is a relationship between light and sound? I moved from the place as I heard some sound closing near me.

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